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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. Tried the (almost useless) Search box but just a bunch of nothing really. So... After spending the day in Sydney, I intend to use AirportLink to the International airport terminal. (From Circular Quay) Any reason I shouldn't?? I'll only have two bags. Any tips/observations appreciated!
  2. The vote is getting too close for me...I'm on the edge of my seat!! Sadly, we know there are 6 people that we don't want to cruise with...
  3. I stayed there and it was wonderful. A great breakfast in the morning!!
  4. Is First Teacher even following their topic? When one starts a topic are they automatically following it AND it doesn't show in the Follow box at the top?? Thanks for any clarification on this...
  5. Completely agree...but even I am sometimes stunned at the lengths they will go to...without regard for dignity and common sense...
  6. I just can't fathom what rationale these sort of people come up with in their heads...maybe some overwhelming need to be noticed?? Some sort of backward thinking that this anti-social behavior is a way of being social?? "Hey, everybody is going to dig my music (or whatever) and think I'm really cool!"
  7. The OP is not following his thread(s)...(the third in the series...)
  8. Correct. OP opened yet another thread on Celebrity board...got many answers and responded to them an hour ago... Probably should lock/delete this thread...
  9. It's been nice following along and, again, thanks for all the extra effort you put in giving us a clear view into what's going on!
  10. Can't help noticing that pic of their new targeted demographic 😃
  11. Sorry if I missed any threads about this... For the past week or so I've been getting this message when trying to log into the cruise personalizer. And by clearing my cookies, I was then able to log in. But the last 2 days this also has not worked. I end up using the other method of my name and booking number to get in. I'm using chrome browser and always have...but it also happens with microsoft Edge... Anyone else with this issue??
  12. But I can, and do, blame them for further enabling it.
  13. One can hope! But I must say that 'the letter' does give the impression that the decision has been made and that this 'trial' is merely lipstick on the pig. What I mean is they state it is a trial and the next paragraph says: "and at this time there has been minimal to no impact to our guests experience onboard." ...and it's only been 2 days! As I said, one can hope they reverse course and I certainly am hoping!!!
  14. You apparently haven't seen the other threads. (And now see post #23 below) 2 passengers have posted actual pictures and witnessed the vaping on the Equinox...and one of them as spoken to the Guest Relations desk personnel...
  15. Wow! This is the second post I've read of this type of confrontation. Very unsavory conduct.
  16. Mayhaps you should follow your own advice you posted a few posts ago?? To consider losing your deposit because of posts here is just plain childish...you're projecting that the whole ship will be full of this very, very small sampling of passengers that post here? Get a grip.
  17. Heck, I'm not saying it tongue-in-cheek! We seem to think alike...I have been thinking the very same thing!
  18. Yep...just as I predicted in post #36...<sigh>...
  19. I think my favorite thing about the stupid sign they're using is that the No Smoking part has a cigarette illustration with smoke coming out of the tip and then Vaping Allowed showing an illustration of a vape device with...smoke coming out of the end. Well thought out...
  20. It's already been verified by two different folks that are also on your daughters July 2nd cruise.
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