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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. @dani negreanu Just to repeat what others have said, you are not a "party pooper" so please, please, please do not limit your speaking of your "tale". We care and are concerned for you and want to know what it going on in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly. So share as much as you'd like. I'm always glad to see a post from you, no matter the subject.
  2. Is the Atrium suite overlooking the indoor pool area? Does it still turn into a night club at night? Good luck, enjoy dinner.
  3. Not even a towel reserving a chair. EDIT: Just realized that you guys are at CoCo Cay
  4. Now that I've gone down The Rabbit Hole with the Holderness family, I figured this my be of interest to our Swifties loving football fans. 🙂 Proof that Taylor Swift will win the Super Bowl. It's in the numbers.
  5. Glad it was a happy ending & when in a funk, this is the place to be to help unload the burden, even if it's just a little bit.
  6. That has to be record time for a movie to go from theater to streaming! It's actually still in some theaters.
  7. It's currently in the movie theaters. I saw it last week. Pure over-the-top action, which I enjoy. The kind of movie where you just want to have fun & not think too much, Not everybody's cup of tea but it is mine.
  8. Fingers-crossed and good luck. The sun is going to make a guest appearance by Friday so you should be good for the drive. I just looked at the LaStrada menu & it looks delish. And good thing the host is treating!!! Win Da Money!
  9. Good to know, thank you. I may browse the RCI site just out of curiosity.
  10. Here is the link to one of them. The other is probably a few pages back but should be easy to find as "Deployment" is always the first word in the title.
  11. Refreshing to see a simple answer to a simple question without the extra pontificating.🙂
  12. Makes for great discussion and Iove reading all the answers ranging from "Go for it, It's a victimless crime" to "You are the worst person in the world for even thinking about it" 🙂
  13. I'm not sure, I'm not on the ship. Just commenting on the photo from @FromSea2ShiningSea. Maybe she can inform us @Ozark_Kid also took a pic back on page 25 (post #604) and it looks to be inside & near a wall.
  14. It'll probably help to post a link to this thread on the 2 deployment threads to steer the conversation & people here. It's certainly a cruise worthy topic that some may be interested in, even if it's just speculation as this point (like 9,000 other topics on CC 🙂)
  15. Thank you. Looking forward to seeing pictures/videos of the 2nd floor of the Promenade.
  16. I'm not sure if this has been asked & answered already, but I remember a lot of speculation The Pearl on the "Icon blocks are in the house" thread. Is there anything special about it? It looks like a giant lighted staircase.
  17. Almost missed the names at the top of the manhole cover. Etched into history, forever! 😃
  18. Something about these 2 pictures I really like. I can see myself hanging out here.
  19. Is the Royal Promenade really wider compared to Oasis? From the video, it just seems less cluttered. Which is a good thing. Looks like there is a decent amount of indoor/outdoor seating at Sorrentos. Which begs the question that everyone is afraid to ask: How's the Pizza? 😉
  20. In this case, more everything is definitely a good thing.
  21. CP3O's evil twin brother? Maybe in 5 years, it'll be updated to "Wicked". As we all know by now, that's the REAL story! 😉 Hope that doesn't mean Star of the Sea's is going to get "Gone With The Wind". Although the burning of Atlanta would be a stunning special effect to see on stage.
  22. I tried that trick with Leonard. Draped a blanket over my lap & both arms of my chair, thinking he'd jump up on the arm of the chair & then step onto my hidden lap thinking is was part of the chair. Nope. I had my left arm under the blanket, right arm out of the blanket. He jumped up on the left side of the chair, saw there was no hand to pet him so lept over my hidden lap to the right side of the chair to demand petting. I'm pretty sure he shot me a look that said "I know there is a lap under that blanket, no way am I stepping on it, do you think I'm stupid?" 😆
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