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Everything posted by hazeleyes46

  1. Actually I just read an article that spoke about testing and vaccines for cruise ships from this weekend and out of all the ships that have gone out since they started cruising again, only 2 people have died from covid. The death rate is not very high for cruising and not sure where you got your number for car accidents... Each year, 1.35 million people are killed on roadways around the world. Every day, almost 3,700 people are killed globally in crashes involving cars, buses, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, or pedestrians. More than half of those killed are pedestrians, motorcyclists, or cyclists.
  2. If people stopped testing and stopped talking about it, it would go away. It would be like every other cold/virus/illness.
  3. Exactly. I have been exposed many times, unvaccinated and was fine. I hate the fact I have to vaccine to cruise but I have to do what I have to do. I rely on my immune system and it has worked for over 2 years for me.
  4. Exactly and that is not fair because nothing else contagious is being quarantined.
  5. My gf is a TA and I highly doubt she would know this information either. Should we test for strep or bronchitis or the flu or any other illness that can be contagious? It seems that people who are getting covid now are getting a "normal" cold or virus so most are not scared of getting norovirus as much as they are covid. Why get hung up on one virus?
  6. It's time to move on. No one is worried if someone comes on board with the flu or pneumonia or another virus but we HAVE to test ONLY for Covid, which is not 2020 Covid anymore.
  7. Ugghhh so sorry, that stinks 😞 I only have to wear a mask at certain doctors offices. Do they actually enforce it though?
  8. No family is perfect unless you see them on social media lolololol
  9. We don't have a pool but my kids always seem to have found a friend with one. Almost all my neighbors around me have a pool so I hear them all the time in them. Still in school now so after school or on the weekends after activities as they all seem to just be ending those so they are all still busy.
  10. Agreed as I have had the same experiences with my kids. They were always entertained, especially when they were younger.
  11. Agreed. I haven't been on a "real" (which means a cruise or something relaxing where I don't have to do everyday chores) vacation in 4 years. I have had 2 cruises cancelled and trying for the 3rd. Why should kids get a pass while if an adult acts up, people will have a fit? Kids, especially older, know exactly how they should act and if there is no one reprimanding them, they will continue to act bad.
  12. That is why they have the kids clubs where they have things to keep them busy and entertained. Many kids know music beyond just today and while they might not be interested in it, they can easily find others to share their interests if they are bored by the "old" stuff.
  13. Agreed, the village should not be other vacationers having to watch your children. That pertains more to people who help raise your children on an everyday basis, not strangers trying to enjoy their time off. Time off they might not have had for years.
  14. How long are we going to be able to say this though before it turns into just kids being brats? Most kids outside of school were with their friends this entire time. I get the online school though as my kids did horribly but outside of that, life was pretty normal.
  15. 16 is STILL considered a kid to me and they can be worse at this age with the fooling around, annoying people.
  16. it might not have a negative impact but why bother when you never worried about others before this? The media have made people brainwashed that they need to go crazy with things that are just not needed. If you want to wear a mask and test for yourself, then by all means do. Don't use the excuse that you are doing it for others and think you are better for doing that (not saying just YOU, but in general).
  17. Exactly and many of us never have gone to a doctor either unless truly needed. Some have always run to doctors for sniffles and this just makes them look like they are doing the right thing now when it is overkill at this point.
  18. EXACTLY!!!! Covid should be treated like every other illness and virus. It is not this deadly disease as it was in March of 2020 and the majority of people have a cold and some, most who have underlying conditions, get it more like a flu.
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