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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. From what I've seen , all or at least most !
  2. It most definitely is a huge problem However the solution is not as easy as you may think without a LOT of collateral damage and pissed off people . For example we are usually at the pool around 7:30-8 AM , and generally will spend most of the day there . Maybe an hour after we get there is when we will take a break and go grab a quick breakfast at windjammer .... Should our belongings be removed ? Should we not leave our things ? Well if you say yes, you are wrong according to the attendants we have spoken to . They have explained that is perfectly acceptable. Take it a different direction ... Someone claims their chair and decides to go cool off in the pool. Pool becomes a social interaction and they end up being 2 hours chatting . Should they come back to a chair with strangers where their belongings were ? If so , what was the cutoff before they became a hog ? Is it like go feed the meter every 20 minutes ? Sit down for a minimum of 30 minutes before you venture back to the pool ? It is a complex problem with no easy solution , hence the reason the problem exists at the level it does ! Cheers
  3. Purchased Mar. 11 Email Mar.13 No refund yet ... 16 days from purchase , 14 days from Email . Not stressing about it , will give them another week before I contact them , but I have never waited that long for a refund .
  4. Sounds great , but I'm not sure how this gets them served at the same time , just 1 after the other as we can already ..?
  5. She won't be the sole parent , you'll be there as a support person also ! And that's definitely better than the grumpy husband. And maybe you hit the nail on the head this time ... He thinks it's gonna take work to 'parent' Cheers , GL
  6. >>>>BINGO Zero violence policy ... what a joke If you don't throw this guy off , you aint throwin noone off ! Cheers
  7. I have not read any comments on this and chiming in a bit late so apologies if I am being repetitive but here it is.... I am currently in the pre planning stages of a trip which would bring my 2 adult children and significant others on an all expense paid cruise/family get together in the near future. If I had a son in law that wanted to com[plain about that I would tell him to keep his entitled A$$ home and we will go without him... and that's enough said !! Cheers
  8. interesting clarifaication , as I'm betting the actual dress code would state much more stringent requirements
  9. Agreed , It NEEDS fixing or it needs to be abandoned !
  10. ?? I wish I needed a backpack for my cash Mine fits nicely in a pretty small space :) Cheers
  11. ?? You haven't been clear which is the clear winner ... If there is one ?
  12. The first 2 were resolved pretty quickly as I was onboard ship early enough and the mass of other unhappies hadn't reached them yet . Last sailing , we boarded later so there were many , many ahead of me with the same problem , and she wasn't willing to promise me any resolution other than come to MTD tonight and I'll get you in ASAP, and I'll see if there is anything I can do past that". I followed up the complaint later that evening at guest services and she messaged someone about it. I did receive an Early Dining for the remainder . .... I did learn that if I was willing to cry...' literally' to the manager that I would have gotten a table that night. It was embarassing what I witnessed right ahead of us in line . A family of four (2 kids in the 8-10 range) , being told the exact same thing as I was , but the wife kept looking at her husband like he shouldn't give in , until finally Mom starts crying , with 10 year old girl coming to console her saying "it's OK mommy ". Before you know it they were given a table. I was gonna walk up and say " I'll have what she got ....or I'll cry too !! " Dining ,and at a proper hour is a big part of our cruise experience too but that was disgraceful ! Cheers
  13. I take offense to that ... 50 is just gettin started ! Cheers
  14. Problem is that it seems early is far and above peoples first preference . If they cannot offer enough early dining slots (which clearly never used to be a concern) , then they need to consider how to fix the issue .To make this much much worse they are also overpromising and confirming way too many people for early than they can accomodate. I did consecutive in the fall (Symphony/Explorer) and Wonder last month , and all 3 I had confirmed Early dining ( 2 of the 3 I had Email confirmations from RCL dining , with table numbers) .All 3 I showed up , headed straight to dining room to check my table only to find out I had none..... .... Embarassing the way things are being run at present . Hope they get their act together soon 1 way or another ! Cheers
  15. Early at 5:45 just about right Early at 5:00 as on wonder last month , Definitely too early
  16. You made it sound simple at least ... I believe the problem is trying to compete with Norwegian but not commiting to an all out freestyle dining is not as easy as it sounded . I have only been on 1 Norwegian sailing (11 night in 2018) and thought I was really going to miss the traditional style , but after all was said and done we probably preferred it over all.When we returned for our first post Covid cruise for b2b last fall I originally booked MTD for both sailings . After hearing many horror stories about what a disaster it seemed like we decided to change back to TD. Most foolish thing about MTD is that on our 2 sailings the earliest possible options were 6:45 and 7 PM...Might as well rename to midtime dining Cheers
  17. So I'm sure after this conversation your son and there son met and hung out the rest of the cruise >>>>Right ?
  18. I generally spend some time in hot tubs , usually after getting out of the pools just to boil for a bit to take off the chill , but on our sailing last month on Wonder one of the pools was soooo warm there was no chill to be had . Soo never dipped a toe in the tub all week It was awesome ! Cheers
  19. I don't believe you can dispense anything from machine without cup But Again ... any bar or restaurant all over the ship provide water
  20. That's an interesting question. On my only Norwegian cruise I was 'solicited' by a bartender after ordering several double rum and cokes ,.. several evenings in a row, and it was suggested to me that I would be much better off buying a large bottle ( which I was free to carry around the ship). The hassle was not worth what would have been quite a savings for me .Aside from the fact that walking around the ship looking like a drunk carrying around my 40 ouncer was also not appealing. However , never thought to ask at a bar onboard any royal ship if this were possible Cheers
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