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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Mostly joking but wondering if maybe they need to send out the the unsent notifications first before the system "resets" to be current. That's just my retired IT brain coming back to life Hopeful thinking, i know.
  2. That was my thinking as well. Also my thinking as well. I'm a light sleeper & a late riser, i.e. not a morning person.🙂 But if the dog is barking at midnight, I'm okay with it. 😉
  3. I was wondering which of your kids it was. I was "hoping" (not really, wrong word but I can't think of another) that it was DS as this was his 2nd year in Canada while this was DD first year, if I remember things correctly? Disappointing that she didn't get to experience the full winter like her brother. Fingers-crossed that she recovers quickly & can enjoy spring time travels. Oh, and she has to come up with a better story as to how she broke it. Maybe racing to catch a small child as they fell off a chair lift or something like that. 😉
  4. 100% agree. My father-in-law and brother-in-law were both volunteer firefighters. Not at the same time & different fire depts. Decades after my FIL retired, active members would randomly check in on him during bad storms, power outages, etc. Guys that probably weren't even alive when he was serving would top off his generator with gas without be asked or paid. It's a close-knit community and my admiration for them run deep.
  5. I've lived in houses my entire life but have been thinking a lot of downsizing to a condo. My issue is that while I'm sure I come across as a tremendously delightful social butterfly here on CC (sarcasm), I actually value my peace and quiet above all. So pretty sure I don't want to share a wall with anyone, much less 2 walls. Or see people when sitting on my balcony, all bleary-eyed sipping coffee while in my PJ's. Hows' that for a pretty picture?
  6. Many years ago, I broke one of the bones in my wrist while skiing. My right arm was in a cast for 3 months. First month was a full cast, knuckles to shoulder and then got progressive shorter each month. Fortunately, it was at the end of winter, early spring actually, & was going to be my last time skiing for the season anyways.
  7. It's a nice sentiment but I don't think the math works in your favor. How many pro athlete are we talking about? A few hundred, maybe a couple of thousands across the NFL / NBA / MLB / NHL, plus a few tennis players and golfers? Compared to the many millions of teachers, police, firefighters, nurses, doctors? That's a lot of money. Heck, I'm pretty sure they guy that spent the last 18 hours plowing my roads while I slept comfortably probably should get Micheal Jordan money too, otherwise we'd all be home bound for the next week or two. FYI, I live in a community that has a volunteer fire department. That's take some dedication to risk your life for free. That's the kind of person I want serving my community.
  8. James Bond would have little flame throwers built into the mirrors to fire down & melt the snow/ice to stop the slide. It started here around 3 am, I think. When I went to the bathroom at 2:30 it hadn't started yet but my weather app said it was close by. Pretty sure it started as all snow, there was no trace of ice or crunchy snow underneath. About 12-13 inches over 8-9 hours although at one point we had near white-out conditions.
  9. Glad you are ok, nobody was hurt, the car is driveable with no serious damage. Depending on the car, brace yourself for the price of a mirror. I spent $1,200 on one, installed. Granted, it's one of those high tech mirrors with Blind Spot monitoring, heated & dim-able, built in turn signal and folds when you lock the car. Still, that's a far cry from the $20 "sport" mirrors I used to buy at Sears Auto Stores in the 1980's & bolt onto the car myself. Now I sound elderly. 😄
  10. Thank you for the reminder & link. Now that my driveway & roads are clear, I need get some of my kind of Voodoo.
  11. I had the same issue. even with the snow blower in the slowest gear. Needed to do half-cuts & it worked fine although it took me twice as long. But I got my 10,000 steps in!
  12. It is heavy & wet. About 12-13 inches was the final total. Temps for the 5 days are mid-to-high 30's daytime & mid-20 night time but with the longer days & stronger sun, most of it might be gone by next week. We won't be seeing 40's until middle of next week.
  13. So far about 10 inches of snow has fallen with another 3 hours to go. Its coming down fast & furious. Plow went by about 20 minutes ago & the road is completely covered. Look closely and you may see a hint of blacktop.
  14. Let me know how she likes her new phone. I also have the Galaxy S10(e) which is slightly smaller than the regular S10. I love it & it's the perfect size. However, I keep getting tempting offers from Verizon (my current carrier) and T-Mobile via AAA and AARP discounts. Since the S24 just came out, they are still charging top dollar. I'll probably wait until summer when they are giving it away.
  15. That's the way I see it. If someone is going to offer me $5 million per year to work for them, I'm not going to say "No thanks, I'm fine with minimum wage". Especially if the person hiring me is going to make $100 million off my work in the form of ticket sales, TV rights, merchandising, etc.
  16. I read somewhere that his net worth is $400 million. Not sure if he has to give up some for alimony but even with $200 million, I'm sure he can squeeze by. On just the interest.
  17. I think they are part of Cirque Du Soleil as they beginning of the halftime show acknowledged Vegas show culture including the traditional showgirls with the big feathers & headdresses. Or maybe a nod to the exotic dance clubs.
  18. I forgot about the State Farm ad with Arnold & Danny, that was also enjoyable. And I was surprised by the Scientology ad too, wondered how come they didn't feature their ship, The Freewind. It seemed like Temu had the most airtime. They sure are spending big and your friend is right, it's a Chinese owned company that is a direct competitor to Amazon & Walmart selling low cost goods direct from factories & warehouses in China. They are a legit company although a few people have had the usual concerns when dealing with overseas companies - unsafe products, skirting labor laws, etc. Not sure if any of that it true.
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