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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. I’m a big dumbie and I didn’t bring my underwater camera..but this was what my iPhone could do…little feesh and then this bright yellow coral
  2. Had a nice chat with the family next to me in the MDR; they had never been to any of these ports so I gave them the inside tips on what to do on them. On another note; no disrespect and this is just my opinion..but the amount of childhood obesity Im seeing on this cruise is absolutely ASTONISHING! seriously; it’s freakin child abuse! As a child I actually was quite healthy (I’m an 80’s kid we never were inside! Haha) but as an adult who had to feed myself, I got lazy and chose soda and fast food. My point is, an unhealthy relationship with nutrition is a BAD thing to setup a child with. and not to sound mean; but this ties back into my thoughts yesterday at Fresh Creations…I’m obviously a fat guy (But I’m trying to change!) but the people in that line with me, looked like this is the first “salad” they ever had. /soapbox off
  3. I’m not allergic to anything, thank God. However I’m also not trying to lose “easy” calories to food I absolute don’t need/love. It honestly was my mistake; I’m a little scatterbrained today (I realized this morning I didn’t pack my beach bag last night, so I was scrambling to do it this morning)
  4. Damnit! I just realized they put cheese on this! I don’t need that extra fat and dairy 😞 EDIT: I guess it’s mostly my fault; I forgot to say NO CHEESE.
  5. Good morning from Grand Turk! Today is a overcast day; rain is expected from 12-2. Eating breakfast in the Festivale MDR; ordered the same breakfast as yesterday, sans the Brunch Potatoes (they didn’t have them today)
  6. Love&Marriage was “meh”. Time for siesta..gotta wake up at 6:45am so I can get breakfast before heading out to HomeSweetHome excursion at 9. (Maaan; I wake up at 6am to fight a 150-minute commute…waking up at 6:45 is for the birds!)
  7. No; I work in Silicon Valley; only live in farm valley.
  8. You just can’t spend anymore. I’ve tapped out a credit card in the casino and the “charging ability” on your card gets disabled…you’re broooooooke.
  9. Luxky yall..even though I’m not “officially” on call more than one week a month; believe me I’m the staff..so when it’s time to disagree they come to me.
  10. Holy shoot! I just saw Magneto (Ian McLellan) from across the theatre! He told me he’s ok with me being here.
  11. Got a seat for the Late-Night Love&Marriage show; always guranteed to be a riot.
  12. I give off a weird vibe; because I’m socially ackward. i guess it honestly makes no difference; but so far I’ve bounced around machines. yes; I actually “fast play” until I see 800 points on the screen; then cash out..walk over to the kiosk and cash out whatever I have; although going forward I don’t think I’ll “fast play”; because I’m 99% sure ToD is also taken into consideration (Time On Device) but I just HATE that my clothes smell like an absolute ashtray after being in the casino.
  13. Foooood I also slammed an old fashioned in the interim..caught a little buzz.
  14. I know. I’m definitely on the spectrum so it’s just my odd ass brain to think something like that.
  15. Haha I actually just noticed the other two “tables” are active and talking..mine is DEAD silent..I think I’m honestly making everyone uncomfortable; because NO one is talking to their partner.. I think it’s my shifty eyes
  16. I think this is the first time I didn’t order the filet at Teppenyaki; I instead did Lobster and Black Cod (trying to eat less of the red meat) lol; all the rest of the people at my “table” are couples (and a father/daughter) they’re probably like “who is this butthole; in that he’s a loner”
  17. Shirt of choice for the day (I’ll do this in the mornings going forward)
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