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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I got to the point were I unfollowed them because I did not want to read all the horror stories and negativity. I think in the long run I will be happy that I did it and it will allow me to have a better quality of life. I'm just not there yet.
  2. I think it's different with everyone. I joined a total knee replacement and recovery group on another social media site and it's amazing to hear some of the horror stories of people's recovery. Mine has been a piece of cake compared to others. I wish I was farther along and did not have some of discomfort that I'm still having but I am also exercising a lot and some of it could be that. I'm thinking about a full 2 years before I get my other knee done. I really want to feel good about the first one before I do the second.
  3. That's great. I think you will find as you do the exercises they will become easier. Cheers to you for making the commitment.
  4. For our Symphony sailing out of Miami. I got on at 11:00 CST which was midnight in Miami. Took about 30-45 seconds in before the app would let me checkin.
  5. That's a great plan and it does work Graham. My surgeon had me do pre surgery and it really helped with the everyday pain. I think you will like how it improves your knee.
  6. Thank you so much for your observations. I think it would be nice to go to Izumi for sushi appetizers and then go onto another restaurant for dinner. We love CP 150 so I am going to make reservations for them on two nights. I'm planning now for Hooked for lunch on the sea days as my wife is not a big seafood fan. Did you eat at El Logo Fresh and if so how was it? Also how were the crowds in the WJ for breakfast?
  7. I have to admit I was worried about reading this thread by the title as we will be on Symphony in 31 days. I was happy to hear everything was good. We have the UDP and I will be doing a review of it. So that I understand this right. You made reservations everyday at Izzumi for just rolls and then a reservation somewhere else for dinner, right? No problems? There has been some confusion as if the UDP is really unlimited. One other question, did you find any shortages of food or alcohol on board? How good were the bars stocked? Any liquor shortages or drinks that you could not have made?
  8. I want to watch it too. I will tell you that if you have Disney Plus the National Geographic documentary is incredible as it uses mostly actual video footage of the rescue as it was happening. Here is the trailer:
  9. Yes Graham I think Wonderland is more of novelty. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts without changing out menu items. Most people I've talked to seem like it's something you need to experience once. I had Linda look at the menu and she said there was things on there that she would like. I'll like everything. We've had the World before as dessert at the Chef's table and we are hooked. It's by far our favorite dessert of all time.
  10. I agree. I think everyone is wanting Royal to announce no more testing. I don't think that is going to happen just yet.
  11. Yes I think I will love it Linda maybe not. Sure is not an adventurous eater. She said she is up for the challenge but she doesn't eat seafood so I will have to check about what she can eat.
  12. Seems weird that Royal would have a big announcement on a Sunday.
  13. We will eat at Wonderland for the first time on Symphony this September. Looking forward to it as we have the UDP. My review will be on the UDP so I hope they do a good job for us.
  14. Finishing up cruising with cocktails with Below Deck. Made Linda Coco Locos and I had some black Manhattan’s. Hope your cruise is going great. How’s the food? Any liquor shortages?
  15. It’s really amazing what you can create by just using prompts. I would recommend seeing other images that are created and copy and pasting into notes to help create your image.
  16. She is beautiful. Glad they got her out of there as preeclampsia is pretty dangerous stuff. Linda had posteclampsia after Jonathan was born and almost died. Scary. So happy for mom and dad and the rest of your family.
  17. Midjourney is a AI based art program through Discord. You will need to create an discord account. There are plenty of YouTube tutorial videos if you search Midjourney. Here is link to the basic information. https://midjourney.gitbook.io/docs/ Keep in mind the first few images are free but if you want to create more there are several subscription rates. I pay $10/month but my limit goes pretty quickly by the time you udate and make versions. It's fun and once you get the hand of it you can create some amazing images. I think she will like it. Any questions she can email me. Hope you are having a blast. Drink a cocktail for me. Cheers! Greg
  18. Nice mooring line shot. I have always wondered with the lines that look frayed and how long they keep them in service. That is a lot of weight tugging on those lines.
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