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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. And scratch my above response ... Lol Then again same follow up question , just different reason... Why would they not change back to a proven system , when new system is clearly a $hitshow ?
  2. If this is the case , and MTD has been proven to work effectively in the past , can anyone hazard a guess to why Royal would not revert back to that working model ?
  3. And it is my belief that there is a long term strategy to have more people steered toward specialty dining options , and therefore the entire main dining experience would continue to go downhill
  4. Disappointed , as we are just turning D I hoped stsus might matter
  5. 100 ml or 1 ml ...It brought up a lot of nasty images that I previously had not considered before. I'm not sure how to move forward
  6. Agreed Which leads to a comment I made earlier that if they so choose , they (could) gradually start changing the way they implement the policy to suit their needs . And despite what someone replied to the contrary , that 'would' be a lot easier for them to get away with than an all out policy change to an issue as big as this . Cheers
  7. I can jump to the "other side " for a moment to tell you what this means . It means exactly as you think it means .( Cruise Points clearly will remain the same) But you are not acknowledging that 'cruise points' and 'tier status' could be 2 different things. This whole debate is not about Cruise Points It is about Tier Status
  8. Not at all saying you are wrong , but is it you that is clarifying this or Royal or someone else ? And if it was Clear , then why would it need to be Clarified ?
  9. Picture vindictive X wife video taping herself burning tickets 1 by 1 with an evil laugh !
  10. I am disappointed at that last statement . I have felt this was a rare healthy debate on here , and noone has turned it into rudeness . There is always a point to debate . I have actually learned a lot over the course of this thread , and have quite enjoyed the banter . Cheers
  11. I believe This is the first time I have seen you reference that maybe the policy could be interpreted differently . Most on here who are in disagreement with you , myself included , are not disagreeing about how it has been implemented in the past , I think that is clear . Instead , speaking for myself , and I believe for others,I am saying maybe the policy itself has always been different from the implementation . Leaving things vague , can often be done intentionally leaving room to change the way you actually enforce a rule ...without actually changing the 'policy'
  12. Lol.. You can have the house and the dog , But I'm keeping the D+ status !
  13. The points were earned ..I Agree completely The status was earned.. Disagree. At best the status was matched , but not earned Cheers
  14. Couldn't you simply set up an online account for them ?
  15. And to make it .. worse , (in my opinion) , let's say each of your children's significant others had 2 children each... then potentially from what some are teaching me here ? .. 6 new diamonds were created with 1 sailing and none of them EARNED anything ..
  16. And from what I;m understanding on here , both your kids significant others could also be Diamond after this cruise .... Truly insane in my opinion ! Cheers
  17. I never mentioned a 'change ' in the post you're quoting me on
  18. I guess sibling love does from time to time extend to these lengths...
  19. It definitely does sound a bit confusing as you do not seem like the typical MDR cruiser. Most people who choose to attend MDR are doing so for at least some version of the 'experience '.. Not the ' give me my food as fast I can eat it and get the heck outta here' .! Seems instead maybe you are the one seeking out something to complain about. Just my 'reasonable'observation Cheers
  20. I mean if that doesn't clearly show the problem , I don't know wwhat could ?!?
  21. I'm a couple diamond drinks in this evening , but aren't those 2 examples the same ... ?!? Cheers
  22. I'm at loss , have no idea what point you are trying to make , but in you r words ... whatever ?!?
  23. you see if people just didn't bring this ***** up , everyone would live much healthier lives !!
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