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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. 'Plentiful storage space' to stash my dirty clothes!! Brillant! đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤ª
  2. Actually, you picked up on something I noticed a bit ago (couple months now...) that 'upon request' you get the welcome treatment. Truth be told, I had to chuckle a bit at having to request a 'welcome' bottle... And you bring up another chuckle...Aqua doesn't get the daily delectable but Concierge does...?? Doesn't one pay more for Aqua? I'm sure there is something I'm missing...lol. Anyhow, thanks for your absolutely great live thread. It gives me great reassurance of my cruise next year!!
  3. Agree that they should open the doors at the advertised time. Period. If people want to stand outside for 45 minutes or whatever, fine...let 'em. On another note, that some decided to post about, people eat early because they want to. Who cares what time people eat in Europe?? Get over it. It's their choice not yours. Maybe I don't understand people who eat late. How's about that? But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Nor am I going to say that I think it's strange. 'Shaming' people about what time they eat is what's strange...
  4. Thanks for the info...I've not tried that. I'll add it to my list of tips đŸ˜€
  5. Think about it. They get more revenue from 3 or 4 people in a stateroom. Why would they book a 3 or 4 person room to 2 people? That would be ensuring an automatic loss of revenue. They're a for-profit business...
  6. I think it's a takeoff of the old movie 'If This is Tuesday, It Must be Belgium'...I'm assuming CaribbeanBound was in Quebec at the time... Then again, I could be completely wrong!! I'm sure they will clarify...
  7. They sure won't be taken down by the room steward...more likely, they'll be taken down by jealous folk stealing them to use on their next cruise!!! LOL!!! đŸ¤£ Seriously though, enjoy yourselves!!
  8. Yeah, the dress code thing had to be an error. As I posted earlier in this thread, back in January I had all the amenities (for a port day rental...Grey Goose, etc..), there was an attendant there to get you what you wanted. It was pleasant...I read, napped, ate, had a few beers (repeat as needed)...moved the shade device at appropriate times. I would understand the removal of the amenities for port day rentals...but not for sea day rentals. For port day rentals that include the amenities of 6 beers, grey goose, food delivery, etc...they basically make no money. Part of the reason I jumped at the deal! For 99 bucks for a port day rental, you get a nice place to hang out away from the mad house that the pool can be...(I did not check to see if they raised the price since January...) Here's a pic of the included menu (at the time...)
  9. Could not agree more...
  10. I'm about to make an appearance on "That 70's Show"...and I don't care what those young'uns say...I cruise for the itinerary and the ship. Not the amusement park and whatnot...
  11. Haven't looked up when you're leaving Honolulu...hopefully you get some night shots of the Aloha Tower?? I only managed a terrible still shot though I shot a great video...lol...
  12. Maybe both!! đŸ˜ƒ Congrats and have a great cruise!!
  13. Not that interesting really...lol...it seems that nowadays it's the same everywhere about everything all the time. (yes, poking fun at a certain movie title...) And congrats on tying the knot!! Hope you have many wonderful years together (and without brown water...)
  14. Totally just what you posted. A rumor. Many folks here (and in their roll calls) who booked directly with X are SOL...
  15. WOW!....just WOW!! Thanks so much...don't know how I'll be able to wait a whole year...
  16. The fact that X appears to be keeping to the arbitrary (imo) deadline of May 1st come H or high water just makes a horrible situation even worse. I just don't get it...there appears to be folks that haven't even been notified yet...how can anyone at X think this is okay?? Obviously there is no off ramp for X on this one...what's done is done.
  17. It appears that when there is an opportunity to do the right thing, X simply refuses to do it...even when it helps X...I mean, geez, there are people willing to voluntarily cancel but the answer is still no... Why?? It's not like they don't have bookings that could be assigned to those cancelled cabins...quite the opposite...it makes no sense whatsoever...
  18. I have followed your posts in particular. I assure you that the shabby treatment you have received from Celebrity will not be forgotten by me as I plan next years cruises...which won't include X. Frankly, I'm not at all sure how they would ever win me back...not that they're trying...lol. They won't miss me and that's fine. But they won't get the opportunity to trash any of my dream cruises. But do try to enjoy your trip...even under these trying conditions. It's the least you can do for yourself and your family members that are going! Wishing you well.
  19. You didn't have a balcony. You had an Infinite Veranda.
  20. Really?? That might be news to many here... However, I can't say I've been tracking every post...have you?? All I've seen is an ongoing debate between two sides...(well, maybe three...lol...)
  21. Just jumping in to say 'thanks' for all the great pics and info!! I've been lurking in the background since my way earlier post...my cruise is a year from now as I said...but you are keeping me on the edge of my seat!! Carry on!!
  22. Yes, I took advantage of this sale for my solo ABC cruise last January. It was nice...
  23. So they couldn't even get the letter right...or the agent has relayed bad information...or both. Fabulous...just fabulous...
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