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Everything posted by TLCOhio

  1. We live about three hours by car from East Palestine, Ohio. That village of a little under 5,000 people is just south of Youngstown and right next to the Pennsylvania border. Yes, this is a real mess and we still do not know how it will all "work out" for the innocent residents/victims there. Did a TV news program Friday afternoon about this situation. Have followed the detailed briefings closely and talked with a number of Ohio experts. The good news? Both political sides and even MSNBC and Fox News have been united in saying how bad things have been. All sides point to a major need for serious legal reforms. From talking with an experienced rail insider, things go back to the 1970's when many eastern railroads went through bankruptcies and various mergers resulted. The Feds took over all regulations. Controls and oversight has been weakened during recent decades. Changes legally are needed!! All agree. Norfolk Southern will not win any PR awards for how they have handled these issues and failed to keep the public properly informed. For people there in that village, their water was been tested and these deeper municipal wells are OK for now. But, homes and farms with shallower, private wells are at at a greater risk and need to be tested individually, plus using bottled water. Longer-term, there are serious questions as to how this all will affect home and property values there in this community. Rail transportation is now realized as a more vital national part of our "supply chain". And do you want too many tanker trucks on our Interstate highways hauling certain of these dangerous materials? Many such high-risk compounds cannot go via the safety pipelines. It all needs serious attention and action. Fortunately, this de-railment did not happen in a highly-populated urban area with a major loss of life. Hope this is not too much background and/or details. Any other questions? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  2. Appreciate this follow-up from our Canada/Arizona travel friend. Yes, excellent private guides can make a very positive difference. Fortunately when we visited in and around Cape Town and South Africa, the exchange rate was good and we were able to afford different private guides whose expertise fit perfectly for our needs in each different location. My tip on private guides? Look at sites such as TripAdvisor, identify four or five potential guides or tour services, write them individually with specific questions as to your personal needs and interests. See who responds and actually reads and pay attention to what you are asking. Narrow down to those who are reasonable in pricing/value, paying close attention to your needs, etc. I would ignore those who just give you back their bland "formula" offerings that don't or won't customize to your personal style and interest. If you going to do a "private tour", making it work for you, not just the guide's easiest routines. Our personal guides made things super great in South Africa. On such private tours, we love having real "conversations" with our guides to learn more and explore these scenic and fascinating areas. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 71,033 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/
  3. It's another super sunny day in Central Ohio. Need proof and evidence? Here is one of the "pets" in our backyard, wooded, ravine area. Like this squirrel? Look cute? The best thing about these "pets" like our deer, fox, birds, squirrels, etc., is that there are not costs for vet bills, food purchases, etc. Don't have to walk them, clean up their messes, etc. Such a deal? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 242,027 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/ Does this squirrel have a cute and big tail? Busy dining outside with an acorn?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  4. Appreciate the kind encouragement from Lois and others. It's another super sunny day in Central Ohio. Need proof and evidence? Here is one of the "pets" in our backyard, wooded, ravine area. Like this squirrel? Look cute? The best thing about these "pets" like our deer, fox, birds, squirrels, etc., is that there are not costs for vet bills, food purchases, etc. Don't have to walk them, clean up their messes, etc. Such a deal? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  5. Awesome added details and specifics for Singapore from Keith and a correct understanding for needing to make the "overall trip plan" work and fit. There is so much to see and do in India, Myanmar, Singapore, etc., that our limited budget and timings available cannot make ALL THINGS possible to do. Have to make choices and set correct priorities. Super LOVED Keith's little white lie about him and his wife running out of money. Cute and fun fib!!!! Great tip to understand for visiting India. Looking forward to exploring India with its great culture and history, plus a massive population in a relatively small geographic area. Am copying and saving in my trip file these specific suggestions from Keith and others. Keep it coming!! Great to learn more. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 21,608 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/
  6. Appreciate from travelberlin this follow-up and kind comments. Will be digging deeper as to Singapore and its best, most important options to consider for this fast-rising city that has become such a major economic force in the world. Lots of research and added checking to do. Great insights from those on these Cruise Critic boards. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  7. As we try to figure out the future for cruise lines and their economics, it is always interesting to follow the various financial trends affecting the wallets of many consumers. From NBC-TV News earlier this past week, they had this headline: “These high-income earners are moving back into their childhood bedrooms and putting off vacations as inflation drags on" with this sub-headline: "Many of them say the goal of owning a home is a milestone worth the sacrifice.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “With high inflation and rising interest rates on consumer debt, an increasing percentage of workers considered to be high-income earners now say they live paycheck to paycheck. According to a recent survey by the banking firm LendingClub, 64% of a representative sample of nearly 4,000 U.S. consumers now say they are just getting by. That's an increase from 61% the previous year. Among the new cohort of people who say they are newly living paycheck to paycheck, 86% pull in more than $100,000 annually, the survey found. Economic precariousness is nothing new in America. Since 1976, the percentage of respondents to a Gallup survey who said their finances were worse off than they were a year ago has been over 20%, except for only one year: 1999.” Full story at: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/high-income-earners-get-creative-to-fight-inflation-save-to-buy-a-home-rcna69597 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio AFRICA?!!?: Fun, interesting visuals, plus travel details from this early 2016 live/blog. At 53,594 views. Featuring Cape Town, South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2310337
  8. From the CBS-TV Sunday Morning segment today, they had this headline: “The art of Venetian masks” with these highlights: “It's a tradition in Venice that dates back hundreds of years, and extends far beyond Carnival celebrations and the countdown to Lent. Correspondent Seth Doane looks at the history of imaginative masks in Venice, where the only mask mandate is, the more extravagant, the better.” Watch the entire segment thought this below-connected weblink. Also, see the screen shots that I captured from this TV program starring Venice and its unique history Full TV segment at: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/the-art-of-venetian-masks/ THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Lisbon, NWSpain, Bordeaux/Brittany: Live/blog, June 2017 from Portugal to France along scenic Atlantic Coast on the Silver Spirit. Now at 33,074 views. Many pictures, details for history, food, culture, etc.: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2511358 From CBS-TV, here are few visual highlights from this fascinating segment from the program on Venice and their mask history/traditions with their correspondent on location in the famed Italian landmark. The final shot shows the annual parade down the Grand Canal connected with these celebrations.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  9. From CNN, the cable news network, this morning, they had this headline: “10 wild facts and customs about Carnival” with these highlights related to Venice: “Ash Wednesday is just around the corner (February 22). So you know what that means. Carnival celebrations for 2023 are in full force around the world. Boats fill the Grand Canal in Venice during a past Carnival, surging in popularity since returning in the modern era in 1979." Here are more details shared by CNN: "The Venice Carnival began in 1162 as a military celebration. From there, it morphed into good ol’ party time – until 1797. That’s when dour Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor, put the kibosh on the revelries (Austrians had just started calling the shots in Venice at the time). He also banned Venetians from wearing masks. During the 19th century, Venetians tried to jump-start a big public gathering, but they were able to muster only small, private fêtes. Then in the height of the Disco Era, the Italian government came to the party-time rescue. It helped Venice relaunch Carnival in 1979. It’s now grown into one of the world’s most renowned, complete with grand masked balls and flotillas in the canals.” CBS-TV Sunday Morning just had on-air a fascinating look at Venice and its unique history with masks. Will try to find a link and share more from this television news video profile staring Venice, its people, their background relating to why and how masks have done so well there. Full story at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/10-wild-facts-and-customs-about-carnival/ar-AA17G99A THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Athens & Greece: Visuals, details from two visits in a city and nearby with great history, culture and architecture. Now at 50,373 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1101008
  10. Appreciate the kind follow-up from mcmommy. Have more visuals from Rhodes to share. See below. From the London/UK Sun yesterday, they had this headline: “GREEK HEROES The holiday hangouts to save summer” with these highlights: “Off the coast of mainland Turkey, is the Dodecanese island of Rhodes, officially the sunniest island of all, with more sandy beaches, ancient temples and a medieval Old Town.” This profile offers a number of hotel/resort options where you can stay on Rhodes, depending on your needs/interests. Full story at: https://www.thesun.co.uk/travel/21137115/where-to-go-greece-summer-holidays-travel-republic/ THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ One of the best preserved mediaeval settlements in the world, Rhodes’ Old Town has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. Protected inside its imposing wall – a boundary between past and present – you can wander through a maze of narrow streets with noble buildings from the 15th and 16th centuries, mediaeval churches and Ottoman mosques, etc. Below are some of my visual highlights, including another cute cat, plus the Greek flag.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) During our Lindos tour, here was our guide showing us a drawing as to how their fortress looked during its peak, historic period.:
  11. Great, added insights and suggestions from super-savvy Keith for the varied aspects to consider with insurance, pre- and post-cruise options, etc. Will keep researching!! Many, many factors involved for such an adventure where we need to fly these long, long distances to India and back from Singapore. Lots of people love Singapore and I need to consider how much time is needed there for our interests after doing India and this long cruise. And flying back from Singapore, what is best for getting back from that location to our Midwest home? Going east or west? On "financial transparency", YES, that can be challenging as even with a few stock market-listed and SEC-filing companies, things do not aways turn out accurate and secure. Lots of "sharks" out there in the corporate worlds these days. Especially in this post-Covid cruise re-building period, there are many "Mystery Meat" questions out there for the financial challenges with so much in debt loads for all companies involved. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio AFRICA?!!?: Fun, interesting visuals, plus travel details from this early 2016 live/blog. At 53,594 views. Featuring Cape Town, South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2310337
  12. Yes!! Enjoyed, J.P., the updating pictures from Newport. Have only been there once and that was back in the mid 1970's. I assume the historic mansions and other attractions have not changed much since that time. Right? But, maybe, time to go back there? Any good food pictures/experiences to share from there? Hint! Hint! Fun posting about friends such as Charlie Horse, Arthur Itis, Will Power and Ben Gay!! Plus the Achilles' Heels, etc. On the blue-like picture posted yesterday, I got several confirmations from birding friends to whom I shared this image for it being a "Tufted Titmouse". Interesting, unique and fascinating name, right? Below are some added visuals from walking around in our backyard area with the Spring flowers coming up, UP for very early at this mid-February date. Loving the mild winter that we have experienced so far here in this part of the Midwest. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ Our Spring flowers are coming UP! at fairly early dates. In the background of this first picture, you can see how high are a group of rising Daffodils on this hillside. What happens when the next freeze happens? You can see more of the early flowers below, including the cute Snowdrops. Like these early Spring flowering offerings that prove the winter will be ending soon?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  13. Yes!! You win the prize. After your identification, I got several other confirmations from birding friends to whom I shared this image for it being a "Tufted Titmouse". Interesting, unique and fascinating name, right? Below are some added visuals from walking around in our backyard area with the Spring flowers coming up, UP for very early at this mid-February date. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ Our Spring flowers are coming UP! at fairly early dates. In the background of this first picture, you can see how high are a group of rising Daffodils on this hillside. What happens when the next freeze happens? You can see more of the early flowers below, including the cute Snowdrops. Like these early Spring flowering offerings that prove the winter will be ending soon?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  14. As always, the above information and background from super-star Keith is first-rate and well worth considering. Keith also helpfully shared on the Silversea board certain of this info. For us, the room size, caviar, etc., are not the major deciding factors. Much for us is about timing (November 2023 versus February 2024), how pre-cruise options within India for Agra, etc., would fit, etc. For Keith or any others, we know the Silversea founder is deeply involved in the New Crystal. But, how deep and solid is his financial commitment, backing and support? Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidiohas has significant wealth, but he got there by being very smart and covering his "bets" with extreme personal care. With Manfredi and Geoffrey Kent as Co-Chairman, is it reported publicly as to if any other major investors are supporting and backing up these borrowing required to buy and fix up these two older Crystal ships? How long can the Crystal cash-flow support ALL of the major start-up costs and sustain the operational costs for the next two to three years? If the New Crystal was listed on a major stock exchange with SEC, etc., disclosures required, it would make certain financial background more "transparent". Right? Is there any other way to know more for their longer-term financial support and depth? Look forward to continuing to research and learn more. Appreciate knowing ALL of the many and fascinating details. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 241,772 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  15. YES, agree with Davey that the offering of five ports is limiting in my viewpoint. The wider variety of stops is a plus for Silversea in comparing these two potentials. Interesting point by Host Jazzbeau about "No, not because they needed to compensate for older ships and smaller cabins – because they were an ego project and their owner didn't care if they made a profit." From saminina, fascinating about Manfredi and the comments of: "He is the person that changed the crew on Silversea to about 98% Filipino from one that very much resembled the visible Crystal crew. And like many passengers today, he had a very bright and wealthy daddy." Comparing costs for pre-Crystal bankruptcy to now can be of value, but maybe not. Lots of variables at work. All of these inflation, pricing, etc., comparisons make the "little gray cells" in my brain spin a bit. For us, the cabin size, caviar, etc., are not the major and dominate questions/considerations. Like in a Hollywood "soap opera", there are a wide variety of factors, questions, etc., floating around. These discussions on this thread have been civil, wide-ranging and interesting. Keep it coming!! Will continue researching and considering the many aspects of importance for us, including timing and longer-term financial backings/security aspects. Looking forward to learning more. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 100,814 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226
  16. Just picked up from the library and am starting to read the "City of Fortune" book. At the start of this book is great quote from Laonikos Chalkokondyles, a Greek scholar who gained the patronage of Lorenzo de Medici in Florence during the Renaissance, serving as a tutor and teacher in Italy for forty years. His insightful summary of Venice quoted in this book: "The people of Venice have neither a foothold on the mainland nor can they cultivate the earth. They are compelled to import everything they need by sea It's through trade that they have accumulated great wealth." Then I checked for a few good, enlightened quotes from famous folks about Venice: “Venice, it’s temples and palaces did seem like fabrics of enchantment piled to heaven.” Percy Bysshe Shelley “I loved her from my boyhood,—she to me Was as a fairy city of the heart, Rising like water-columns from the sea, Of joy the sojourn and of wealth the mart; And Otway, Radcliffe, Schiller, Shakespeare’s art, Had stamped her image in me, and even so, Although I found her thus, we did not part, Perchance even dearer in her day of woe Than when she was a boast, a marvel, and a show” Lord Byron, Venice “To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius.” Alexander Herzen THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio AFRICA?!!?: Fun, interesting visuals, plus travel details from this early 2016 live/blog. At 53,594 views. Featuring Cape Town, South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2310337
  17. Super sunny here today in Central Ohio. Can almost pretend to be in Florida!!! Understand things down south have been doing well. Right? Below are a couple of my wildlife visuals just captured this afternoon from our second-floor window. The fox was very, very relaxed and casual to able to be enjoying the sun and wooded surroundings. Not sure what type of bird is shown below. Any bird experts know? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  18. Great funnies today and during the past few days. Keep 'em coming!! Super sunny here today in Central Ohio. Can almost pretend to be in Florida!!! Understand things down south have been doing well. Right? Below are a couple of my wildlife visuals just captured this afternoon from our second-floor window. The fox was very, very relaxed and casual to able to be enjoying the sun and wooded surroundings. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  19. Super appreciate the great additional information and follow-ups from Keith and Texas Tillie. Very helpful and gives much to consider. From a timing standpoint, the Silversea option in February 2024 works better for our schedules and interests, but will await the call-back from Crystal to learn more and ask added questions. Will keep researching and digging deeper. Also will look at and consider the pre-cruise options offered for Taj Mahal, Agra & Delhi, etc., by SS and Crystal. While we have done the Middle East, Botswana/Southern Africa, SE Asia, Australia/NZ, etc., these options for India, Myanmar, etc., require serious considerations for how best to put together the whole "package". It is not as simple as just going to the Caribbean or Med. For Keith or any others, we know the Silversea founder is deeply involved in the New Crystal. But, how deep and solid is his financial commitment, backing and support? Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidiohas has significant wealth, but he got there by being very smart and covering his "bets" with extreme care. With Manfredi and Geoffrey Kent as Co-Chairman, is it reported publicly as to if any other major investors are supporting and backing up these borrowing required to buy and fix up these two older Crystal ships? How long can the Crystal cash-flow support ALL of the major start-up costs and sustain the operational costs for the next two to three years? If the New Crystal was listed on a major stock exchange with SEC, etc., disclosures required, it would make certain financial background more "transparent". Right? Is there any other way to know more for their longer-term financial support and depth? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 241,772 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  20. Appreciate the very good info and follow-ups from bitob and Mr Luxury. Will check out that Seabourn Encore option for March 2024. As Keith would say, it great to have options and various choices. Will keep researching and considering the potentials. Agree 100% for the smart wisdom of "I don't think you compare anything until the New Crystal has sailed." THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  21. Having sailed on the Crystal Symphony July 2008 and enjoyed the Baltics/Russia exploring with them, I did look at the detailed itinerary offerings that are now posted on their new website. My initial impression was that it was a lots of the "same-old, same-old". Nothing too much that unique, special or very interesting compared to many of the "same old thing" ports and stops we have done in the past with various cruise lines. But, I did find a MUMBAI-SINGAPORE, 13 night, Nov. 8-21, 2023, sailing on the Crystal Symphony that could be of serious interest to fit for a new area of the world where we want to explore. Silversea does offer a Feb. 11-29, 2024 Mumbai to Singapore, 18 nights, Silver Moon, that is somewhat comparable. This SS India, etc., option is longer, has more port stops, higher price, etc. There are differences, various pro/con factors to consider, but I would seriously compare BOTH good options, if and if. My big question? With nothing "perfect" after the Covid re-start, what will be more predictable and at a higher service level for food, staffing, etc., in comparing the new Crystal versus the more established Silversea?? Where am I more comfortable for the financial risks in putting down the required advance payments? Overall, with Crystal only having two ships to cover this very large and diverse world, it is harder to compete against Silversea's larger number of offerings, options and locations. Will be watching with interest. I just tried to call Crystal for more info on the payment requirements/timing on their Mumbai to Singapore late 2023 sailing, but they are only open for calls Monday-Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. Will try to check back next week. What else should I consider in comparing Crystal vs. Silversea for this part of the world on our future, to-do listing? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/
  22. Having sailed on the Crystal Symphony July 2008 and enjoyed the Baltics/Russia exploring with them, I did look at the detailed itinerary offerings that are now posted on their new website. My initial impression was that it was a lots of the "same-old, same-old". Nothing too much that unique, special or very interesting compared to many of the "same old thing" ports and stops we have done in the past with various cruise lines. But, I did find a MUMBAI-SINGAPORE, 13 night, Nov. 8-21, 2023, sailing on the Crystal Symphony that could be of serious interest to fit for a new area of the world where we want to explore. Silversea does offer a Feb. 11-29, 2024 Mumbai to Singapore, 18 nights, Silver Moon, that is somewhat comparable. This SS India, etc., option is longer, has more port stops, higher price, etc. There are differences, various pro/con factors to consider, but I would seriously compare BOTH good options, if and if. My big question? With nothing "perfect" after the Covid re-start, what will be more predictable and at a higher service level for food, staffing, etc., in comparing the new Crystal versus the more established Silversea?? Where am I more comfortable for the financial risks in putting down the required advance payments? Overall, with Crystal only having two ships to cover this very large and diverse world, it is harder to compete against Silversea's larger number of offerings, options and locations. Will be watching with interest. I just tried to call Crystal for more info on the payment requirements/timing on their Mumbai to Singapore late 2023 sailing, but they are only open for calls Monday-Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. Will try to check back next week. What else should I consider in comparing Crystal vs. Silversea for this part of the world on our future, to-do listing? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/
  23. From the financial news website connected below, they had this headline: “Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings to Hold Conference Call on Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2022 Financial Results” with these highlights: “Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings will report fourth quarter and full year 2022 financial results on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time with a conference call and webcast to discuss results at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The conference call will be webcast via the Company’s Investor Relations website, https://www.nclhltd.com/investors." More and new numbers coming!! How will this affect the expectations and hopes of Wall Street analysts and investors for future cruise company valuations? Full story at: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/norwegian-cruise-line-holdings-hold-213300010.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 70,998 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/
  24. Yes, agree each case/circumstance would be different. Appreciate this follow-up. All of us, especially those of us who are "older", need to be careful and smart. From the below-connected trade news website today, they had this headline: “‘Finally, Asia is open again,’ says new Silversea Cruises CEO Barbara Muckermann" with this sub-headline: "Luxury brand’s leader says cruise is back on track as China reopens for business and India takes off.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “Silversea Cruises hopes Asia is the next cruise market to reopen now that the pandemic has been consigned to the history books, says new chief executive Barbara Muckermann. North American and British passengers have returned in droves to the Royal Caribbean Group luxury brand since the industry began sailing again in July 2021, she said. 'We consider the pandemic closed,' Muckermann told TradeWinds. 'Finally, Asia is open again.' Most Asians booked their cruises in September for January 2023 itineraries to areas of the world where they could see icebergs and snow as opposed to charming coastlines dotted with villas, she said. 'In terms of source market, don’t ask me why, but wealthy Chinese are crazy for the polar regions,' she explained. Silversea now hopes to see further waves of passengers from Asia, including China, as it reopens. The US, the UK and Asia Pacific are Silverseas’ largest markets because that is where much of the world’s wealth is, but Asia has the most untapped potential.” She also shared: " 'Luxury is something that you acquire with wealth. What we’re seeing globally is that as the median income increases, the expenditure in travel increases and expenditure in luxury travel experience increases, so naturally cruising is at the end of that cycle.' India has been Silversea’s fastest-growing market since before the pandemic, with a growth rate of nearly 50% a year: 'It was insane, so we need to watch India because it means that the country is starting to really have cruising on the map.' " Full story at: https://www.tradewindsnews.com/cruise-and-ferry/-finally-asia-is-open-again-says-new-silversea-cruises-ceo-barbara-muckermann/2-1-1403314 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 100,814 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226
  25. From the Wall Street Journal late this afternoon, below are their charts for the three major cruise companies during the most recent five trading days. Interesting and varied movements for these three companies during this one week period. Not all stocks moving in the same, exact patterns. Hard to figure out the why for these differences as the markets look at these somewhat comparable companies in the same business. What's happening and why?? On January 3, 2023, RCL was at $48.71. They peaked at this past Wednesday at $75.75. That's a 55.5% increase in just seven weeks. Where will things head in the next month or two? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 100,814 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226 From the Wall Street Journal, below are the stock charts for the major cruise companies during the past five trading days. Some rocky/jumpy moves this past week, especially for Carnival.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) Since early January, below shows their generally upward movement so far during 2023 for Royal Caribbean.:
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