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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. Good question, I don't know. Unfortunately the seemingly frequent troubles in many parts of our neighbours to the south (and northwest of us) has made us reluctant to visit many parts of the US. I should mention I probably wouldn't be that interested in visiting Jamaica either; that being said I'm not really that interested in the Caribbean anyway.
  2. I was simply pointing out that there was yet another mass shooting in the US, this time Kansas City. It just seems strange that there is much hand wringing over a port call in Jamaica, when it isn't necessarily that safe at home. See my post #53.
  3. @FlaMariner While that particular chart is interesting, where do St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago fit on that chart. I think that anyone from anywhere could find themselves in a bad situation and proper caution is required. I just think it is ironic when people say "I wouldn't go there on a bet" and many places in their own country (mine included) are just as bad.
  4. Keeping in mind that you are flying down there at considerable expense and a certain amount of discomfort (depending on what class you are flying). It would be prudent to spend some time looking around both pre-cruise and post cruise, depending on how much time you can be away. Vacation time can be restrictive. We are now planning our 3rd attempt at an Auckland to Australia cruise (the first cruise ended in Melbourne). When our cruise finally happens in 2025 we will be fortunate to both be retired. With no time constraints we will be extending this vacation to 9 weeks including a 43 day cruise from Auckland to Seattle (we will get off during the port stop in Victoria) We are planning 23 days in Oz and 3 days in Auckland before the cruise. Your circumstances may not allow that much time, but at least plan to spend some time in Auckland before the cruise and Sydney after the cruise. Not long ago there was a thread asking if it was possible to catch a 1430 hrs. flight if the ship released passengers at 0800 hrs. I will just say there is no way I'm flying that far, just to jump an the plane again the moment the cruise is over.
  5. This is interesting as we all look back at a news story from Kansas City yesterday, or perhaps any number of news stories we see from the US several times a month. Think about it.
  6. Thanks @crystalspin, when we were on Zaandam last year you could definitely see in the deck 3 OV cabins when walking on the promenade deck. The Vista Suites (the lowest cabin class with a veranda) are quite comfortable for 2, 3 would be a squeeze. We enjoyed ours.
  7. With the ocean view cabins on deck 3, keep in mind you will need to keep the curtains closed. The wind looks directly out on the very popular "promenade", everyone out for there daily steps will have a clear view into your cabin. Something to consider.
  8. Thanks @The-Inside-Cabin good to know, I guess there are no grand voyages in my future. I really hate trying to travel with my Tux, and my wife is finished with the formal gown thing. I do however applaud those who go to the effort to do formal.
  9. We were on Zaandam at the end of August/early September last year. The dress was basically casual. I don't wear shorts to meals ever. For the "dressy" nights I wore dress slacks and a button down shirt my wife wore a black dress with some sparkly accessories. I think we saw a grand total of 3 tuxedos on the 11 day cruise. One couple renewed heir vows so he was in a tux and she wore her wedding dress they were enjoying drinks in Mix Bar. Enjoy your cruise, use common sense (remember this isn't the Double Deuce Road House) and you should be fine.
  10. I just had a look at the menu for that venue Julie, it is just a little pretentious. The prices are truly astounding. I will also mention the irony on the "no gratuities" thread that at the bottom of the menu in the incidental disclaimers, there is mention of an automatic 10% "service charge" (read mandatory gratuity) for all parties more the 11 persons. Needless to say we will not be patronizing The Meat & Wine Company. I do hope to get a nice steak dinner in Australia, hopefully some place less pretentious with tasty steaks for me and maybe some nice lamb for Lynn.
  11. It is, I had some mussels from an earlier dinner, there was salmon in the fridge and some prawns in the freezer. I also had some cooking liquid from the mussels. So I added some veggies, some bacon and a carton of chicken stock. I add cream at the table and a sprinkling of fresh dill.
  12. I was just looking at that Julie, I'm trying to decypher the bill. It looks like the "W Ribeye 300" is a 300 gram Ribeye and with that price tag I have to think the "W" is for Wagyu, and $85.00 for a 350 gram strip loin? that seems very high. While I am prepared for higher prices that restaurant is over the top.
  13. I do not "assume the intentions of others" I have witnessed with my own eyes the "suite" mentality on Celebrity, as well as the "I'm an x# star mariner or elite or whatever" to imply they are more special. I'm just a poor working person who saves for years to enjoy a cruise. So now that you have scolded me I have taken note and don't feel my observations are disproved by your analogy.
  14. @foodsvcmgr I am not a huge fan of "exclusive" suite amenities and even less of a fan of "Ship within a ship". They are both ways for the Suite crowd to look down on the other passengers when they come out of their private enclave and take up prime space in the theatre for the shows or wander in to the dining room being all special. I like the set up HAL has now, pay for a Premium suite get a large premium cabin, priority boarding, and priority seating in the dining room. Of course there is also the lunches in Pinnacle grill. I would hope that any new builds or refits will NOT include "exclusive" suite restaurants or god forbid a "ship within a ship". I would suggest those that need those things should perhaps look at the luxury brands. Of course if they were to go there where everyone is "special" then there is nobody to look down on.
  15. I'm trying to understand just exactly what this long post has to do with "new ships for HAL". It is just another slag HAL and promote any other line, often those with much higher prices. We get it you're pi**ed at HAL, and you feel that every other cruise line is miles better. Clearly the HAL product does not suit YOUR requirements, so let it go and move on to those premium brands that you so enjoy. Or you could apply for the job of CEO and drag this failing line into a new prosperity. I have no idea what HAL has in mind for new builds or the time line for making new orders; however I hope they are not any larger than the current "Pinnacle" class. I think that there is a market for smaller ships (not luxury line small) that can go to ports without tendering. We will have to see what the future brings but those people who enjoy what HAL has to offer will be around for some time to come. Some will be disgruntled and move on, others will move to HAL because the lines they used to enjoy aren't what they want now.
  16. @Tampa Girl While your post is indeed amusing I'm not sure how helpful it is. When we booked our cruise about 18 months in advance we got the "Early Booking" HIA upgrade which included Gratuities, the Elite beverage package and enhanced wi-fi. We received some OBC because we booked on board through "future cruises". A few months later we decided to extend the cruise and to do that we chose to go down in stateroom category to make it more affordable. With the help of our most excellent TA we were able to book the extension, in the new cabin class (and the same cabin throughout the now 43 day voyage), we were also able to have the enhanced HIA for the full voyage, although we lost $100.00 of the OBC when we went from a signature suite to a veranda cabin. To the OP I'm afraid the answer to your question "has the HIA package changed?", no, although there is an "enhanced" version that has upgrades including "Crew Appreciation". How and when this version is available is a mystery to us the great unwashed. Perhaps the cruise you booked isn't selling well and they are adding the "enhanced" HIA package to boost sales.
  17. I have been aware of the no tipping policy for some time. That is why in my posts I often refer to something as "included in the price" when others may say "free" or "complimentary". The funny thing about "gratuities" is you can at least withhold them if the service is bad. The optimist in me says the servers will be professional and all will be well.
  18. @Bubbeh I'm afraid that it is mostly arrogance. "Look at me the valuable tourist" helping out your pitiful economy with my largess. And just to make more of a point I will buy your fealty with my "Universal" currency. We tip well in a restaurant with service, when the service is good. We have been known to tip low or not at all when we had poor service. Gratuities are unfortunately part of the culture in North America and getting more out of hand. We will NOT be "those tourists" trying to buy good service, we will be those Canadians expecting to be treated with resect, by our friendly server who we will give back that resect with please and thankyou. (It's the Canadian way eh)
  19. Please do get with the program, if the guest removes the auto gratuities the name goes on a list. You will probably get the bare minimum of service. If this bare minimum meets your approval, you may give the person some token amount. Keep in mind that if that crew member does not turn in your cash gesture it is grounds for dismissal. People who remove the auto gratuities and then hand out cash thinking they are being big heroes are just making a pain in the a** for the crew. Better to leave the auto gratuities and keep your cash. Many people leave the gratuities in place and also give cash (which the crew member can then keep). So those that remove the auto gratuities, you be you, lucky thing for the poorly paid crew you are in the minority.
  20. I'm not sure "Immune" is an appropriate term. I'm sure there are and will be plenty of American tourist who will be more than happy to try and buy servers with a fiver and expect instant service with a smile all day, no matter what rude things they may do. I am of course generalizing, and I guess there are Canadians that operate the same way.
  21. I wish they would just be included in the price, there has been some discussions on other boards about this subject. Of course there are many differing opinions and rumours about the result of including the "crew appreciation" in the price. I'm afraid that the "tipping culture" has gotten out of hand in North America. The other day I got a "tip?" prompt at the liquor store. I recently saw an ad on TV for a cruise tthe audio said $899.00 plus tax. The graphic on screen showed $899.00 + $427.00 taxes and fees. I hate that, just tell the price.
  22. My boss gave us some mussels We enjoyed the wine. I used a Chilean Pinot Gregio in the pot, quite drinkable but much less expensive than the bottle we drank.
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