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Everything posted by TLCOhio

  1. From earlier this week, here is a little "wildlife sampling" from our back ravine yard area. Below is a young deer at the fence "up close and personal". Notice the eye? The name of "Buckeye" comes from the Native American term for "Eye of the Buck". Lots of Buckeye tree here that gave off Buckeye nuts that looked like the "Eye of the Buck" associated with the native deer. Notice in the third picture, three deer in the lower wooded area with a daffodil in the foreground? Also, below is a hawk up in the trees with the wide wing span. By the way, our back fences mean nothing to these deer. They just quickly jump over without any hesitation. Quick and easy for them. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  2. Great point!! There are parts of Utah and the West that only get 8-10" of rain for the whole year. All twelve months and 365 days. That's massive! Cannot image how a very flat area such as in and around Fort Lauderdale can manage that much rain. In Central Ohio, we have varied terrain that help move the water towards creek, streams and river. Not as much down there in that part of Florida. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  3. Great that you are port till 11 pm. You will have more flexibility and options. From the very helpful Kagan Kosagan, here is more background: "Currently, between 7am to 9am, it is closed for visits due to cleaning process. Other than that, during Ramadan period (ending on Apr 21st), Hagia Sophia is open for visits 24 hours. After Ramadan, info we have is that it will be closed at 10pm, yet, there is no official statement - If there is a recent one, I must have missed it. Currently, the best time to visit is 6.30pm - and even this does not work as expected sometimes since we are not the only clever ones out there. Doing classical Old City tours, Grand Bazaar was our last stop of the day since it closes at 7pm. Nowadays, we do Grand Bazaar and then visit Hagia Sophia as the last stop of the day. But then, many ships leave Istanbul at 5-6-7pm. Repeating what I noted earlier, speaking as a tour guide who used to put Hagia Sophia to the center of his Old City explanations... some may not agree with following words... hurts to say but visiting Hagia Sophia nowadays is like visiting a second mosque. For guests who prefer not to wait long in lines, Old City does offer many other things." Good luck. Let me know any other questions. It is great to have a skilled Istanbul expert who can share updated information as conditions are always evolving and changing. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,693 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/
  4. Appreciate from Spins these details and the follow-ups. WOW!!! What a mess when the airport needs to be closed and you get that massive amount of rain. Been watching and following this story on TV news. Hard to image. Glad you are surviving and doing reasonably well. It is perfect weather up in Ohio, sunny, no rain, getting several needed projects done outside, etc. Keep us posted as to your continued progress. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  5. YES!! Great news. Also, excellent question from worldtraveller99 in London about: "When will the COVID card stop being valid?" We are getting back to some form closer to "normal", but there are still many unanswered questions and a certain form of "sailing in uncharted waters". Right or wrong? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  6. Appreciate your great follow-up question at this very popular Istanbul attraction. Have sent a message to Karan asking as to the best alternative hours for there. Will keep you posted as to what I hear back. From the Washington Post and Bloomberg News four days ago, they had this headline: “Why Erdogan Faces a Close Race in Turkey’s Election” with these highlights: “Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who wields almost unbridled power in Turkey, is seeking another term in presidential and parliamentary elections on May 14. With the nation facing an economic crisis and struggling to recover from devastating earthquakes, polls suggest a tight race that could threaten his 20-year rule, the longest in Turkey’s history. The quakes left tens of thousands people dead and triggered criticism of the government’s response.” For those planning travel in Turkey in the next few months, it is good to keep in mind these various issues now facing this major country. Here is more background: "Erdogan has been seen as an increasingly authoritarian leader after effectively shifting Turkey to an executive presidency with sweeping powers in 2018. The election comes as the nation is contending with the worst cost-of-living crisis in two decades. Erdogan remains Turkey’s most popular politician, but his Justice and Development Party has lost support among the poor, who had been among its most stalwart backers. Though Turkey’s opposition parties rarely coordinate strategy, this time Erdogan faces a serious challenge from a six-party opposition bloc as well as from a separate, pro-Kurdish political group. Turkey’s inflation rate slowed to 50.5% in April, having reached a 24-year peak of 85.5% in October. Pandemic disruptions and the war in Ukraine have fueled inflation in many nations, but Erdogan’s unconventional economic views have amplified the problem in Turkey." It has been one hundred years since 1923 when the "modern Turkey" leader Kemal Ataturk became President and the nation was formed as a Republic. Ataturk was their leader until he died in 1938. Part of this upcoming election is about . . . how much for the future is this nation more "secular" . . . versus . . . Islamic-focused?? Does Turkey more align with the West versus more with Middle East leaders? That is why this May election is being watched so very closely. Full story at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/04/07/why-erdogan-s-reelection-bid-in-turkey-isn-t-a-sure-bet/eb1953ee-d503-11ed-ac8b-cd7da05168e9_story.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,295 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/
  7. Super appreciate and love these great comments and follow-up from 5waldos in Colorado. Yes, Yes!! I salute your great philosophy and approach. Seize the moment and go for it!! Life has its "reasonable risks" and we can manage it, hopefully. Excellent and FUN post from Catlover54. Loved this wonderful sense of humor and looking into the future. Doubt that I will ever be able to say "I've been on 954 cruises." But, maybe, we can all dream and have wishful desires? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,693 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/
  8. YES!! Great to hear, Les, that your Japan "adventure" is getting so very close! Are you going to be on the April 19, Silver Whisper, Tokyo to Tokyo sailing? Or, on the longer sailing that is going to Alaska? Good luck with the various and changing testing requirements and staying healthy. Appreciate and super strongly second the great suggestion by worldtraveller99 that you do many postings about your exploring in and around Japan. Also, will you been doing the Silversea "Mid-Voyage Land Adventure: Treasures of Kyoto"? Why am I so interested? We are booked for February, 2024, on the Silver Moon for Mumbai to Singapore with extra time in India pre-cruise and also post-cruise extended in Singapore. For our return with American Airlines Frequent Flyer miles, our best and only option is going back through Tokyo. We just finalized our return flights and we will have three days to explore in and around Tokyo. This will be our first time for all of these exotic and interesting locations. Looking for your keen insights and smart tips about Tokyo and Japan. Plus, would love good suggestions from any others experienced on Tokyo, Singapore, etc. Tell us more!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,295 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/
  9. Appreciate these comments and follow-ups as to how certain phrases or initials can cause confusion. Such are the challenges for traveling these days around the world Covid has created challenges, but there are still the "old favorites" of unrest, strikes, etc. Never easy or simple?? From the Wall Street Journal yesterday, they had this headline: “Paris Protests and Israel Unrest Aren’t Stopping Travelers" with this sub-headline: "Guideposts for visiting popular tourist destinations experiencing strife.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “Public demonstrations and strikes have made life hard for travelers this year. Nationwide demonstrations have gripped France as citizens have voiced their anger over President Emmanuel Macron’s plan for pension reform. The protests have curtailed Paris’s public transportation and temporarily closed attractions such as the Eiffel Tower. Large protests have also occurred in Israel in recent months against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, including a labor strike that affected Ben-Gurion Airport. A transit strike in Germany brought most air and rail travel to a halt in late March.” Additionally, here is more background: "Yet travelers continue showing up. Occupancy in Paris hotels since the start of the pension protests in mid-January has been 68.1%, higher than the same period in 2022 and 2019. Civil unrest frequently affects travel plans. But the difference now, travel companies and tourists say, is that many are unwilling to cancel plans after a few years of pandemic-limited travel." Agree or disagree that many travelers are pretty determined to catch up and work around certain risks and/or interruptions?? Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/paris-protests-and-israel-unrest-arent-stopping-travelers-fdcd63d1?mod=Searchresults_pos2&page=1 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog; https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/
  10. Yes, we have enjoyed Matua many times, also. Your wine prices in NY State are lower than here in Ohio. In our state, we can get at most stores a 10% discount when buying six or more bottles at one time. Those six (or more) can be mixed. Does not have to be all the same brands/types. You are not "cheap" by avoiding certain very good, higher-priced wines. Just being "smart" and economical!! Especially as there are many excellent, lower cost Sauvignon Blanc wines available. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  11. YES!!! Much to enjoy in Brazil. Our major experience there was sailing a thousand miles up the Amazon to Manaus and back. Wonderful, fun memories on the Silver Cloud with only 179 passengers for this great journey. Will be having Veal Francaise at home this evening from our favorite local Italian dining place. It is lightly breaded veal with sauteed mushrooms and green beans over pasta in a lemon butter garlic sauce. Also, had to re-stock our New Zealand wines. Below are some that I got this past week. Love Sauvignon Blanc wines that we enjoyed when visiting there in early 2020 before Covid shut us down. Most of these wines are in the reasonable and moderate price level, but still nice in quality. Would like some Cloudy Bay, but at $30 a bottle, that brand is a little too high for my budget-focused mind. Here is an Osprey visiting near our backyard patio yesterday afternoon. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 71,259 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/
  12. For our service to Celebrate Easter, below are two pictures from this morning featuring a cross with daffodils placed individually by congregation members on the wooden structure at the front of the sanctuary. The daffodils came from our yard areas. In the Spring, we have about 10K+ dafs, etc., that come up. Beautiful, perfect sunny Spring day here in Columbus. Like?? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  13. Our minister this am did not mention sharks or the Jaws movie. Nor, did we have your excellent beach sunrise setting. Ours was a more traditional service to Celebrate Easter. Here are two pictures from at our service this morning featuring a cross with daffodils placed individually by congregation members on the cross at the front of the sanctuary. The daffodils came from our yard areas. In the Spring, we have about 10K+ dafs, etc., that come up. Beautiful, perfect sunny Spring day here in Columbus. Like?? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  14. Here is another potentially key "tip" to consider before you travel to Istanbul or Turkey. Rugs?? Are such "oriental carpets" of interest for your home? There are lots of places to make such purchases and they can be shipped home. Below shows my wife and Lale at a shop where we purchased two different carpets now used and seen in our home every day. Why did we buy two? My wife and I could not agree in the showroom as to which color/shade would work best in guest suite. KEY INSIGHT?: Plan ahead and do some measurements for where you might be wanting such a carpet. Also, bring along some color samples and/or cell phone pix's for the nearby colors, fabrics, etc. The good news in these carpet sales site is that their selections and options are vast and wide-ranging. If serious, you need to "be prepared" and have thought about what you really need and want. From doing some carpet sales stops in going along the Turkish Coast, things can get very "pushy" and pressured. At one stop, a guide we had been super excellent, but turned 180 degrees. When at this carpet location, she got super saleslady-type in trying to push for people to buy, buy, buy!! We were at Punto of Istanbul for our carpets. You can check out their interesting website at: http://www.puntocarpet.com THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog; https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/
  15. Appreciate the nice follow-up from super Med historic expert cruisemom42. Must be that what was shared is accurate and up-to-date. Her expertise in this region is excellent. From Lale's husband, Kagan, here are some more items of Istanbul information that might be helpful to share: * Covid: is not an issue anymore. However, to be on the safe side, we prefer to suggest hotels having Safe Tourism Certificate. This is important especially for our guests staying at cave rooms of Cappadocia hotels. * Restoration work at Treasury Section of Topkapi Palace is not over yet. Some of the unique items of the Treasury are displayed in different sections of the Palace. * Chora Church was converted to be a mosque and is not open for visits due to restoration work. * Istanbul has a new wonderful port. It is not a port only but more like an open air shopping mall, with lots of restaurants, cafes and pubs. The good thing is: it is a place where locals get social, too. FOR VISAS: * Same games are being played again...Cruise ship passengers spending the nights over on board the ships do not need Turkish Visa. If your cruise starts from Istanbul or ends in Istanbul, then, you need a visa. In other words; if you fly to Istanbul and board a ship, you need a visa. If you fly to Istanbul and spend a few nights at a hotel, then board a ship, you need a visa. If you arrive Istanbul on board a cruise ship and do city tours but spend the nights over on board the ship, you do not need a visa. Appreciate this added background from a "top source" in Istanbul. If any added, special questions, I can try to research and check more. Hope this is all of benefit. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Summer 2019 Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska on Silver Muse, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc. Many visuals and details from our first in these scenic areas! Live/blog: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2682584-live-terryohio-silver-muse-alaska-canadarockies-pix’s/
  16. How could your wife, who knows you best, come to that conclusion???? All of us are different with our own "special qualities"!! Maybe? Hopefully? Look forward to your sharing and interesting perspectives. That is what the "Cooler" is all about. In a respectful, focused manner. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  17. Yes! Yes!! Glad that Misty and her wonderful funnies are back. Agree on "Happy Easter to all! " It looks like Spring is here in Central Ohio for certain. Below is what AccuWeather projects for us during the upcoming period. Lots of sunshine and nice temperatures. Hopefully for others, you will not have to worry about more cold temperatures, snow and ice. Bye, bye Winter!! Almost as good as being in Florida? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  18. From the Wall Street Journal late last month, they had this headline: “Booze on a Cruise Now Costs More for Travelers" with this sub-headline: "All-inclusive packages that include alcoholic beverages are a major enticement for some cruise aficionados.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “Boozy drink packages are a big reason passengers choose to book a cruise. They are also starting to cost a lot more. Cruises blame the rising price of all-inclusive drink packages over the past year on high inflation. The companies say cruise demand among travelers is very high, and lines have added capacity compared with 2019. But the industry is still recovering from the pandemic shutdown.” For sailing with Silversea, the drinks are included. Kind makes it easier for us, right? Here are some more specifics from this article: "Norwegian Cruise Line recently hiked prices for two of the drink packages available on sailings by $10. The line’s Premium Plus beverage package, which has fewer limits on what guests can order, now costs $138 a person per day. Last year, Carnival Cruise Line increased the price of its Cheers! drinks package by $8 to nearly $60 a person per day, if booked in advance. " WOW!! $138 pp per day starts to add up to "REAL MONEY"!! I doubt "inflation" is really driving up the beer and booze prices that much. Most, in my view, is about the major cruise lines trying to make some added profits to pay down their huge debts rolled up during the Covid shut-downs. Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/cruises-drink-packages-msc-carnival-norwegian-dd0d97c5 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Summer 2019 Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska on Silver Muse, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc. Many visuals and details from our first in these scenic areas! Live/blog: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2682584-live-terryohio-silver-muse-alaska-canadarockies-pix’s/
  19. From my follow-up earlier today to Lale in Istanbul, her skilled husband provided a nice summary of important background and helpful updates. Here are a few key aspects that he shared with me: * Old City is closed for city traffic. Doing classical Old City tours, we simply use trams. * Still hurts to say - last year, Hagia Sophia was converted to be a mosque. Since it is not a museum anymore, our tour guiding licenses do not give us any privileges. Lines are hopeless. Upper floor is not open for visits anymore... most of the Byzantine mosaics are covered. So, getting into Hagia Sophia today is just like getting into a second mosque! * Restoration of Blue Mosque is nearly over... expected to be opened by the end of April. * Restoration work at Basilica Cistern is over. They did a wonderful job - worths a second visit. * Due to long lasting pandemic years, that gorgeous ritual of Galata Mevlevihanesi (whirling derwish performance) is broken now... such a great loss for Istanbul. * Restoration work at Galata Tower is over now. More open space... they did a great job. Have more to share. But these items posted are very interesting. Some change there is good. Others items not as positive and perfect compared to when we visited Istanbul in 2006. Their business is doing well and they are keeping very busy. They have been spotlighted by Rick Steves and that has helped to attract folks to contact them. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 21,751 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/
  20. When we visited Abu Dhabi in 2018, we had lunch at this lavish Palace Hotel. Now there have been changes, apparently to make it even better. From the London/UK Daily Mail yesterday morning by Andrew Harris, they had this headline: “Bling on Abu Dhabi! The Emirates Palace hotel has changed hands and is even more ritzy than before” with these highlights: “Inaugurated in 2005 on land half the size of Monaco, at $3 billion it was the third costliest hotel construction in the world. First impressions are of a Gulf Grand Hotel, but it’s more than that. It sits on nearly a mile of private beach created from imported white sand (proving you can actually sell sand to the Arabs), though there’s hardly anyone in the sea, and it doesn’t feel like a beach resort, either.” Here is more from their reporting: "Inside, the 240ft-high central dome is one of the largest internal spaces in the world. With selfie-snapping tourists squeaking excitedly around its polished stone floor, it’s less a reception space and more as though St Peter’s Basilica in Rome has suddenly embraced the hospitality industry." Yes, this is a spectacular location. Not your average Holiday Inn or Marriott. Full story at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-11940913/Bling-Abu-Dhabi-Emirates-Palace-hotel-changed-hands-ritzy-before.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Panama Canal? Early 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through Panama Canal. Our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Now at 31,879 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2465580
  21. YES, tasty and moist fruit cake sounds wonderful. Even though many like to trash the idea of fruit cake, it is very enjoyable for me. My wife's late mother had an old Welsh recipe and would make one, soaked in wine, around Christmas time in the "Good Old Days". Let's see some pictures and nice to see Jeff posting here. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  22. Appreciate this great comment and a very good follow-up question. That guide, Lale Kosagan, appears to be still active, doing tours, etc. Their website is www.toursinistanbul.com Their two main e-mails are: kosagan@yahoo.com and kosagan@hotmail.com. Below is picture of Lale talking with my wife during lunch at a super scenic location. Istanbul is a city where you can do much on your own, BUT, being with someone who knows the "logistics" and can explain the background for all of the history that is there makes a huge, positive difference. We love having "conversations" with private guides as it is such a great "learning" experience to best understand what we are seeing and why it is of importance/significance. Keep the great questions coming. Happy to share more. Plus, others with Istanbul experiences, don't be shy. Love to gain more updates and insights. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Panama Canal? Early 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through Panama Canal. Our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Now at 31,879 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2465580
  23. From the New York Times Travel Section this weekend, they will have this headline: “36 Hours Tokyo” by Motoko Rich, and images by Andrew Faulk, with these highlights: “For two-and-a-half years, pandemic border controls kept international travelers out of Tokyo, leaving its neon shopping precincts and most popular temples and shrines to the locals. Now, with foreign tourists welcomed back since October, those willing to explore beyond highly trafficked neighborhoods like Harajuku, Shibuya and Shinjuku and wander down side streets in places like Setagaya or Koto will be richly rewarded with offbeat boutiques, cafes or surprising oases of natural beauty. Think of Tokyo as a warren of concealed gems, where you can drink at an artisanal bar tucked up in a small office or apartment building or taste exquisite sushi in a basement at the end of a dark street.” This detailed profile has a wide range of tips, options and potentials, including about eestaurants and bars, shopping and markets, outdoor activities and cultural attractions, where to stay and for getting around. Here is an example for one tip: "Head back into the urban fray of Ginza, Tokyo’s original luxury retail district, where you can gawk at the Issey Miyake showroom or peruse designer brands like Commes des Garcons, A Bathing Ape, Supreme and Kolor at the Dover Street Market. For far more affordable (and edible) designs, visit Ginza Akebono, a traditional Japanese confectionery shop that dates back to 1948 when Tokyo was recovering from the devastation of the war." In February 2024, we are planning for a Mumbai to Singapore, 18-day cruise. In going back home from Singapore, our best flight options with American Airlines Frequent Flyer miles would involve going through Tokyo's HND airport. We are looking at spending a day or two in Tokyo. First time for India, Singapore, Japan, etc. What other tips, suggestions, etc., can experienced Tokyo visitors share in reaction to this NY Times story? Appreciate any and all ideas and insights!! Full story at: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/04/06/travel/things-to-do-tokyo.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 242,700 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  24. Due to Good Friday, the U.S. major stock markets are closed tomorrow. Below is the update for this past week's trading. From the Wall Street Journal late this afternoon, you can see a generally downward slide for the four trading days this week. Kind of a "turn-around", not in a good way, from the previous week? Are folks concerned about the economy, a potential recession, higher fuel prices, etc.? Other factors involved? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Panama Canal? Early 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through Panama Canal. Our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Now at 31,879 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2465580 From the Wall Street Journal, here are the stock charts for the three major cruise lines for the most recent five trading days.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) Since the first of January 2023, here has been the pattern for Royal Caribbean. Kind of rocky? Started in early January at $48.71 a share. Peaked in mid February at $75.75. Then, RCL has been somewhat sliding downward since early March.:
  25. Appreciate these very good comments and follow-ups. Yes, the "Bean Counters" are busy at the cruise lines, including dealing with rising fuel costs. Not easy to be such a person counting "beans"!! From the Wall Street Journal this morning, they had this headline: “World’s Busiest Airports: Atlanta Once Again Tops the List" with this sub-headline: "Global travel is bouncing back but remains below prepandemic levels.” Here are a couple of their reporting highlights: “Like most other major airports, Atlanta still hasn’t fully bounced back from the pandemic, when air travel slowed sharply after lockdown restrictions were imposed. The number of passengers who passed through Atlanta in 2022 was 15% less than in 2019, according to ACI World. Atlanta has been the busiest airport for two straight years and three of the past four; in 2020 it was the second-busiest behind Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in southern China. The number of global travelers increased to nearly 7 billion in 2022, a 54% increase from the prior year, according to ACI World. But 2022 figures came in about 26% less than 2019.” Travel worldwide is recovering, but there is still some distance to travel before it all, including of the cruise lines, is back to pre-Covid "normal". Right or wrong? Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-worlds-busiest-airports-atlanta-once-again-tops-the-list-bb19be24?mod=hp_lead_pos11 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 21,751 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/ From the Wall Street Journal, here is their chart for the top ten most busy airports for 2022.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see this visual larger/better!)
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