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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Blasphemy! I don't put much stock in magazines that try and rate artists. They are all different. You can't compare, plus as time goes technique advances. The drummers now can do things that drummers 20 years could not do. I think if you ask any drummer who is knowledgeable about the history of drumming would say that Buddy Rich is the greatest drummer of all time.
  2. So glad I posed this question for advice. That is an excellent idea. Now are Lobster tails still an up charge in Chops even if you have the UDP? Also I've heard it's hit or miss if Chops will give you the free tails that they serve in the MDR on lobster night. I am going to include those in my review. Even though my main focus is UDP I want to cover all our experiences on this cruise. Looking forward to Krazy Lobster. Funny she and I have talked about our approaches to trips. We think a like. I am very anal (Can I say that?) and detail oriented so seeing everything down on paper helps me think of my planning. I do know that everything I plan can fall apart and I do have to just go with the flow. It's just a roadmap for me knowing that there are many things that can get me in the right direction. My wife is like that but she knows to just let me do my thing. I do have realistic expectations that everything could change and that I have to adapt. Seeing it helps my brain be organized enough that if changes arise I can look and see what needs to be adjusted.
  3. As many of you already know I'm planning on doing a semi live of our UDP on Symphony next month. So part of my planning is to create a schedule which includes all the restaurants we want and dining times. I know that I have to be fluid and flexible and even may have to move some restaurants around but I am interested in knowing what you think? I basically have all the restaurants covered. I figured we would eat at CP 150 twice just because we really like it and it has a great menu. Thoughts? Anything you would do different?
  4. I've done the email request and was granted a table by the window. I will add however it doesn't do much good because by the time you eat dinner it's dark out and can't see anything anyway.
  5. That's awesome I'm so glad you liked it. I have not tried the 1884 yet but I can tell you the 1956 is incredible. I plan on picking up a bottle of 1884 to compare. I hope you can find some bottles where you live.
  6. I'll say you deserved it after your hard day. Good you are doing the elevated seat for her. We got one of those for me when I had my knee replacement. I don't know why they make toilets so darn low. I'm thinking of getting some of mine replaced to a higher one. Yep I am ready. I'd start packing if I didn't think it would be a dumb idea. I hope 29 days goes fast.
  7. Great review I loved every bit of it. I would of gone crazy on the train with it being so hot. I need to get back to Venice. We were there only for a day and didnโ€™t see much. It looks like there is so much to see. Again thanks for taking us along with you. Well done Wayne.
  8. Thanks for your observations. The Sorrentoโ€™s issues seem very odd. Happy Anniversary wished to John and Sharon. I hope your celebration was a great one. Cheers to you two today. That is amazing. I need to go to that museum. Winnerโ€ฆ winnerโ€ฆ chicken dinner! I was so sad when Neil died he was one of my favorites. A true virtuoso.
  9. I find a lot of them here: https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tag/below-deck/ I agree I would like to see her again too. She an amazing chef.
  10. Sounds like from the article I read she said she would never return to BD. It will be interesting since the new season has already been shot if she was on that season or is referring to any future shooting of the series. Eddie really ruffled some feathers when he wasn't asked back and complained about the pay. I hope it involves some good bourbon. If nothing else relax. I'm excited for you. Please post a picture when you get your kitty.
  11. Iโ€™m such a bad influence on my children. After a nice dinner I made Linda and I a cocktail. I recently got a nice bottle of 100% Agave Reposado Tequila. I made a strawberry margarita with a great mix I found that is also made with 100% agave and is organic. Needless to say Charlie and Lizzy loved the smell. After I drank most of it, the kids were determined to get a taste. Hereโ€™s a pic of Charlieโ€™s head completely in the cup getting a lick. What a lush! I have to say this was one fine drink.
  12. George was helping me with a question about if there was a UDP designation on the sea pass card. He was going to look at one of his old ones. It appears that it all associated with the cabin number.
  13. Lol whatโ€™s funny is that Iโ€™ve only had Sorrentoโ€™s one time before on all my cruises. I thought it was horrible. I may need to give them another try. Usually by the time I have dinner and a show with several (more than 3) cocktails Iโ€™m usually ready for bed and not a snack. Thanks for trying. That silver dollar might be worth something.
  14. She is one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. That's hilarious! Great to hear you are having a fantastic trip. Looking forward to hearing more about it. How's the food on board? Any shortages in food or liquor?
  15. It rained most of the day here in Kansas City yesterday. Today beautiful and cool. Almost feels like fall my favorite time of year.
  16. Thank you that makes sense. This is the first time for us with the UDP so I wasnโ€™t sure how they know you have it. I hope they have a fantastic learning year. Thanks George!
  17. I don't know if they will have a special holiday menu but CP 150 is incredible. I think it would be a great choice and I like Chops too. CP 150 feels more eloquent. Perfect for a holiday meal.
  18. I have a question about sea pass cards. On our Set Sail pass it has a DX for our Deluxe Drink Pkg and a Key icon to note we have the Key. We purchased the Unlimited Dining Package and though I'm not surprised that there is no designation for it on the Set Sail, I'm wondering what there will be on the Sea Pass card to indicate that we have it. Anyone know ?
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