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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. @Menocchio further to your point, the person involved could probably book passage on an Alaskan ferry. Of course that would probably be a little more basic than a cruise ship. I also seem to recall the angst from cruise dependent communities in Alaska about the nasty Canadians closing our ports so the cruise industry couldn't comply with their own protectionist law.
  2. I quoted both the posts to keep them in context. I think @RedIguana is pointing out the slippery slope that @Heartgrove is suggesting. Should the 5 stars have a special line over the 4 stars? I dare say that there will be several 3 stars on any given cruise who over their cruising life have spent way more than the inside cabin 4 and 5 star. So "star status" has a widely varying price point. Club orange is a set cost, pay the price get priority, it's a simple concept.
  3. Thanks @TiogaCruiser for posting that. It's an interesting read. I knew about the rule but it doesn't apply to me. Where have we heard that before? The cruise line entered into a contract with the passenger to transport them to Vancouver. At no time did they force the passenger to disembark the ship before they reached Vancouver. Too bad so sad, I guess the person learned the rules do apply to them.
  4. I think most people can find fault with just about every cruise port, airport or train station. We found the biggest bottleneck in Vancouver was waiting at US customs and border security. I think the question should be "is it a great itinerary?" if the answer is yes a few hours of pain at the port shouldn't be a deal breaker.
  5. Thank you for pointing out that "Canadian Bacon" isn't, and earlier you called it by the proper name of "Back Bacon". I'm not sure what to say about your suggestion of a "Canadian Breakfast". I can't think of anything off the top of my head that says Canadian breakfast. I guess it would have to include Maple syrup, and back bacon. At least with a "full English" breakfast there is a set list of inclusions, and when when someone wants "Substitute" or take the meat and eggs out of the list (as others have suggested) it's not a "full English" breakfast anymore.
  6. Isn't Amtrak a train? I did mention a train😉
  7. I'm trying to understand the object of the exercise. You could simply fly from Vancouver to Seattle or the bus or the train. You could also take the much more scenic but convoluted route by BC ferries to Victoria and the Victoria Clipper to Seattle. This option will not be cheap, but it would be an adventure.
  8. @Mary229 from what I understand NCL is only picking up the expenses from Gambia to Senegal? Because the ship missed the port in Gambia where the "late eight" were apparently waiting to reboard.
  9. That's pretty generic Mic. So we must start random guess tactics. Were you in Ireland?
  10. Never a problem in the Cabin or balcony. The cabin is on the opposite side from the outdoor smoking pit. There was a slight smoke smell by the stairway and elevator lobby at midships.
  11. It's about half way down the first page. You will see it's locked, but you can still read it.
  12. This subject went on for 30 pages on the NCL boards. The thread was still there a while ago but locked for further comment. There were a few comments from members who are on that ship. They don't have a lot of information either. The general tone of that thread was that there is very little sympathy for the "Late eight" Apparently to further muddy the waters, there was a separate "medical evacuation" that happened at the same time and that person's situation has been lumped in to the wider story. All I can say is the group seemed woefully unprepared to leave the ship, and when things went south there was one couple who took it upon themselves speak for the "Group" and paint themselves as saints while they were at it. Hopefully someone will be able to find some semblance of the truth, because right now everything I've seen paints the folks without a watch or a clue as the victims and NCL as the cruel corporate villain who left them behind.
  13. We were in 6184 in Aug/Sep 2023 and quite enjoyed it. The location is great for the food venues and several bars. We are non smokers and notice the cigarette smoke very quickly. The smoke will drift out of the casino and is noticeable when the casino is open. That being said it wasn't too bad for me but my wife is highly allergic. We were able to avoid the smoke most of the time. Enjoy your cabin it's a great location.
  14. Thank you for sharing the Plaque for Joska, clearly what a service dog should be. I don't want to muddle up the "Dome of Awesome" with a debate about service dogs, but the name showed up on other threads about "Service Dogs" I am happy to have a face to put with the name. Real service dogs are so impressive to watch when they are working.
  15. I just have to say that slab of beef is quite a benchmark. Did others get a similar portion? I wish I had some witty remark but words escape me.
  16. I'm not sure why you chose to quote me and then edit my post to make it seem that I was making excuses for these people missing the boat. You could have made your point without dragging me into it. We do not know the whole story and never will. We do know they were late for the final tender. We do know the ship left. We also know that it was the group's responsibility to be on time. We also know that the de facto leaders of the "Group" are having a hard time taking responsibility for the poor decisions they made.
  17. This is an unfortunate situation for those left behind, but a VERY valuable lesson for all. We don't and never will know the whole story. What appears on the surface may or may not be correct. On the surface it seems this group took it upon themselves to book a private tour. Unfortunately none of them seemed to have a proper understanding of needing to be back for the last tender run. Somewhere along the line someone should have looked at their watch and said "WE have to head back NOW". They are on some tiny island off the coast of Africa, it's very important to not miss the boat. There should be a certain expectation that adults will be responsible for there own actions.
  18. As illustrated in an earlier post, the glass makes a big difference. The key to success with guests like that is to flag their key card and ALWAYS bring an empty glass and the wine in a measured carafe. Any wine served in every restaurant, bar, tavern etc. Will be cheaper by the bottle in your local jar store.
  19. That is well and truly the Melanoma Deck. I wouldn't last 30 seconds there. The Aussies call it sun baking, now we know why.
  20. Much of the "wild" salmon caught in Canadian and US waters is frozen at sea. Fresh (never frozen) fish is rather uncommon. The land based "salmon bake" may have a local fisher that goes out every day to get their fish, but that is a rather hit and miss proposition. When we did our Alaska salmon lunch it was very good, they were grilling Coho that day.
  21. Key word "Imitation", not an amazing alternative, but passable in budget sushi or on a salad.😉
  22. We haven't done the Rocky Mountaineer. We have looked several times and just can't get past the price. Depending on your time frame (and aversion to flying) you could rent a car in Vancouver and do the circle route from Vancouver travelling north east to Jasper then south along the Icefield Parkway to Banff and then head west from there back to Vancouver. It's a beautiful drive and you should be able to do it comfortably in about 9 days.
  23. You have the most cool bear, and what a wardrobe. I think my wife is in love with your bear, I'm almost jealous. Your threads are always so full of fun and good vibrations. We will continue to follow along, it brightens our day.
  24. @graceinga I'm not sure if we ever gave you the answer you were looking for. So as you may have surmised, if you are enquiring about the little key fob "medallion" as found on Princess, HAL doesn't have those. I think the confusion is with the "Medallion" keepsakes that HAL presents for their loyalty program.
  25. Is it the Raptors center in Duncan BC?
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