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Everything posted by TLCOhio

  1. Super appreciate these great details and follow-up from R&T. Trade-offs?? Yes, you have summarized well many of the factors to consider, including the long flights and financial/time costs to reach "down-under" and get back home. That SS Eastern Australia November '24 cruise has certain stops of strong interest/potential, but certain ports, in my view, are only OK or average. That gets back to personal priorities and choices. Which locations are of most interest and value?? How to maximize?? Given your wife's knee challenges, I understand fully. I have had knee challenges (including the lube shots and knee replacement) over recent years, but there are a wide variety of great potentials in New Zealand that do not require super stamina, etc. You can see so much there without being an athletic super star. Having done many of the key must-see options in Australia AND New Zealand, I would urge you trying to maximize your "Best of the Best" for each of these two great countries. If this might be your one and only visits down there, then put together a "package" that blends and offers the most. It is not how many days down there that counts the most, it is what you do and how you put together the logistics/flow. For Sydney, we stayed at the Four Seasons. It's handy and very close to the "action" in several directions. Worked well for us. The Park Hyatt has a better location, but I doubt it is worth double the price. For my money, that is how I would compare and evaluate. Keep it coming with your research and excellent questions. Happy to share as much as needed and of value. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/
  2. Agree that so much of this options and short-selling stuff sounds very much like "Las Vegas-style Gambling" and/or highly risky. Or, worse?? What happened to "investing for the long-run"? Or, is everything a high-roller bet on a mystery slot machine? And, if it all blows up, will it require a massive taxpayer "bail-out" to cover the losses and lack of proper over-sight/regulation as resulted in 2008? For Australia, look forward to hearing back more. Going down there requires some serious research, planning and smart strategies. The good news? It's worth it when you do it correctly. Clearly one size does fit all. We were very, very pleased as to how our overall mix of air, land, cruise, etc., worked so well for both Australia and New Zealand. Happy to share more. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,026 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/
  3. Appreciate Carol's kind comment and her follow-ups. Yes, Tasmania is amazing and wonderful. We only had a day there, but we saw and experienced so much that is very nice there. Below are just three visual samples. Fun, interesting and different part of Australia. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From just our one-day stop in Tasmania, we had a nice sample on a private group tour, including for their historic prison, a nature/wildlife preserve, the scenic countryside/water areas, etc.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  4. Lots of great questions and interest from R&T. Will tackle first from a little of my experiences and suggestions for Australia. That country is very BIG!!! As large as the whole continental United States. Massive!! Australia also has lots of "dead", nothing there areas in the middle. Not sure a "land tour" really would work that well and efficiently. In 2014, we flew into Brisbane and up to Cairns for three nights to do the Great Barrier Reef, Rainforest, etc. Then flew to Melbourne to then connect to Adelaide (for time on Kangaroo Island, etc.). Then flew to Sydney for a couple days there before we boarded our cruise ship to Tasmania and then over New Zealand. As an example, flying from Cairns to Sydney is like going from Boston to Jacksonville here in the USA. Distances are not short and handy in Australia. You cannot do it "ALL" or even half in Australia during one, initial trip. For us, doing a combination of flying, having significant pre- and post-cruise activities, etc., worked best for us. Get your "mix" and logistics to mesh for your top, best, must-see priorities. Challenging, but possible, some what. Would this be your first down-under trip? Tell us more!! Reactions? Also, New Zealand is so spectacular that we would not have wanted to miss it. When traveling such a long distance, doing BOTH can be the smart plan. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 241,772 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  5. Appreciate the nice follow-up from QueSeraSera. Look forward to hearing more from highplanesdrifters as to all of the plans and expected highlights to be experienced during this upcoming South Pacific adventure. From the Wall Street Journal early this afternoon, they had this headline: “Annual Inflation Cooled Slightly in January as Pace of Moderation Levels Off" with this sub-headline: "Americans paid more for shelter, gasoline and food last month.” Stocks have gone down today with this news announcement. Here are a few of their story highlights: “The consumer-price index, a closely watched measure of inflation, climbed 6.4% in January from a year earlier, edging down from 6.5% in December, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That marked the seventh straight month of easing inflation since peaking at 9.1% in June, the highest reading since 1981.” Is this good news or bad news for the cruise industry? Is the cup half-full or half-empty? Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/us-inflation-january-2023-consumer-price-index-f080e30b THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,026 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/ The S&P 500 Index was down today. Where for the future?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see this visual larger/better!)
  6. From our 2020 Auckland to Tahiti sailing, here is some background that I posted about Fiji. FIJI ISLANDS BACKGROUND: Officially called the Republic of Fiji and located about 1,300 miles northeast of New Zealand's North Island, this nation is an archipelago of 332 islands. Fiji sprawls over an area of more a half million square miles, but only 1.5% of this total is land. Permanently inhabited are only 110 of these islands. It lies just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. According to Fijian legend, the great chief Lutunasobasoba led his people across the seas from Africa. The two major islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, have 87% of their current total population of 918,000. The capital, Suva, serves as the country's principal cruise-ship port. Lautoka is where the sugar-cane industry has been located. The majority of Fiji's islands formed through volcanic activity starting around 150 million years ago. Europeans visited Fiji from the 17th century onwards, and, after a brief period as an independent kingdom, the British established the Colony of Fiji in 1874. Fiji operated as a Crown colony until 1970, when it gained its independence. Per Wikipedia, Fiji has one of the most developed economies in the Pacific with abundant forest, mineral and fish resources. Tourism is its main source of foreign exchange. Being in the central Pacific Ocean, Fiji's geography has made it a destination and crossroads for migrations over the many centuries. Some described those in Fiji as formidable warriors and ferocious cannibals, builders of the finest vessels in the Pacific, BUT, not great sailors. Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first known European visitor to Fiji. Captain James Cook, the British navigator, visited one of the southern Lau islands in 1774. Between 1879 and 1916, tens of thousands of Asian Indians moved to Fiji to work as indentured laborers, especially on sugarcane plantations. By the time of World War II, with of its central location, Fiji was selected as a training base for the Allies. Will you arrive early to Fiji and spend some added time there? What are you planning for these island areas? Does this help build up excitement for this adventure in the South Pacific? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog; https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/ For Fiji, we did a private tour taking us to the exotic Mamanuca group of islands. Our key stop was at Monuriki Island to explore, swim and snorkel around this famous island where the movie Cast Away starring Tom Hanks was filmed. This scenic island is about 25 miles east of Lautoka. Fun and super scenic!!: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) Also on Fiji we enjoyed a sampling of the "locals", their music, culture, history, fun, etc. Very welcoming people on Fiji!:
  7. Lizard Island is very unique as much of its history centers around the famed explorer, Captain Cook. He ran into the coral reefs here and had to use some local wood from this island to repair his ship. Then, he climb up to the top of its highest peak to figure out the best way to navigate, safely, out from this island and back to the open, deeper seas. You will be exploring both scenic and historic areas. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From Cairns, we had a charter airplane to fly us over the barrier reef areas and to take us to Lizard Island. After landing there and hiking to the beach, we snorkeled, had a scenic lunch, snorkeled more, etc. Very fun and interesting location with great history. Flying over the Great Barrier Reef helps you better appreciate its massive size and how it developed over the centuries.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) In my first using a waterproof camera, here are just two of my underwater views captured during our snorkeling at Lizard Island. Look good and interesting?:
  8. Super appreciate the very kind comments and follow-up from highplanesdrifters. You asked for "it" and I will share more. It is a little off subject from the direct finance questions, but I am glad to hear you are spending all of this money with Silversea for such a 35-day adventure in and around the South Pacific and Australia. The RCL CEO appreciate your spending!! As detailed below in the 2014 live/blog, we did Australia and New Zealand, including four days in and around Cairns and Lizard Island. Loved these areas, what did there, including for Daintree Rainforest and National Park, Port Douglas and flying out to and landing on Lizard Island. Many options to research and consider for what fits your personal interests. Don't just walk around in Cairns as there are many other great potentials to consider. We post more later for Lautoka and Fiji from our early 2020 Auckland to Tahiti sailing. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 241,772 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/ The Daintree Rainforest is a good option to consider from Cairns, including a scenic rail routing. Below are some visuals to consider for that option, including also for hiking and exploring inside the rainforest.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) This is an example for the scenic coastal areas in this region of Australia.:
  9. During our visit to Lindos, we found its history and scenic "drama" to be very interesting. With the headlines of "Rich History of the Acropolis of Lindos", you can read more from the below link, including these highlights: "The history of the Acropolis of Lindos on Rhodes is as old as the history of ancient Greece, as tradition has Lindos participating in the fabled Trojan War. Today, the Acropolis of Lindos is the main archeological site of Rhodes, with the 116-meter (381-foot) high cliff dominating the town and overlooking the sea. It is a natural fortification that was used by the ancient Greeks and by the Romans, Byzantines, Knights of St. John, and Ottomans later on." Full article at: https://greekreporter.com/2022/07/02/acropolis-of-lindos/ THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Athens & Greece: Visuals, details from two visits in a city and nearby with great history, culture and architecture. Now at 50,373 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1101008 Here is a sample of some of the visuals from our visit to Lindos, its acropolis, the ruins, their scenic/historic resort village, its old church and inside this religious structure that was so movingly decorated in the Greek Orthodox tradition. You can also see a cute cat guarding the narrow steps and path as we climbed up and UP to the top of this dramatic site.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these pictures larger/better!) From a distance, here is an overall view to Lindos, the village and its famed acropolis.:
  10. From the London/UK Guardian earlier this month, they had this headline: “Rhodes less travelled: finding peace on the Greek island" with this sub-headline: "Away from the tourist hotspots, this popular Aegean island still has plenty of magic.” Here are some of their profile highlights: “One of the first Greek islands to embrace mass-market tourism, Rhodes is known primarily as a family-oriented fly and flop – sun, sea and sand with a good dollop of Greek history on the side. But it’s earlier on in the season that can be the prettiest time to visit.” As detailed in my live/blog, we visited Rhodes for the first time in 2018 in sailing from Athens to Dubai. We enjoyed a sampling of the history, culture, architecture, etc., there. Will post some visuals later. Part of their reporting details that aspects of Rhodes can get very busy with masses of tourists from cruise ships, but that there are smaller villages and areas that offer "escape". Here are some of their added highlights: "What’s surprising about Rhodes is how it changes within minutes of leaving the coast. The big draw at this end of the island is the historic town of Lindos but, when we visit, the cobbled streets are packed with cruise groups and excursions. There’s plenty to see, including hundreds of religious buildings – mosques, churches, chapels and monasteries – each giving a glimpse of the island’s tempestuous history, whether Roman or Byzantine, Ottoman or Italian." Fortunately for us, Lindos was not too crowded during our visit and we enjoyed the somewhat challenging (for a "seasoned citizen" like me) climb up to the top of the scenic fortress in this historic town. Please share your experiences and tips from being on Rhodes. Likes and dislikes? Favorite spots? Full story at: https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/feb/05/rhodes-greece-finding-peace-on-the-greek-island THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 21,572 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/
  11. From the Wall Street's sister publication of Barron's last week, they had this headline: “Royal Caribbean Beats Earnings Estimates and Signals Strong Bookings.” with these highlights: “Royal Caribbean Group did better than anticipated in the fourth quarter, turning in a narrower-than-expected loss and saying bookings were nearing record highs at higher prices.” Here are more details that might be of interest: "Booking volumes in the final three months of the year were 'significantly higher' than the same period in 2019, before the pandemic, the company said. Since the middle of November, Royal Caribbean said, it has recorded the seven strongest weeks of bookings in its history. The company said it was experiencing a record-breaking 'WAVE season’—the term it uses to describe the period between the winter holidays and the end of March, when promotions are offered—with higher prices than usual. " “While we remain encouraged about Royal’s long-term return-to-cruise environment, which should benefit from pent-up consumer demand, and a more efficient fleet, we continue to see near-term risk/reward profile as more neutral at these levels given uncertainty around the macroeconomic environment and competitive activity,” William Blair analyst Ryan Sundby said in a research note. Full story at: https://www.barrons.com/articles/royal-caribbean-stock-price-earnings-51675775715v THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Summer 2019 Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska on Silver Muse, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc. Many visuals and details from our first in these scenic areas! Live/blog: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2682584-live-terryohio-silver-muse-alaska-canadarockies-pix’s/
  12. Appreciate this encouragement. Have been to New Orleans many times. Most recently was in early 2007 for the National Championship game, Ohio State vs. LSU. There were shouts out about us being "Tiger bait"!! Have had many great dining experiences there, including at Commander's Palace, Arnaud's, Brennan’s, Galatoire's, Antoine’s, Cafe du Monde, etc. Love to enjoy now some Seafood Okra Gumbo. Below from my photo files are few visual samples from New Orleans of the past. Ready to go back now and savor more history and excellent food. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ From early 2007, here are a few visual samples below to reflect the color, character, style, fun, excitement, sights, etc. Love the music, people, etc.!! When I see the word "Creole", it gets my heart beating faster and my stomach seeking more.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  13. YES!! Great wisdom and legitimate questions from R&T about "The bean counters are in charge". Those moves by the highly-leveraged derivatives, hedge funds, etc., are always risky and can be unpredictable. When will we learn? Going back to 2010 on the Silver Cloud, I had to deal with Silversea's "bean-counters" in Monaco, plus what I heard from the Captain and Executive Chef as to how the finance types would battle with those focused on the highest levels of excellent customer service. That was going on long before Covid and the sale to Royal Caribbean. Glad to know that you like the smaller hotels and resorts that have more charm and personal service. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  14. Look forward to receiving that check. But, am not sure how well the post office will do with a challenge as you do not have my mailing address. I won't hold my breath waiting for its arrival. What's the itinerary for your 35 day trip on the Explorer? Is it Fiji to northern Australia in late April through May? Have previously visited Lautoka, Cairns, Lizard Island, etc. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  15. Great to hear, Mr. Luxury, that you agree with me. I can't always get my wife to agree with me on certain/many subjects. You are very smart and savvy to remark about "can't wait to read the reviews." Some of the Crystal Cheerleaders will say all is wonderful, but many others will need to accept and reflect the "new realities". All of the past, best staff members will not instantly be back and performing as happened ten or twelve years ago at the peak for Crystal. Bob Dylan summed it well as he sang "The Times They Are A-Changin' ". This includes his final words: "As the present now Will later be past The order is rapidly fadin' And the first one now Will later be last For the times they are a-changin' " THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 241,772 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  16. It will be a high of 57F today in Central Ohio with lots of great sunshine right now. Almost like being in Florida?? It has been that way for the past couple of days. Tomorrow with be sunny and a high of 56F. Wednesday and Thursday, we will have highs of 68F and 65F. Why go south for the winter? Yesterday, below are a few visuals that I captured in going out and walking around to enjoy the wonderful weather. Spring flowers are here and it is not even yet to mid February!!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ In our wooded backyard area, there were lots of these Spring flowers coming up very early and looking good. Like?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) Right near our home, here is this deer buck with an impressive rack.:
  17. It will be a high of 57F today in Central Ohio with lots of great sunshine right now. Almost like being in Florida?? It has been that way for the past couple of days. Tomorrow with be sunny and a high of 56F. Wednesday and Thursday, we will have highs of 68F and 65F. Why go south for the winter? Yesterday, below are a few visuals that I captured in going out and walking around to enjoy the wonderful weather. Spring flowers are here and it is not even yet to mid February!!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 246,097 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1172051-livesilver-cloud-norway-coastfjords-july-1-16-reports/ In our wooded backyard area, there were lots of these Spring flowers coming up very early and looking good. Like?: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) Right near our home, here is this deer buck with an impressive rack.:
  18. Lots of great funnies!!! In Ohio, there are a number of Amish folks. But, I do not think many of the Amish are using the Internet to see that earlier posting about them here on the Cruise Critic boards. Don't think any of them will be offended by the negative reference to the "Amish Powerball". Humor can be "sensitive" to some these days. How do you keep a few from maybe being somehow offended? Earlier this month, speaking of comedy, we attended a Jay Leno performance here in Central Ohio. He was at age 72 and after his two recent accidents, excellent, so totally funny, full of continuous energy, etc. Was about eighth row in a smaller theater only holding 768 people. Worked very well to enjoy fully his amazing performance. Jay walks on and immediately asks “What did you expect to see . . . a charcoal briquette?” Lots of jokes and stories about his mother, everyday life, dealing with mob folks early in his career, medical commercials seen on TV, etc. He had a high energy level, strong and continuous for 90 straight minutes. No breaks or dead points in his show and performance. How many in their 70's can pull off that type of mental and physical concentration and high-level presentation? Jay took some questions from the audience and did a nice interplay with people in their seats. No bitterness regarding his earlier shifting TV roles from Tonight show, etc. He shared some great stories about him and old comedians such as Rodney Dangerfield, Don Rickles, etc. Could not have asked for a better show!! Jay did not do any "blue humor" and reflected that doing comedy in these "sensitive days" is much more challenging to avoid offending someone politically, personally, etc. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  19. Congratulations for your upcoming 46th wedding anniversary. This past June, we celebrated our 50th!! In early May, we did a week with our two grandsons and the rest of our family at Disney World and Universal Studios as our guests. Great fun!! But, not cheap. Start preparing for something super special for your 50th. Need ideas? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  20. Appreciate this above follow-up. Great to hear your wife has excellent taste and a desire to visit to Bruges. Good link to many different visuals from our neighbor in Maryland. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 70,998 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/ Below are some of my additional visuals from exploring in Bruges that reflects its varied architectural and design highlights.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  21. From the New York Times Travel Section this weekend, they have this headline: “36 Hours in New Orleans" with this sub-headline: "Soak up Mardi Gras season while dive-bar hopping, dancing to brass bands and exploring history in the French Quarter.” Here are a few of their profile highlights: “Nearly two decades after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans remains smaller in population, but arguably richer than ever in cultural treasures. Forced to justify its very existence, the city doubled down on venerating its charming and curious customs and neighborhood gems. Today, there are new ways to engage with the city’s history, arts scene and natural beauty.” Many different options and ideas are outlined for cafes and restaurants, live music and nightlife, shopping and where to stay in the "Big Easy". Plus, a variety of visuals. Here is an example for one good suggestions: "In the French Quarter, the city’s colonial heart, gimmicky ghost tours are as common as cockroaches. A better way to commune with the spirits is to visit the Historic New Orleans Collection’s museum on Royal Street (free), which opened in April 2019 after a $38 million restoration and expansion of an 1816 mansion. Artifacts like an advertisement for the 1859 opening of the French Opera House evoke ghost worlds (the Opera House burned down in 1919). Bourbon Street beckons, just one block away, with its river of whiskey-fuelled partying pedestrians." Full story at: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/02/09/travel/things-to-do-new-orleans.html THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,026 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/
  22. Thailand with nearly 72 million people has fascinating history, culture and background. With its large and diverse capital of Bangkok, there is an 11 hour time difference compared the U.S. Eastern time zone. Below are a few of my visuals captured during our early 2018 visit of three days to Bangkok. Hope these bring back memories for those who have previous been there . . . or to build excitement for planning an upcoming trip to Thailand. Thailand is one of the most visited countries in Southeast Asia. It is the only country in southeast Asia that has never been under European power. As noted by travel writers, Thailand is the ideal destination to witness an exciting blend of natural, cultural, historical and urban delights. Few places have the gorgeous beaches of Phuket, the wild excitement of Bangkok and the 40,000-year-old history. As you arrive in Bangkok you will feel the energy and enthusiasm of a great city. There is commotion in the streets, bountiful colors of museums, shrines and temples and entertainment and cuisine. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 256,026 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1362155-solstice-livefirst-timer-reportspix’s-italycroatian-june-7-19/ First, we explored the Chao Phraya River, with its various canals. A float down this river is a great way to see the city, experiencing its culture and idiosyncrasies. This includes homes, temples and commerce to fire your excitement for this massive urban area. Below is just one quick sample from our river preview.: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!) In the area of the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, we sampled and experienced the reverence of this ancient religion that dwells in the city and is practiced by 95 percent of the Thai population.: With a number of these temples in the background, we bow with the greeting offered by many in Bangkok.: Here are a few more visuals as samples for the various designs and glorious decorations used to create these religious sites in Bangkok. The third visual below shows the Thai flag at this location.:
  23. It has been since 2010 and 2015 when we dined at La Dame, making it hard to evaluate today's food quality and "value" for this extra charge location. But from our experience with Silver Note, we really loved the fun and tasty experience. Need proof and evidence? See a few visuals below, plus more available from the live/blog during a Silver Spirit sailing. Very intimate and personal setting, nice service and wonderful food variety. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Lisbon, NWSpain, Bordeaux/Brittany: Live/blog, June 2017 from Portugal to France along scenic Atlantic Coast on the Silver Spirit. Now at 33,074 views. Many pictures, details for history, food, culture, etc.: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2511358 Below are just two of the multi-flight servicing/offerings of food we enjoyed at Silver Note on the Silver Spirit. Finally from a 2019 Silver Muse sailing, here is a sampling of the singer and piano artist performing at Silver Note. Fun, exciting and interesting!!: (Open your screen/viewer wider to see these visuals larger/better!)
  24. Super appreciate that book suggestion and follow-up by quercus alba. Plus, the great details, visuals and posting from the always excellent Cruisemom42. Wonderful sharing and historic background!! Now, for many in the twenty-first century, some forget how vast and powerful were these "empires" exercised by both Venice and Istanbul. Just checked our local library and they have this Venice book available. Will get it soon. Below is the visual for the cover of his book. Interesting!! Here is the bio the library lists for this experienced author: "Roger Crowley was born in 1951 and spent part of his childhood in Malta. He read English at Cambridge University and taught English in Istanbul, where he developed a strong interest in the history of Turkey. He has traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean basin over many years and has a wide-ranging knowledge of its history and culture. He lives in Gloucestershire, England. He is also the author of 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and The Clash of Islam and the West andEmpires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World." THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 70,998 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/
  25. Super appreciate that book suggestion and follow-up by quercus alba. Just checked our local library and they have this Venice book available. Will get it soon. Below is the visual for the cover of his book. Interesting!! Here is the bio the library lists for this experienced author: "Roger Crowley was born in 1951 and spent part of his childhood in Malta. He read English at Cambridge University and taught English in Istanbul, where he developed a strong interest in the history of Turkey. He has traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean basin over many years and has a wide-ranging knowledge of its history and culture. He lives in Gloucestershire, England. He is also the author of 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and The Clash of Islam and the West andEmpires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World." THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.). Now at 70,998 views: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2076101-live-amazon-river-caribbean-many-pix’s-terryohio/
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