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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Welcome and glad you decided to stick around. Don't worry about trying to keep up. Whenever I fall way behind, I usually only go back 4 or so pages. You can usually get the jist of what's been happening but most of us (I think) will usually miss a few topics. But as @brillohead said, nobody will get upset or take it personally if you missed a topic, whether it be good news, bad news or just sharing a recipe or favorite TV show. Plus, I think there are a few lurkers out there that don't post too. It's all good.
  2. I've always wondered the same thing. My EOB's from the insurance carrier will always list things like: "Dr. So-and-so charged $2,000, We think it should be $1,000 and will pay out $800 (80%). Your provder might bill you for the remainder. " So I wonder if I'm going to be billed $1,200 or $200? Most of the time, I never get a bill. Not sure why nor will I try to find out. I figure it's up to them to come to me. 😇
  3. Mowed my lawn earlier this week for the first time. Was little late so I had to set the mower on its highest setting. Was hoping to do one more cut at it's regular setting but oh well. With a week of rain on tap, it'd be nice & thick next time. I wonder if I can borrow any of @A&L_Ont farm equipment to cut it back to size. 😃
  4. I thought that is supposed to be the pleural form? At least that was what I learned on this thread way back when we were being taught Southerese. I was about to write that as well. Y'all (singular) when referring to one person and All Y'all (plural) when referring to a group of people. At least, that's how I remember the lesson on "How to speak like a Southern". EDIT: Never mine, I just saw @jagsfan explanation above.
  5. There sure was plenty of exciting overtime hockey yesterday with plenty of momentum shifts. Just as it should be in the playoffs. Nice to see your teams won and while I might have been on the "wrong" end, I'm ok with it. I have tickets to Game 6 next Saturday so hopefully there will be a game 6 that the Rangers win & move on to the next round. And the Blue Jays sure gave the Yankees a thumping this weekend. A good weekend for "The 416"! 😉
  6. "I flash my private parts at your favorite Auntie" is said routinely in this house. Especially when on the losing side of an argument. Agreed. I don't think I ever laughed so hard. David Hyde Pierce (Niles from Frasier) was hilarious. I wanted to see it a 2nd time, a rarity for me since there are so many plays, but it had just closed a few weeks earlier.
  7. My step-daughter lived in Houston for 6 years, beginning in 2016. She added "Y'all" and "Fixin" to her vocabulary pretty quickly. Every time I went to visit, I heard "Y'all" from her friends. She never did get used to be referred to as a "Ma'am" however. Now that she's back in NY, the "excuse me, ma'am" has been replace by "Yo, Lady!". I wonder which she prefers? 🤣
  8. Am I the only one that picked up on the "hooked on Deadliest Catch" pun? And that you were "the one that got away"?
  9. I turned the heat back on yesterday for "just a bit" to take the chill of the house. 24 hours later, it's still on. Even though the temps will go down to 36F tonight, I'll turn the heat off before going to bed. Tomorrow will be sunny & 70 and a possible 80 on Friday.
  10. Another reason why I love my doctor. One of the advantages to him now belonging to a big medical group is that they have everything under one roof. Doctors in 40+ specialties, an Urgent Care room, labs, imaging equipment, etc, all under 1 roof. A few years after my father died of lung cancer, I developed a nagging cough that was particularly bothersome first thing in the morning. I never smoked but I did grow up in a family of smokers. Both parents were life long smokers, a lot of their friends, my 3 older siblings & their spouses, etc. I remember many nights a a kid when the living room, kitchen, etc was filled with cigarette smoke. So while being around smokers never bothered me, second hand smoke was a bit of a concern. At my annual physical, I expressed my concern. My doctor asked if I had time - I did as I took the day off from work - he placed an order for a x-ray, told me to go downstairs to the imaging lab and then my choice. I could go home & he'd call me with the news or I could go cross the street, have lunch and come back as he'd have the results by then. Fearing the worst, I chose to have lunch and come back. I did have to wait about 20 minutes to get the x-ray & about 20 minutes when I cam back for the results. But he saw me in between patients, delivered the good news that nothing showed up and I was on m way. While I did have a co-pay for the x-ray, the physical was 100% covered by insurance and there was no change for the 2nd "consultation". Oh, and the cough went away a few days later.
  11. Two days of 90 degree temps - officially I think Thursday was only 89 but I'm rounding up - was nice with no humidity. But now the normal 60's degree April days coming up are going to feel chilly!
  12. Late Breakfast at the diner this morning. Along with the Bacon, ham, sausage & cheese omelet, I noticed I could get a "side order" of grits. I put "side order" in quotes since it's almost as big as the main order. Little pasty at first but after a few globs of butter and some salt&pepper, quite tasty. Maybe not the healthiest of choices but I'll have a house salad later to balance it out. 😋
  13. Bathing suits can be damp. Making the chair damp. Making it yucky for the next customer.
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