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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Awesome! Do you know if he will still be there in January? Would love to see him again. Last time we cruised Equinox he had gone on holiday beginning that week😔
  2. So they do allow Zeniths to board with suites still? I saw a posting on a Zenith FB page where the person was saying that perk has been eliminated. I'm hoping not as I just earned Zenith!
  3. I agree to a point. But I think if you know you have Covid, or you were a cabin mate of someone who has Covid with an excellent chance of coming down with it yourself (and it is most contagious a couple days before symptoms and a couple days then), it is morally appropriate to at least wear a mask around others. Yes, people need to take responsibility for their own health. But many people remain seriously impacted by Covid despite vaccines and boosters and if I can help them also be able to live a more normal life then that is what I will do and I wish others would as well. It's all fine and good to say move on, it's not 2020. And that's true. But removing all restrictions leaves those people, and it's not a tiny percentage, unable to continue to enjoy the same things we are able to enjoy. Is your opinion then, the heck with that 10 or 20% of people - I don't like restrictions and I'll be fine so too bad, so sad? If you can't cruise anymore that's your problem, not mine. It sure sounds like it. Maybe you'd feel differently if you were one of those people or a loved one was.
  4. As well as the ethical/moral choice of whether you want to risk infecting others.
  5. If I'm remembering correctly from this past January, there is a "lounge" of sorts. Basically it is just a little separate seating area with a few soft drink options. I recommend not getting there too early so you can just board the ship.
  6. Airfares are insane but honestly it's really annoying me when people are getting free cruises and then complaining about paying airfare (not directing this specifically at you - that's a general statement). Many of us - like me - are also having to pay those high airfares and never got a free cruise offer, despite sailing on Celebrity more than 60 times over 20 years and doing some (modest) gambling on each cruise. So in December, for example, I am sailing on Solstice on a cruise that I paid full fare on, knowing that it is one of the sailings being offered free for many. I love Celebrity and this surely won't stop me from still sailing on her, but I confess it just doesn't sit well with me.
  7. I think it is a different situation if that someone is sharing a cabin with you. I think in general they stopped close contact testing
  8. Wondering if Vinod was still in Luminae? One of our favorite waiters of all time! Glad to hear you had a good experience - we are sailing in January and can't wait. One of our very favorite of all the Celebrity ships.
  9. I have sailed on Celebrity 67 times so far, with 9 more already booked. In all those cruises I have only sailed on one that I would consider a little worse for wear and that was many, many years ago on Century right before they sold her. Celebrity does a great job at maintaining their fleet. Yes, on older ships you will see some wear and tear here and there if you are looking for it. But nothing at all that deteriorates the experience in my opinion. And just as a counterpoint, I recently sailed on Eclipse and had a great cruise and found nothing at all wrong with the food. If you want brand, spanking new then book an Edge class ship. But have no fear about booking any Celebrity ship of any age.
  10. On my cruise in January, no one was able to enter the boarding area until 11:00, and then it was only highest level suites. Those of us in Sky suites had to wait a bit longer, maybe 15 min.
  11. It’s not always intentional. I’ve had flight times changed considerably after booking, especially in recent times. Sometimes it’s later, but on occasion I’ve had flights bumped up an hour or more. You might think, well, just change your flight to a later time. Not always possible as full as airplanes are these days. And with cuts in flight options people may have little choice in flight times, especially going into the smaller airports
  12. I think it would also help if people could just stay in their cabins for an hour or so longer, but I understand completely why this is not possible. It does get frustrating having to sit in crowded public areas for a good length of time waiting for your luggage # to be called.
  13. And yet for some reason you feel the need to continue to post on a Celebrity thread and say bad things about the brand. I would ask what your issues were, but frankly with 67 wonderful Celebrity cruises behind me I don't really care. Never had a bad one.
  14. That would be a good compromise. Let people walk off themselves if they want to, but require the very early birds to prove an early flight. This wasn't that big of an issue until recently when capacity increased substantially. On my recent Summit cruise the ship was full and the average age was probably 75+. All the people struggling to drag around their luggage and clogging up the elevators and lounges with more luggage than they could handle was ridiculous. This is not an ageist thing as I am not spring chicken myself, but people need to know their limits. At 70+ I know trying to drag all my luggage around is just not the smart approach. People talk about lost luggage and I know this can happen, but it is really not that common to lose luggage on the way off a ship. Been on 70+ cruises, always put my luggage out, and never a problem. Could it happen? Yes, but odds are very low.
  15. I think the people who don't want to follow the rules should be the ones not cruising -on Celebrity at least.
  16. I get it. That was exactly my point as well. Whatever happened to essentially making a contractual agreement with someone and then honoring it?! If you don't like the rules, book another type of vacation or another cruise line. Don't just thumb your nose at the rules because you don't like them. Low class. Very low class.
  17. not saying that. You have a reason to want to leave early related to ultimately catching a plane. I am talking about people who just don't feel like waiting for no reason at all and then cause congestion for everyone. And if she loves shopping, have you tried the Sawgrass Mills outlet mall? They have both high end and middle range stores - a great mall!
  18. Wow, you're lucky. I don't know the exact number of our sailing before yours, but they said the ship was full and the inside areas were almost always very, very crowded. Given the capacity the numbers had to be similar. The theater (at least for the early show) was very full. Rarely could find a seat at or near the Martini bar. Rendezvous was just about as crowded most of the time. Casino was very, very busy most nights (less so during the day). People were lined up by the dozens at dinner time waiting to get into Select dining. Was not at all unusual to see 10 people in line at Cafe al Bacio (nothing against the staff, they were very efficient). Blu needing to give out beepers regularly. Wonder why the difference? Maybe your cold weather was less cold than ours -we had a good amount of high wind and some rain which made it worse.
  19. I started cruising again last September - they never took our temperatures back then.
  20. All good information. Unfortunately even antigen tests can show positive for some time. It took me 13 days from symptom start to show a negative test. Frustrating. But I agree - definitely should do antigen rather than PCR which can show positive for weeks, or even months.
  21. True, it is much more of a cooler than a fridge. If anyone needs a real fridge for medicine storage, they need to contact special needs and get an actual refrigerator for their use.
  22. The best way to handle feedback is while onboard. Praise where it is needed, and if there are real issues raise them to the appropriate person so things can be rectified.
  23. I've had to switch to a different browser just to log in. Frustrating.
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