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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. Damnit! I shouldn’t have had that drink..it made me feel kinda full..and I wanted to be able to try all this stuff at ChiBang.
  2. Just watched Manny Acosta’s comedy set..pretty funny. also; just saw the dancing lion/dragon go into ChiBang; which I missed damnit haha. Maybe they’ll come back when I’m in there shortly.
  3. Just realized an 18+ comedy show is happening at 6:45 and I had nothing else planned (read: todo). Ordered my first sugary booze drink (PunchLiner); because I walked up and down 5 flights of stairs to get up to the cabin to drop the cash off and then back down here. I am planning on going to Chibang for dinner; so I just gotta time my “check-in” just right. i think I’ll skip Cucina on this sailing; only because I can get it on any ship. however I DO think I’m going to Emeril’s for dinner one night..to get some seafood (I had his food before back in the day at MGM in Vegas..his BBQ shrump were gooooood)
  4. So I played today’s $2000 slowly..no host approached me. i was getting absolutely RINSED for the first MAJORITY… then I got a couple good bonuses to end up with $1751..a little lower than the EV of $1800; but I’ll accept it. i just need to have one of the next two days be a break-even or WIN; to get close to overall EV.
  5. What a weird thing..there’s a butterfly flying around on my balcony…I’ve NEVER seen that on a cruise ship
  6. As a funny comment about being a loner.. On the way back from HSH, I got on the bus in (for the most part) the front of the line..absolutely NO ONE would sit next to me..until the VERRRRRY last person had no alternative, haha. On the way there I actually sat down next to an older gentleman from Kentucky and we had a nice chat about San Francisco (his son was at UCSF when he was a baby in 99; because he has a rare brain defect…he said it was the ONLY place in the US that would take him and even then they didn’t expect him to live..but he said he just celebrated his 25th birthday)
  7. Man; this is the life..laying in bed and this is my window.
  8. That’s no good; I mean if you have ZERO intention of playing up to whatever number they gave you, by all means..but I already had intended on playing 4000 points before the day-before the last day. i honestly figured they’d of given me a food comp first..but I think the reason they haven’t is; I play my 800 daily points in like MAYBE 15 minutes. (And I move machines quickly); So they can never get a lock on me..I think tonight I’ll “slow play” it. See if they’ll come find me an offer me some food (another teppenyaki would suit me Just fine)
  9. Came back to the room for the home field advantage; found this waiting for me..I THINK it’s a bear?
  10. I believe one of them is going to..either the Venezia or Firenze; I SWEAR I saw an Alaska itinerary for it. (And thought about jumping on it!)
  11. lol only something my nerds at work would say.. ”damn that’s a big ass network switch above the artwork!” ”what does that banner on the couch say!?” (I totally Didn’t even realize I framed it with the “FU” in view)
  12. I noticed street eats was open..I couldn’t pass it up! dumplings and Indian food!
  13. Fooood lol, as I got it I realized there’s two other sandwiches I want to try also.
  14. Well Java Blue had no grab-n-go at all (only drinks); so am at the Deli getting a Carne. (I also just noticed they don’t have fries at this deli) while the line was long; I loaded up my gift cards…timed it just right to walk to deli with no line.
  15. On my way to check out what Java Blue may have; and possibly go to the Deli. also gotta load up another $2000 in gift cards
  16. I actually saw a good looking woman; who MIGHT not be a “not nice person” at the HSH today (well, I thought she was attractive, but I have been told I have low standards haha). She was with what looked like her mom; but she was in the water by herself..of course I didn’t have the balls to actually say hi. (It’s still a little too soon for me) but in this weight loss journey and with the new teeth; I definitely was feeling GOOD today. (Until on the way back walking by the gift shops and thinking about the shot glasses..the “wife” collects them) BUT; I’m trying to stay strong I mean what idiot WOULDNT take a free cruise to here: (picture)
  17. Came back to my cabin to find this on my door.. intersting..I’ve NEVER gotten something like this before..lucky for them that’s the exact plan, to make earn 3200 by tomorrow night.
  18. no problems at all (and I hate being hot!) my cabin is actually almost TOO cool for me (I bring a 12” deskfan that’s been running on low the whole time)
  19. Thanks for the tip! I actually didn’t even think about that! (Last time on her; it was clutch to pickup Gatorade’s)
  20. I would 1000% recommend this again! MAYBE we got super lucky that there are only two ships in port today (us and the Freedom; and it came in at 11) but HomeSweetHome was GREAT! Only had about 40 people total there (I don’t see how they can actually have more than MAYBE 60; because there’s just not that many loungers on the beach) it’s TOTALLY private and relaxed. I snapped a photo of the area where Jack’s Shack is, for comparison. Grand Turk may be my new favorite port (trumping St Thomas; for Honeymoon Beach) The only negative for HomeSweetHome is it’s $100 a person..but they did have good WiFi, a great lunch and included beer, island drinks, and soda’s.
  21. You know what’s odd..the amount of people (with what I call “prison”) tattoos..literally like old ass faded black ink that’s illegible; that looks like it was done with a hot sewing needle and a ballpoint pen. Now, I can appreciate good body art, believe me..but like I said, these looks like something you’d get in prison (or maybe a WW2 vet)
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