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Everything posted by quilty964

  1. Good morning and happy Monday! It's a great day in Wisconsin for sports fans...the Brewers are in the Playoffs, the Badgers won, and the Packers had a great win yesterday. DH watched football all day long! I think I'll pass on the food today, but I've bookmarked several of the recipes from the last few days. Never visited the port, but the photos look interesting. Food service workers are very much appreciated. I don't read comic books, but my Reading Buddy kiddos like them. Diary of a Wimpy Kid seems to be a popular series. I'm more of a beer rather than wine person. We went to a Fund Raiser beer tasting event for a local kids baseball league on Saturday. Some I liked, and some, not so much! Hearing loss is hard...sign language and hearing aids are very important. Prayers for all who need them, and cheers to the rest! To everyone cruising...Enjoy! It's a few months for our annual winter cruise. Have a great day!
  2. @smitty34877So sorry to hear of Lou's passing. My sincere condolences to you and your family. May good memories bring you peace in the days ahead. I'll take a cheeseburger and rice krispy treats any day. The last time we tried to make the treats, the M&M's melted and it was a mess, but, they tasted ok! I'm off to our Library for a Crafternoon! Our library has lots of fun stuff for all, ages 0 -?? Have a good day, K.
  3. @durangoscotsSorry to hear about your dad, prayers that the happy memories give you some peace. @kazu, cruisers and everyone in the path of Lee, prayers that you all stay safe during the storms. @mamaofamiprayers that all goes well with your DH, and that the surgery is done quickly. @rafinmdit's good to hear that you're feeling better! I'm having a quiet day today, DH is gone, so it is a little quieter here! (I think "quiet" day was yesterday!) I've been working on the projects for our 6th grade sewing class, I'm going to miss next week - going on a quilters bus trip! I think I have everything set for them on Wednesday! Just made caprese chicken for supper. It's easy, and we have lots of tomatoes and basil to use up. Have a good rest of the day! K.
  4. Happy Sunday, the pictures from today are wonderful...would love to visit there! I knew all of my grandparents, but we had to drive a few hours to visit both sets. My paternal grandmother was a very " crafty" person. She loved to knit and sew. All of our Barbie clothes were made by her. When I look at those little sleeves, I wonder how she did all of that! My sister has all of those clothes at her house! She didn't knit for a while, but memories came back to her when she had to move to a nursing home...she started making baby caps again. I have a sewing machine, and started today on a baby boy quilt. Our church quilting group sews for our baptisms, and also for other people in need of a warm hug from a quilt. Our 2 grand-daughters are also starting to sew, they each have made a couple of quilts! Prayers for @rafinmd, hope your case of covid is an easy one and that you feel better soon. Take care and rest! @smitty34877Prayers for you, your husband and your family as you go through difficult times now. To everyone cruising or getting ready...Enjoy! Prayers and good thoughts for everyone who needs them. The Packers game is on now, the start of the new Love era! Go Packers!
  5. Hello all, still praying for all who are in the path of the storms. It's good to hear that folks are OK so far! We were to Israel for a land tour a while back. We landed in Tel Aviv from Athens. We went with our pastor, and a group from church. It was a special trip! The pictures today remind me of great memories from those days! The fish tacos today sound yummy, so does the drink of the day! I just got home from donating blood, and I'm feeling a bit "poorly" just now. My bp was 93/70, but I know it will be ok again soon! DH is going to be in charge of dinner while I rest with my feet up! LOL! @JazzyV& @durangoscotsI hear you when it comes to shoe issues...my New Balance shoes are my favorite, it's hard to find something to wear that's sort of dressy! I found some Vionic gold sandals for our winter cruise. Have a great evening! Karen
  6. Hello all, @cruising sisterso sad to hear about Baby Murphy today. Prayers for her, her family and her care team. @smitty34877sorry to hear about your DH and Tana, praying today is a better day for all of you. @Cruzin Terripraying your trip to the clinic goes well. Stay safe! We had a busy weekend. DGD danced at the 5th grade football game Saturday! She and her sister both love to dance, and spend many hours at the studio practicing! Then, our community had it's festival and parade this weekend. We listened to some good music and enjoyed the parade! Today, the NP from our medicare plan is coming for her wellness visit. I'm making some sauce from about 5 1/2 lbs of tomatoes now, I can smell the basil and the garlic as it's cooking! First time trying this! The pictures today look great, thanks for sharing! More prayers for all who are in the way of storms...be safe! karen
  7. @Live4cruisesSo sorry to hear about your DH. Prayers that he heals quickly with minimal pain, and can come home soon. @marshhawk@smitty34877Also prayers for Lou and Chuck. I don't have much experience, or words of wisdom, but I can pray for you caregivers also. I might try a banana split, but I'd rather have the root beer float we talked about last week! The food suggestions sound good also, thanks to @0106. I have a lot of tomatoes that are ripe, and might try to make some spaghetti sauce for the lasagna rollups! We're dog sitting tonite for our dear grand-dog! He was barking at me for 5 minutes....i figured out he wanted his dinner, but it was 2 hours early. I guess he gets a snack later! He's snoring now. @grapau27Maybe you can check out those cruises from England! We'll be on the Nieuw Statendam in February, I'm sure you'll hear lots of info here! Have a great weekend everyone! Karen
  8. Happy Tuesday! @grapau27Happy Anniversary to you and your dear Pauline! @sailingdutchy Your Vow Renewal ceremony looked wonderful! Thanks for sharing! @kazuYour meme about the "smart" things in your house is very true! I'm still trying to figure out things in our "Smart" car! The meal recipes look good today! @kochleffelHow are your kitties doing? Maybe I'm missing your updates on them. I'm busy with garden stuff here now. The tomatoes are turning red, and something is eating them just as they are ready to pick. I stopped at a farm stand the other day for corn, the farmer said it could be mice or voles, not what I wanted to hear! We picked some a bit early the other day, they're turning red in the sunshine, so I froze some now. Unfortunately, our 21 year old basement freezer died this weekend. We were able to save some food, luckily. We hope to get to a concert in the park tonite, The Britins, a Beatles tribute band. Tomorrow we're supposed to get to close to 100F...not looking forward to that. Have a great rest of your day. K
  9. Happy Sunday! It's hot and sticky here, not my favorite weather! This past winter, we went to Aruba and Curaçao, but not the "B" island. The meal today sounds good, but I think we're going out for dinner. Bees are good for the garden, but DH is allergic to some kind of bee, not sure what stung him to cause a bad reaction! @rafinmdhi, just wondering what company you went with. We're looking for a family member, and there are way too many choices, with good and bad reviews. Thanks for the pictures and sharing, have a good rest of the weekend! K
  10. Happy Relaxation Day! I just got instructions from our dear neighbor, they're going out of town for a few days, and I'll be watering all of her plants! She has a lovely yard, but has a lot of pots to water! (She's been watering my tomatoes when we're gone) @marshhawk sorry to hear about your husband and his difficulties, hopefully he's better soon. @ger_77We board on Feb. 11 for only 7 days, maybe we'll see you in person, not on the computer! @smitty34877Glad to hear your DH is making some progress! @grapau27Your gardens look lovely! The pictures today are great, we were in Glacier Bay when we went to Alaska. I'd love to go back someday. Have a grood evening, karen
  11. Happy Monday, it's great to hear some good news about Baby Murphy. I'm sure her parents were so happy to finally be able to hold her again. We saw the news about the explosion on our local news this am, so sad. Also the news about Maui, so hard to imagine what it's like to be there. Do they still make Creamsicles? I remember those, popsicles and fudgesicles from the "olden days!" We spent the weekend with family, the grands made some popsicles with homemade lemonade...they weren't sure if they got a thumbs up, or thumbs down. We need to find a recipe that turns out more the texture of popsicles, not ice! Our 10 year old granddaughter has been doing lots of cooking lately. She wanted cook books for her birthday! She made a fancy cake last week, and loves to bake chocolate chip cookies! Lots of great pictures here today. The turkey burger recipes sound interesting. We have lots of ground turkey here. A burger with ground beef is a treat! @ger_77Maybe we're on the same cruise in February...we could talk about the Green Bay Packers and their Frozen Tundra, Lambeau Field! It's been raining all day here, we sure need it! The skies are starting to look a bit brighter now. Have a good evening.
  12. Happy Thursday! It's another warm, humid day here. I'll take S'mores any day, the grands are good at making them! Our sons-in-law make the shrimp boil for our 4th of July weekend at our lake house. It's always good! The drink of the day also sounds yummy. It's very sad looking at the Lahaina pictures...prayers for them and all of the people on our cares list here. Cheers for those celebrating. Made the Baked chicken caprese last night, it was good! Our tomatoes are producing well, and I used basil from the garden also! Have a great rest of the day! All of the food and travel pics are wonderful today!
  13. Hello Dailyites, it's a warm and humid day in SE Wisconsin. The flower pictures and the travel pictures are very nice today. Sad to see the news about Maui and Lahaina today...we were there several years ago on a land trip that visited several islands. Tonight we're having the 2nd recipe posted today. I have lots of tomatoes and fresh basil to use! I'll post pictures tomorrow. Prayers, hugs to all who need them, especially Baby Murphy, her family, and all of her caregivers. Cheers to those traveling, I'm loving the pictures from @dfish and @StLouisCruisers. Have a great evening, Karen
  14. We did a partial transit in February this year. We stayed on the ship, it was nice to see everything on the way back. There were no crowds, like in the AM, and we got to see the scenery and locks in a much more relaxed situation. We walked around and saw everything up close and personal. That was not possible in the am! Enjoy your cruise.
  15. Happy Saturday! I like lasagna, DH made it a few days ago. The chicken skewers look good, might have to save a recipe! We had some bad storms roll through last night, tornado warnings around 10:30, spent some time in the basement. There was a lot of lightening and thunder that went on for a while. We got about 1.5 inches of rain that was much needed. We didn't have any power issues, but lots of power outages not far away. @grapau27Thinking of you and Pauline today, may happy memories comfort you. @rafinmdI'm happy to hear of cruises that you have planned! Great news! Prayers for Baby Murphy, Sam and everyone else who needs them. @StLouisCruisersHave a wonderful cruise! Bon Voyage! @Cruzin TerriHoping you get all of your house problems solved quickly and easily. Also, hoping DH's incision heals nicely. We're going to a birthday party this afternoon, and then German Fest in Milwaukee tomorrow. Milwaukee has a large park area on Lake Michigan, and there are many ethnic festivals there during the summer, along with Summerfest, a very big Music festival! We might also go to a local bar where a very fun band is playing this evening! Have a great day! Karen
  16. Just wondering where you would see the $50.00 OBC added to your account? I've looked, but don't see an updated account. We also "re-applied" for the veteran credit, got the email that it was approved, but again, no updated invoice. I sent an email to our personal cruise consultant, but haven't heard from him in 1.5 weeks...
  17. I don't think I can say Happy Monday, so many difficulties today. Prayers for all that need them, especially Sam and Baby Murphy. Hoping everyone has a better evening and tomorrow! We had Grands over this afternoon, they are very busy, but fun! To all of the people on cruises---Have Fun! We booked our winter vacation, that's something to look forward to! K Our favorite drive through is Culvers!
  18. Glad to hear your grandson is OK! Enjoy your journey, I'm anxious to follow along with you!
  19. Happy Wednesday! @Seasick SailorOliver is a cutie, enjoy him, and thank you for rescuing him!
  20. Happy Tuesday! Not sure about the drink or meal for the day. DH got a big hug this morning! The pesto dish yesterday looked good, I have some basil growing I might need to use up! @kazuGood to hear that Ivan is feeling better, hoping all goes well with his meds. My niece and her DH live in Tucson, she said a monsoon went through yesterday. In her words, it was "messy." She didn't say much more, but they do have a wash area near their house. So sad about the missing little children in the flood waters. Weather sure has been "something else" around here lately. Our air quality is in the fair range here today, it was rather hazy a few days ago. Hoping everyone is surviving that. Prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest! K
  21. Happy Sunday! Our church had an outdoor service today. We have a wonderful grove of trees to do it, and the weather was great! I'm going to say nope to the snakes today, the drink sounds good, so does the meal. I like the quote. I think it should also include something about using a calculator for math. 1st medicare wellness check up the dr. asked me to count backwards by 7's. I don't think I could have done that in my younger years either! Math was not my forte! Good to hear that Baby Murphy is making slow progress! Thinking about all who need hugs, and cheers for those celebrating.
  22. Happy Thursday! It's cool, but humid here, with warmer temps coming later today and tomorrow. It's Harley Fest here this weekend...their 120th anniversary. We'll see lots of them around this weekend, lots of parties planned around the area! I'm sure we'll hear a lot of rumbling the next few days. The meal sounds good today, but I've never made salmon burgers. We've never been to the Polynesian Islands, but we did visit the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii several years ago, does that count? Ha! @grapau27Fools Paradise Day sounds interesting, maybe we can all leave our troubles behind us today. Prayers and cheers for all who need them, have a great day. karen
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