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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. I actually switched lines to the Huevos Rancheros/Arepas line..Apparently arepa dough is corn, so that’s ok also with the Huevos I can just eat everything but the tortilla
  2. Pretty good line for Blue Iguana..I don’t see any “bowls” so I’ll just open the burrito and eat the “guts” hahahaha
  3. Thanks and of course I will; who else would I talk to? (I don’t have any friends and I’m an only child; my coworkers are my only “friends” [we’ve all been together for 8 years now] but I’m SURE they’re tired of taking an ear-banging from me)
  4. Going to see if Blue Iguana can make me a burrito breakfast bowl
  5. Almost the last shirt of the day.. showing some hometown love with the fastest thing in the valley
  6. Haha I forgot to tell this story yesterday.. So when I was in the lunch line at Blue Lagoon, they had corn on the cobb (which was really good BTW) and the people in front of me were like “No corn..you know your body doesn’t digest it, and if your body can’t digest it, I won’t put it in.” LOL! This is honestly the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard..all because you can see corn kernels in your poo. HAHAHAHAHAHHA You can’t make this stuff up
  7. I also want to add that I’m doing all this stuff for my health and to lose weight (to at least get from an “Obese” BMI, down to the top of the “Normal” range) because there’s a 99% chance I’ll be back on the dating market, and I can’t be looking like a 2/10 otherwise I’ll end up with a 2/10. (You can’t ask for what you don’t offer) same rules apply for my new teeth.
  8. I have had a blast! I had never been to Grand Turk before; and I absolutely loved it at HSH. I had been to Nassau three times before, but all hotel stays at Atlantis; So from watching @LifeWithFavor on YT, I knew I wanted to check out the Blue Lagoon…and it was awesome too! In the DR, I’ve done MonkeyLand; I DO want to do the Dajamagua Falls..but it was just tooo damn hot to hike through the jungle. Food has been good, I like that I tried new things (New ChiBang dinner menu, Emerils) I AM proud of myself for getting up on the SeaDays and putting in the mile on the track. (I didn’t do it on port days because I was too rushed for time…and DR day was just too damn hot to be outside!) Im a little disappointed that I drank probably too many PURE SUGAR drinks. (But I really wanted to try that “Kiss on the Lips” because it looked/sounded like a frozen mango dessert! And it pretty much was, haha) IF I get a CBS offer under the door today/tommorow, I may see about booking a carnival for Labor Day..as my work mandated we WFH that week, and I don’t have anything planned yet.
  9. OK! So we’re past the ugliness now. So let’s move on.. I forgot to post dinner pictures..haha the chicken breast honestly was no better then I make at home in the air fryer (all I use is a little olive oil) and then there’s the coveted lobster McNugget for apps I had the Cesar’s salad and the mushroom soup (which was a little too salty for me, sadly)
  10. It’s also not too fun to invest, invest, invest and then one day have a heart attack and die.. yes I am investing but I am also out living life blowing money because tommorow isn’t promised.
  11. I invest in SPY $1000 a month (as well as maxing out my 401k)
  12. How ever you wanna look at it. From now on I’m just going to do things that are in writing. (Not gamble, even if it was an AP) It’s not the money because I honestly couldn’t care less about it…it’s about me doing something I said i wasn’t going to do..AND also eating later than I wanted to and now it’s 11:09 and I’m JUST getting back in the room; and I need to wake up early and put my mile in. Maybe I can take a nap after doing the mile. For anyone that wants to pile on; I played back the $950 that was left of the $200 (cost $1800) gift card…and tossed in the fire $3000 of my own. I am now at ~15,000 slot points; which is rediccc. Luckily my next four cruises are Princess in comped Penthouse suites with plus package and $2500 freeplay (which I’ll wash out on video poker, and that I can trust to get 90% of it returned in my pocket) (so that’ll be like $8000 over the course of the rest of the year) At least know i know; it was an experiment and it failed epically. (I almost *knew* the slots were MUCH lower payback than Nevada, even though the Signage and documentation says their Class-III machines with return’s in line with Nevada.
  13. At least now I know not to put my trust in math and numbers; but to trust in money in my own pocket
  14. Yea this counts the same as an alcoholic that fell off the wagon
  15. Hopefully I can get back on that ONE hot video poker machine after dinner. if I can run this $755 up to $1000 I’ll call it. That $1800 gift cards is lost. I know that. in I guess brighter news? I’m just about up to 10,000 slot points. (So tommorow night for dinner I may ask for some comps for ChiBang or something; that chili lobster was BANGIN..or I just pay for it haha also; got the invite for Diamond/Platinum party tommorow
  16. I really screwed the pooch today man; 8:30 is really cutting it late for me to eat dinner.
  17. Finally going to eat at 8:28. Also ran good and am up $755. (I mean I’ve clawed back $755 of $2800) annnd dinner is a cluster they assigned me a table in the back; which someone else was sitting at (full table) so we had to walk all the way back up
  18. This evenings ensemble and JFC! just checked into MDR..90-90 minute wait!! People must want that free lobster! ALSO, sadly I lost control and dumped the remaining $950 of that $1800 worth of gift cards..plus $1000 of my own. stupid too because I actually had ran the $950 up to $1500; so I’d of only been out of pocket $300. Buut I’m an addict and probably abou to throw another $1000 away trying to chase SOME of it.
  19. Holy crap that’s UNREAL! this $2000 coin/in returned $950!! I honestly can’t believe that! That’s MORE than a 47.5% return!! There’s NO way a 90% return game could be THAT bad.
  20. Man I timed that just right once I sat down to eat Guys got LIIIIINED up
  21. I jogged up the stairs to deck 17 (from 11) and I’m finally having Guy’s for the first (and probably only) time this voyage.
  22. Not to disappoint this far in the cruise; Shirt Du Jour (will only have it on for a few hours as I have to put on my “formal” clothes for Lobster in the MDR
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