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Everything posted by RobInMN

  1. Wow! You'd think the world was ending. I don't think anyone has indicated that Royal is going to eliminate the paper compass all together. All we know right now, is that this is just another option. Even if they eliminate the mass auto delivery, I can't imagine that if you wanted a paper compass, you would not be able to pick one up by guest services or arrange for your stateroom attendant to leave you one at turn down for the foreseeable future. Especially if the pdf version continues to be the pdf that they print for the paper copy. Will they kill it off eventually? Maybe. But I highly doubt it. Not with today's technology anyway. Maybe with some great new form of integrated augmented reality or something. I don't know. Anyway, I like the app and use it. I mark stuff I want to do (just like using a highlighter on the paper copy) and the reminders work great for me (which you can't do with the paper copy). Is it the greatest app I've used, not by a long shot. There's plenty of suggestions I could make to improve it, but it does get the job done, and there have already been some good improvements. For me, I always have my phone on me. I text with family, both on & off the cruise. I still monitor work emails to either answer quickly or route to someone else. I stream podcasts or music, I look at the Google news feed and some news web sites. And of course it is my camera. I do not FB, Twitter, or any of that, but I will keep up with CC. If you also have your phone with you at all times, also don't want to carry around a paper copy, but don't like or use the app, then the PDF version sounds perfect for you. If you still want the paper one, great! go for it! My preference is irrelevant, to you and honestly, I couldn't care less if I see you carrying one around with you all day. All this bashing of phone apps and/or complaining about not liking to read pdfs and such on you phone by zooming just seems a bit over dramatic and unnecessary at this time. Sounds like my daughter. Ever since she was old enough to form an opinion, anything she disagrees with is just stupid and "nobody likes that". And she's 22 now.
  2. Item 18: Deposits made toward Guarantees and Grand Suites and higher categories are non-refundable and subject to NRD Booking terms. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/terms-and-conditions/digital-terms-of-use-and-end-user-license-agreement Outside of the Cruise With Confidence COVID program, that's been the case for as they've had NRDs, which I found out last night was introduced in July 2017. It's also listed in item 18 above. You can also find this on your Cruise Vacation Receipt under Deposit and Final Payment Schedule.
  3. The Bionic bar is nothing more than a novelty. It's a total gimmick. I mean, how many people have actually gotten more than 1 drink from there? And I don't mean just per cruise, I mean like ever. That percentage has got to be very, very low. My family did it once, many cruises ago. 2 drinks for 3 people. Is it cool? Sure. Fun to watch, Sure. But really, once you've done it or watched it, it's "Been there, done that". I don't see people hanging out there for hours buying drink after drink. Even if you consider the fact that you are not paying one or two bartenders, whenever I have watched one, I want to say there has always been someone maintaining it. Wiping up, replacing bottles, etc. It's not "labor free". In the end, I'd have to believe that this is not a revenue generating venue for Royal. And I really don't see it categorized like other free activities that are just part of the overall cruise experience, where people more or less expect them and do them over & over.
  4. Yes, I understand what the current Celebrity policy is, and I also understand you are saying that the RC policy used to be the same. However, quoting the current Celebrity policy is not evidence of a past RC policy. That said, I did some Googling, and found references to the NRDs being started in July of 2017, and at that time, some of the articles stated that you could cancel and get the deposit minus the $100 change fee as FCCs. https://oasisoftheseasallureoftheseas.com/non-refundable-deposit-program-for-royal-caribbean-international/ and a blog post at the site we are not allowed titled "Royal Caribbean announces new non-refundable deposit program" from May 09, 2017. To answer some of the mystery as to when you have that option, they also said that NRDs would be available on cruises booked longer than 6 months out. So cruises within 6 months do not have that option. Not sure if that is still the case or not.
  5. Interesting. Could that be less on official policy and more at a CR's discretion ? All listed documentation I have seen, including on my old cruise documents, only points to what I would consider a standard definition of "Non-Refundable". That the $100pp change fee is just that, for changing dates and/or ships. Nothing about a "change" including "Cancel" such that you can cancel minus the $100. Even the Cancellation schedule, which is still the same pre & post pandemic, implies that you will loose your NRD. BTW, Yes, Unfortunately, like many of us, I was forced to do the whole FCC re-book thing during the pandemic also. But hey, in the end I parlayed everything into a good portion of a B2B 24 night total Arctic Circle and Iceland & Ireland.😁 that we just returned from about a month ago.
  6. I believe I read that is also correct. I should have added something to that effect.
  7. No. This has not changed. I believe the OP was confusing cancelling with changing (as well as CWC). If you look at your cruise receipt or google the RC website, the $100pp change fee to change date and/or ship is still there and valid.
  8. I didn't catch this statement earlier, but that could be true depending on exactly what was booked (OP didn't specify). I believe everything above JS does not allow or have the option for a refundable booking, they are NRD only. Refundable deposits are only available on JS & below. According to another popular blog site, the elimination of refundable deposits on suites was made in summer 2017.
  9. I'd like to hear from someone that flat out cancelled a cruise with NRD pre-pandemic. Everything I have seen in my past cruise statements states that you can either pay $100 change fee to change ship and/or date, or you loose your NRD to cancel. There is a cancellation schedule for how much you get back of all paid amounts above the NRD from 100% (minus NRD) before final payment to 0% within 30 days. And that hasn't really changed. No where has it ever mentioned getting any form of FCC. AFAIK, FCC only existed as part of Cruise with Confidence and the pandemic changes/promotions.
  10. I am pretty sure the OP is confusing the $100pp change fee with the ability to cancel a NRD booked cruise.
  11. I never tried to cancel a cruise pre-pandemic, but from my understanding of the definition of NRD, this sounds correct to me. If you want to cancel out-right, you loose your deposit. I would believe that this would have been the result for years pre-pandemic. During COVID, they added additional flexibility to encourage people to continue to book cruises, and apparently they don't feel like they need this anymore. However, a change should still result in the $100pp change fee. This is probably what you were thinking of when you thought you could cancel for $100pp. The change fee would be for changing your booking to a new cruise (you are booking as part of the change), and as such, it would make sense that they won't let you merge the value into another already existing booking. This I did do once pre-pandemic. Obviously you are currently upset, but if RC has been your go-to for over 20 years, I would just sit on the existing booking until you find another cruise that suites your schedule and pay the $100pp change fee. From my most recent updated Cruise Vacation Receipt 10 days ago: "These deposits are non-refundable and a change fee of $100 USD per guest will apply for ship or sail date changes."
  12. When COVID started, and all cruising was shut down, all amplifications where postponed/cancelled. There has been no word from RCI about any rescheduling of amplifications of any ships. Originally, Explorer and Allure were scheduled for 2020 and Liberty and Adventure for 2021. Allure has just 3 unaccounted for days between now and 2024. Adventure has 0. If the previous schedule holds, and they do Explorer and Allure the first year (2024 at the earliest), then that would put Liberty and Adventure at 2025 at the absolute earliest. Now, if you go and read the RCI stock threads, those days could be optimistic due to debt load and profitability. Above copy-n-pasted from here:
  13. @Russ Lomas posted while I was typing this. I think we're thinking the same way, but I'll leave my post as-is. It's somewhat redundant. What I think happened with MTD was that too many people were trying to get in from 6:00-7:00 and they could only get 1 seating. So now, as others have explained, they get the early TD seated, and then start back-filling with MTD as the early diners start leaving. And yes, we started seeing this on ships pre-pandemic also. I think it's basically a feedback loop. Limit MTD, increase Early TD, which causes MTD to be pushed back, which causes more demand on early TD, etc. I also think that there is such an increase in demand for the early seating because if you want 6:00-6:30, and you can't book a MTD until 6:45-7:30, your best option is to book early TD. That's what we ended up doing. 5:30 is a little early for us, but we also do not want to start dinner at 7:30 or after. No thank you. I will say that on a couple cruises at limited capacity during the pandemic, we really had zero problems walking up at 6:00 and getting seated almost right away, but come 6:30, the wait list line was pretty long. This was when the first reservation times were about 6:45. At full capacity, I don't know if that would really work IMO, they have just really screwed up MTD.
  14. Thanks! I really wasn't sure, but other posts made it sound like that might be the case. Glad it's not.
  15. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but if I understand correctly from other posts on the boards, if you change the number of people in the room, they will re-price the room at the current room rate, not the rates at which you booked?? In many cases, it may actually be cheaper to just have #4 be a no-show. This would be especially true if you booked super early, and only cancelling the person with a couple months to go.
  16. I don't know if any ships still do it the "old" way with 1 code for each purchased device, but on the last 5 or 6 cruises we have been on, yes. One person connects to the WiFi and it will ask you if you are creating the account or logging in. First time you will create and and you log in with your last name and cabin number (or something like that). It will then have you confirm your plan (or change it??), and then you will create a username and a password. Then on every other device, you will choose the login to an existing account option using the username and password. This way you can use the WiFi before getting to your room. And remember, it's simultaneous devices. You can use more total devices over the course of the cruise. Can't delete, so I'll just leave it here. I first read that as a question. I now see that you quoted the OP and prefixed "This:", which answered the question, not posed a new one.
  17. Royal Mystery is a game. Not sure why it's listed as 18+. We've played it a few times. It's a series of puzzles of all different types that will lead you to figuring out who committed the heist at the museum. It's pre-packaged, and single use. Pretty sure it's the same answer every time. Usually the prizes are pretty good. Like all the logo prizes. The backpack, plus hat, water bottle, the pen, highlighter, keychain, and zipper pulls! Want to know who did it?😉
  18. You create an account and 4 devices can be logged into that account at any one time. If a 5th device signs on, one of the others (random? oldest?) will be kicked off. You can can actively log out of one device before logging in with the new one and that will prevent the random disconnect. While technically against the TOS, I was able to let my wife keep one connection, and then I would use the other on my phone, and use it's wifi hotspot to share the connection with my tablet, and occasionally my laptop.
  19. Absolutely! Norway was one of the most stunning places we've visited. And in our opinion, the Arctic Circle, which aptly goes north of the Arctic Circle and up to Honningsvåg is better than just hitting the lower fjords only. Plus you can take the excursion to Nordkapp. I almost wish the cruises were reversed, with Iceland first, then Norway, because while Iceland was very cool, we felt it really sort of lost that "WOW!" factor after having just seen Norway.🤣
  20. Jewel is definitely doing some amazing itineraries the next couple years. We just did a 24 night B2B, Artic Circle and then Iceland & Ireland 20-Jun to 14-Jul. Overall, I thought Jewel appeared to be in pretty good condition. Very few minor maintenance and wear issues. For instance, the cabinet with the fridge, one of the doors was a little wonky, and the fridge was not screwed down properly. She was clean and still a beautiful ship. Did a bunch of trivia, and I'd say, the Schooner bar was probably one of my favorites on any ship we've been on. After doing Symphony and Odyssey in the last couple years, I can't say that I felt that Jewel was dated in any way. over 20 years ago, we did a weekend Monarch, and I could not imagine being on that ship for even a week. Since then, we had never done a Radiance class, just Voyager & Oasis classes, and recently Freedom (stretched Voyager) and a couple months ago Odyssey. Oasis is our favorite by far. I say that, because we were really concerned about being on such a "small" ship for 24 nights. But our fears were never realized. We could have kept going and still been having a great time. Obviously there will be turnover by the time you sail, but the staff was awesome. Hello Cloe was a great CD, the CD's entertainment staff was some of the best we've had. The dining manager was great, and I liked the captain, however his daily announcements could ramble a bit. Probably the only complaints we have are: They still operate with the old giant photo walls. Even the photo staff sounded like they hated it. I really don't think it would take much to convert to those digital photo kiosks. Seriously. The only Coke machines (the only place you can get Dr. Pepper) on the entire ship are in the back of the Windjammer. It would be nice if there was one near the coffee place or something. Smoking in the casino. The casino could really use doors. There were times that the whole atrium reeked of cigarette smoke (it's basically a chimney), and when that would happen, it would leach down the cabin halls some. This is a known issue with this class ship. The only other thing I think we really missed (just missed, not a complaint) was El Loco Fresh But honestly, we never went hungry, and I gained 10 pounds. And my wife didn't like the pizza as much as what you can get at Sorrentos. But some of that might have been supply chain issues. We had a very informative discussion with the dining manager on what they've gone through trying to source products in Europe since the supply chain issues are preventing them from getting their normal shipping crates of stuff. Oh! cookies. Cookies were in very short supply, they were having a hell of a time trying to get the same quality results with locally sourced ingredients.
  21. Partially true. It's only true for 15 & younger. 16 & up (as per OP), while still "minors" are 10 years.
  22. Existing Discussion threads. Not exactly sure which one "Summer 24" would be most appropriate for:
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