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Everything posted by BunnyHutt

  1. I would have preferred a guarantee category versus picking our cabin when we booked next month’s Alaska cruise. The cruise line cannot downgrade you, but there’s always a chance of being upgraded without paying a higher fare, bidding, etc. This was a ‘trick’ told to us by a TA 20+ years ago when my husband and I were booking our honeymoon cruise. On 2 different cruises we selected a guarantee at the highest regular balcony class (this was on Carnival). Both times CCL called us ahead of our trip to try and get us to lock in at a lower rate. We opted not to. Both times we ended up in full-sized suites.
  2. If that’s the case then they can have it. 😆
  3. Is there any way to see what you’ve bid? When I click on the “upgrade” icon on the app it just shows what is available to bid on, not what has been bid. Sailing Encore 9/17 (6 weeks out) in club balcony. Put in multiple *low* - like minimum or barely above - bids for various Haven categories back in May-ish but cannot remember how many I put in. Received emails today that 4 of my bids had been canceled. But I cannot remember if that was all of them. I don’t even think there are any Haven cabins available for booking, but would all bids be flat-out rejected this far out? FWIW, I have little belief that we will be upgraded. But was just surprised by the emails. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  4. When my friend and I booked our 2023 cruise last year, I believe our TA said a birth certificate was acceptable in lieu of a passport (friend’s was long expired). That has since been rectified so I cannot confirm. Are you asking so that you can give her a heads up? Otherwise, why is it your concern? Maybe she’s had a passport sitting in her underwear drawer for years because she’s been waiting for the opportunity to travel.
  5. Thank you for this! My bestie are sailing in mid/late September and even have the same hotel booked pre-sailing, lol.
  6. I’m booked on this cruise (but not excursion) for this coming September. Per my itinerary we’re in Ward’s Cove from 7am to 1:15pm - granted, time off ship will be less than that. I do see that the Deadliest Catch excursion is listed to depart at 7:30am and lasts 4.5 hours. So, yes, you could have time for that but really not much/nothing else. The good thing about booking excursions through the cruise line is that if there’s a delay *while at port*, the boat won’t leave without you. But if there’s a delay getting into port, the excursion may be canceled due to insufficient time. How much longer are the other lines scheduled to be at this port? I’m assuming they offer this particular excursion?
  7. Thank you! My bestie and I are on this cruise the 3rd week of September (first on NCL and to Alaska for the both of us) and we’re very much looking forward to it! This helps even more. 🙂 And having a hubby in the airline industry, I know to *always* book flights in the day before a cruise… juuuuust in case, and especially with the clusterf*ck the aviation world has become as of late.
  8. Honestly, OP, if you can cancel and recoup all your deposits, I would say this might be a blessing in disguise. The best (and easiest) way to tour Ireland is via car… plus, you haven’t lived if you haven’t waited 20 min for sheep to cross a tiny road out in the middle of nowhere. My mom and I did this back in the mid/late 90’s. Only small hiccup was the fact that our car had a manual transmission and the driver sits on the right side of the vehicle (very awkward shifting with left hand if you’ve never done it before). We remedied this by having whoever sat shotgun be the one responsible shifting gears. 😆
  9. My immediate assumption is that the boaters were drunk/high/both.
  10. Okay, so for the most part nice jeans and tops are acceptable? Maybe step it up a notch for Le Bistro? I’m used to warm weather/Caribbean cruising where a sun dress is the answer to everything. 😁
  11. 7th cruise, 1st on NCL, 1st to Alaska Bestie and I are cruising 3rd week of September. We have reservations one night for Onda, one for Le Bistro. Rest of week I imagine we’ll be eating in MDR. What is the appropriate dress for dinner? Thank you! 🙂
  12. Do the club rooms get the non-breakfast service fee for room service waived?
  13. The only trans-Atlantic route JB currently flies is to London, with Paris and Netherlands being added this summer/fall. So *any* JB codeshare flight to Iceland will be on someone else’s metal. 😉
  14. Thank you for the review! A girlfriend and I will be on Encore in September. You mention Choir of Man being sold out. Did you try to book it ahead of time or just wait to check when you boarded? I’ve never been on NCL, or any ship where you have to book entertainment so this is new to me. There are other, smaller, shows on other nights - correct?
  15. This!!! OP - if you’re booked on an itinerary that appeals to you at a price and timeframe that works for you, take it!
  16. Complawyer - what does it matter if you think this horse has been beaten to death? How is people discussing upgrade bids impacting you? If you don’t want to read a topic, don’t click on it! If your inbox is getting flooded with notifications on this post, surely there’s a way to turn them off. 🤷🏼‍♀️ For the record, I am booked in a cabin on a future cruise that I am 100% content with. However, I still put in a super-low bid on a couple of Haven categories because why the heck not? I’m 99.99% confident my bids won’t be accepted but the only thing I’m out is the 2 minutes it took me to click on the email and set my bids. And if a bid *is* accepted…. well I’m sure stranger things have happened.
  17. Clearly you’re trolling at this point. Peace out, dude, and enjoy washing away other people’s pubes because you’re totes cool with that. ✌️
  18. Exactly. But for some reason wanting a clean room on embarkation day is a crime against humanity. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  19. I don’t like/want someone else’s hair in my bathroom sink. Yep, bar is super-duper high. 🤣🤣🤣 And choosing to cruise or not is irrelevant to expecting a fully cleaned room when I check in someplace (surely they have checklists to ensure everything is covered when a cabin is turned over??) It’s not like a cruise ship is some roadside no-tell motel.
  20. Nope, didn’t miss the point. But clearly we have different definitions/visions of what constitutes a “dirty sink.” You’re assuming the OP is complaining about a stray q-tip. Having 2 teenage boys, I’m envisioning stray hairs, soap scum and dried toothpaste. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And when I’m on vacation (that I am fortunate enough to be able to take), part of the reason I’m paying thousands of dollars is so that I *don’t* have to deal with it.
  21. College dorm =\= cruise ship. 🙄 Not to mention the fact that the girls dorms were cleaner (and infinitely less smelly) than the guys dorms. So maybe your bar is just naturally too low. 😉
  22. I do not disagree with you that complaining on here doesn’t accomplish anything onboard. I was merely reacting to the fact that you implied that the OP shouldn’t be complaining (at all) that their cabin was not properly turned over. And a dirty sink and shower from a previous occupant are more than just “overlooking something,” it’s just plain gross.
  23. You’re okay with checking into a dirty cabin? I’m a frequent traveler and don’t have the highest of standards (ie late service wouldn’t bother me) but arriving as a new guest into a cabin where the bathroom hasn’t been properly cleaned is not acceptable. At all. And makes me wonder what else was overlooked.
  24. We’re in a “club balcony suite” for our Alaskan sailing this fall and I just got the upgrade email today. I bid low for the single-room Haven selections as we are perfectly content with our chosen cabin. I did an upgrade bidding on a Royal Caribbean cruise back in 2019 and was much more aggressive. We were happy we did as it was their oldest/smallest ship and the upgrade got us a balcony. It was a Cuba itinerary that got nixed just a couple of weeks prior to sailing and we ended up getting a very large (bigger than we were expecting) chunk of our funds back so it was very much worth it.
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