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Everything posted by KenzSailing

  1. I agree. I very much enjoy your POV, especially about transiting thru Florida. But in some areas we have a different perspective. I think we understand each other and can leave it at that. Wishing you smooth sailing.
  2. Since we have a cruise coming up on another lux line, I've been hanging around their board. The cruise company actively monitors it, and responds to posts. Imagine that, a direct channel. Seems to work just fine.
  3. Good article on the canal in the Washington Post: https://wapo.st/44mtPir
  4. Yeah, thanks I just dropped a note to my TA. Our last scheduled cruise was on Crystal and was vaporized by The Unfortunate Hiatus. If this one evaporates, well I just don't know.... It's almost 6 PM here. I'm hitting the wine.
  5. We're booked on RSSC in December going thru the canal. All's well with that cruise.
  6. Oh, so no afternoon canapes in the Aquas? Well then, back to our 5 PM nosh in the Bistro. We'll live(and get in a few more steps.)
  7. Well, from what I understand the TA/press/influencer junket is a couple days away so, as the 21st century Bard wrote "just you wait"
  8. All that time off and the man hasn't lost a step. Tom Brady envies this "unretirement."
  9. I've only had one reaction to every bit of carpeting I've ever seen: "well, that won't show dirt."
  10. I agree with you. I also think your final point hits on the dynamic at play. When Crystal initially set prices they were making something of an educated guess. We can debate how much was "educated" vs "guess" but both components were there. I'm sure they are very closely watching take rates by category. If they see Aquas booking while Sapphires lag they'll make adjustments, probably in the form of narrowing the price spread. In the end, as you implied above, the client base does get a vote on this(maybe not a tie-breaking vote, but a vote nonetheless.)
  11. When pricing was announced my first impression was that Aquamarine was the bang-for-the-buck option if you wanted something bigger than a standard double(mind you, this is coming from someone who was completely content with a double, until OC one time made us an offer on a PH.) I still feel that way. YMMV. With regard to the specialty restaurant take-away, I was surprised by that. Until I looked at the updated deck plans and realized just how dramatically NC had changed the ratio of suites to standard cabins. With suites being a whole lot more numerous than before, and the restaurant sizes not changing, something had to give. Yeah, I don't like it either, but that's the math of it.
  12. Lazarus! The Voice of Reason is back! This is welcome news.
  13. Tales from the Chez: I smoked some short ribs yesterday. Let me rephrase that: Yesterday, I cooked some beef short ribs on the smoker. Now, the BBQ community calls short ribs "brisket on a stick" and they are not wrong. A RoT an on-line wise man likes to say is "before you tackle brisket, nail short ribs three times." I think this is sound advice. This was my second attempt. Earlier this summer I tried attempt number one. The results were...edible. There was much noise coming from the Chez's kitchen that day, most of it unprintable here. Yesterday was pass two. The kitchen was determined to have learned lessons, sought redemption, retained customers. Mission accomplished. After hours of tending the flame, fretting over temperature, dealing with the fickleness of live fire, a BBQ meal was presented to an intimate crowd that makes the Vintage Room look like Grand Central(ie, OLoPP and me.) Having learned a thing or two, it was served Texas style(Wonder bread, pickles, coleslaw, potato salad.) My Kansas City born and raised spouse still used the sweet BBQ sauce. Sigh. Love means never having to say "no sauce for you!" Anyway, the meat was transcendent. Good bark, flexible but not fall apart, moist, succulent with the fat fully rendered to liquid gold. It is intensely satisfying when one's hours of effort transform, with a little luck, into a meal that puts a smile on everyone's face. I feel like the Aaron Franklin of Maryland(it's not a huge competition up here.)
  14. Thanks, this is a helpful tip. I'll remember to put the towels I pinch in a separate suitcase. While they're getting back their tablet(who need another one) I'll be making out like a bandit. I mean, have your priced bath towels lately?
  15. If Crystal starts relying on common sense, they better have a healthy stock of replacement tablets on hand.
  16. Roy, I somehow missed your email. Please resend to kkope01@gmail.com. Looking to forward to mining your extensive HAL experience.
  17. It's interesting: Umi Uma was always the premier, even glam, alternative restaurant on Crystal(at least in terms of mentions on this board.) Yet, on other threads, more than a few folks are distressed about the revamped menu in the restaurant-formerly-known-as Prego. I looked at the menu, it's not boundary pushing. You'd think they were serving offal or something(they're not.) Can't wait to try it, if they haven't watered down the menu with bread bowl soup and chicken parm by the time we board. Don't get me wrong, I love a good chicken parm. It's just nice to see a kitchen stretching a bit, especially on a cruise ship.
  18. Okaaaay then. Hope no one ever mistakenly knocks on your cabin door.
  19. Roy, What's you opinion of HAL Westerdam? Asking for a friend.
  20. Hey Roy, could you email me at kkope01@gmail.com? I'd like to mine your immense knowledge of HAL. OLoPP and I have something very specific in mind and your experienced perspective would be invaluable. I appreciate your consideration.
  21. Eh, he's a big boy. He can take care of himself. Or, as he once advised me, "don't read it."
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