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Everything posted by julig22

  1. Same problem with Edge, clearing the cookies fixed the issue.
  2. You can get another set of coupons if there are more than 2 platinum members in the cabin. So yes, it's per cabin, assuming double occupancy. But 3rd platinum is also entitled to free meals.
  3. Check your emal? If you booked through NCL, you would have gotten confirmations as an attachment. If you didn't delete the attachment, the port schedule is usually on the 3rd page.
  4. If I'm understanding what you are trying to do, the answer is no. The platinum coupons are 2 dinners for 2, not 4 individual dinners.
  5. Having the same login issues. Went to the site incognito and nothing about OBC, nothing in the promo T&C's, which are current (updated to reflect the DoubleUp promo).
  6. At an officer q&A once they did stress the importance of taking the ship contact info with you - take a picture! And if you are delayed and in danger of missing all aboard - CALL!!!!!! They can advise you on what to do, possibly hold the ship and so forth. If they don't know why you aren't there, they're more apt to leave you behind. Glad you made it back - I've had my share of similar panicked moments. I've been known to take pictures of the bus, the guide and the meeting place if they turn me loose anyplace bigger than a square block!
  7. It just depends on the ship. The solo category might be a little cheaper than double occupancy but every cruise is priced differently.
  8. I have BOGO airfare on 2 cabins for a cruise that is 2 weeks later than a cruise where I know people have gotten the "new offer" so guess we'll see what, if anything, happens in a couple of weeks. 1 cabin is solo, the other is double occupancy. The solo cabin was booked 2 years in advance so the airfare is considerably cheaper than the airfare for the 2nd cabin that was booked much later. On the other hand, I'll probably not use the BOGO anyway because I'm tentatively planning to go more than 2 days earlier, just waiting for others to make a commitment to when we're going!
  9. You do realize that you always have the option to drop the BOGO and choose your flights? It's called Premium Air. So the question remains what is "New" about this offer? Pay for the 2nd person isn't overly descriptive without knowing at what cost.
  10. Do they discount the airfare? You can always book airfare through NCL and choose your flights, etc. But you pay prevailing rates. It's called Premium Air.
  11. Anyone gotten notice about a new airfare program? According to what I saw on another site, it's an "opportunity to change from your current promotional air program to a new air program, giving you the ability to select and customize flights for you and everyone on your reservation for your upcoming cruise" I had heard rumors that they might be doing something similar - and different from Premium Air - although it's also possible that it's by invitation only for selected itineraries, based on the wording of the offer. The specified cruise is about 2 weeks away from final payment. And yes, I know that many would never use NCL airfare, no need to comment how terrible you think it is. It works for me.
  12. Sun and Sky do not have the Broadway shows - the stage can't accommodate the props/lifts needed. I don't think they can have aerialists either. So hard to say if they will be affected with cut backs, since there should still be a production cast to do the "in house" productions. Rock you tonight, What the world needs now, World Beat on the Sun (11 day, Alaska) Showdown, Rock you tonight on the Sky (11 day, Canada) Absolutely true. They tend to not have comedians for example if they anticipate there will be a significant number of passengers who do not speak English as their primary language. We had flamenco dancers in SA (different ship tho) Also, the entertainment is booked through corporate. So the contracted entertainment can be fantastic on one cruise, terrible on the next. And don't discount the "fill in" performances from the production cast that they sometimes have - there is some real hidden talent there!
  13. If it's after final payment, it will depend on the penalty for starters. It would probably be in the best interest of NCL to return the certificates, since then you would have them to apply to another cruise. But with the screwy NCL accounting system, who knows. At one time, they were making refunds as CN certificates - but not for the full amount, so using them in the future would have been a problem, as they weren't enough for a full deposit and so forth. Note, this wasn't for a cancellation, just a fare reduction before final payment. I had to call and tell them no, please refund the cash.
  14. Yea, I also drive to Seattle - it's actually faster to drive than fly and I don't have to worry about lost luggage or cancelled flights. I don't have any issues with a late September cruise but really not a fan of the itinerary. Port times are still pretty short, even with fewer port stops.
  15. Probably a "Latitudes" cruise. They had something similar last spring, although I don't remember the details. Think they passed out special souvenir pins.
  16. The new solo categories are in uncharted territory, no knowing how they will be processed in the future. No way of knowing at this point if they will still offer reduced solo supplement on regular staterooms for example. What about bidding? And if they sell out, no price adjustments? I do know that they are NOT eligible for world points upgrades (already tried!).
  17. My medicare advantage plan covers international travel, including onboard medical, with no lifetime maximum. So I have no need for a policy with high medical limits. I do have an annual Allianz plan simply to cover any additional expenses that might occur. I am willing to self-insure my trip costs, although the annual Allianz plan does cover $5000 in cancellation annually, any reason. So to answer your question about cancellation insurance, my risk for needing cancellation reimbursement isn't high so I'm perfectly willing to take it and only pay to insure against unexpected additional costs.
  18. You might try posting in the roll call, if you haven't already. They'd get a notification, better chance of someone seeing your request.
  19. What were the terms of the FCC? Most FCC given as a $ amount is use it or lose it within a year. Which may explain why you currently have no credits. As to whether or not some was used on a previous cruise, only NCL can see that, as it's applied directly to your cruise fare - so you wouldn't see it on your invoice. If you booked through a TA, they should be able to see the fare breakdown.
  20. FYI, DoubleUp for any cabin will be in effect next week, through the 27th.
  21. They don't usually give you anything, unless the port cancellation results in an excess of port fees - port fees are pooled so missing a port doesn't always mean a refund. I'm on the cruise after yours, we are now staying overnight in Doha, moved our stop in Bahrain out a day.
  22. If you use a TA, you can only make payments through them AFAIK.
  23. For those watching & planning, the next CN promo (per a TA posting on another site) is DoubleUp, ANY stateroom. November 16 through November 27.
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