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Everything posted by Homosassa

  1. I agree. I love feeling the motion of the ship and have never taken anything for sea sickness. We do book cabins that are low and amidships. It makes a difference when you can't walk in a straight line when you are high up and forward or aft. However, I have a daughter who, as a baby, cried if I tried to rock her. She starts the meclizine the morning we are to board ship.
  2. No. The age range is six months (must be six months to sail) to two years, 364 days on day of embarcation for the 0-3. For the 3-6 on day of embarcation, age is three years, zero days (birthday) up to 5 years, 364 days. You may also find that for the one year old, the baby club will be open for the parents and child to play with the toys, but the staff hours may be limited for availability to leave the child.
  3. The family for four will need to book a cabin that is rated for four passengers (ties in with the number of passengers in the cabins allocated to a lifeboat station). When the booking is made, request a cot for the little one. The children are in the age range for two different kid programs. They will be separated by age. Check your MSC website for what is available for families. I am in the US, so my MSC website may not be laid out the same as your UK website. On the US website, there is a header that has different options. Hopefully, yours is the same. Select the one that says "On Board" and you should be able to find the family section.
  4. You keep telling yourself that. In a rough sea, the ship will still pitch, yaw, and roll. The stabilizers can only do so much for only the roll.
  5. At Horseshoe Bay, if you are standing on the beach looking at the water, go to your right and walk around the rock head. The cove is on the other side.
  6. That makes sense. Back in the dark ages (1983) of the original "MaxiTaxi" stroller with the hard plastic basket under the seat, we had to fold the stroller to gain access to our cabin. We also never attempted to use it on a crowded elevator. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-80s-maxi-taxi-collapsable-44906503
  7. If you worked with Child Protection Services to have her placed with you, I would contact her case worker and see if documentation could be obtained from CPS allowing you to travel with her. It is a tricky situation and I would make sure that that you have the documentation needed before showing up at the pier.
  8. How do you have possession of the child? Are you foster parents or some other legally appointed caretaker? You need to have a document trail that shows that you are legally allowed to leave the country with a sixteen year old girl. A sixteen year old girl is a very valuable commodity on the market.
  9. Good chance you will be rocking and rolling as the storm passes off at a distance.
  10. How can stroller appropriate for cruising on a ship not fit through the cabin door? How wide is your stroller?
  11. No, it is easy to be "Confucius" when one is an experienced traveler (land, sea, and air) and knows that sometimes everything does not go to plan and that one must be prepared to change plans or incur extra expenses.
  12. OMG! Ship happens. If you are not prepared to roll with problems when they arise traveling, best stay home. Life doesn't come with compensation.
  13. Essiemom, just read your comment about a cold sore. Here is an extremely effective way to nip the blisters in the bud (more effective than Abreva and less expensive). When you start to feel that tingle, dip a Q-tip in plain old chlorine bleach. Roll the Q-tip across the tingling area (you will know when you hit the right spot). If you want, reapply again in an hour or two. It will stop the outbreak in its tracks. Any blisters that have formed will start to heal. When Abreva came into the FDA for approval, it was a case of a drug that was minimally effective as it could shorten the healing process by a day. However, as there was not a similar more effective treatment on the market, it was approved as that one day might be important to some people. When I saw the reviewing microbiologist for the Abreva New Drug Application (NDA) , I mentioned the chlorine bleach and q-tip approached. She rolled her eyes and said she wished she had know about the old home remedy when reviewing the data.
  14. Nobody has answered your bagel question. You will be in NYC, so any local bagel place will have good bagels. Sign of a authentic shop - no bacon bagels on the menu.
  15. I also have a cruise booked for January. My husband and I will be up to date with immunizations for flu, the new covid booster when available, and thinking about the RSV shot. We live in Florida and volunteer at a local state park so we will be exposed on a weekly basis to anything visitors bring with them. We do not plan on wearing masks, although we may pack a few for "just in case."
  16. I don't know if Carnival will do this, but I have seen posts by adults with a special need (deaf, blind) that they have been able to request the bracelet that is placed on children by the cruise line for ID purposes and life boat stations. Contact Special Needs and ask if something similar is available.
  17. Interesting. OP certainly has an axe to grind. Read through the linked thread. HORRORS!!!!!! Some ports were deleted due to weather. The OP, who was on the cruise, felt all types of compensation was due to them because of bad weather. Not sure what the problem was with the family that missed the cruise as article is behind a pay wall. However, I don't know why the OP feels that NCL is responsible for the family missing the ship and owes them a refund.
  18. I live in Florida. We just booked a cruise for this January from Tampa. The cruise must not be full and it is a month out from final payment. No surprise - Celebrity had a reduced Florida Resident rate to induce us to book. We also found that on the excursions beside the "Flash Sale, " when we made a selection and went to pay, we also had a resident reduction. As many of the excursions we picked had the statement that a minimum number of passengers had to book for the excursion to run, our incentive to book has helped guarantee that that number will be reached and the excursions will be available for others. Sometimes one benefits from an offer, sometimes one doesn't. It evens out over time.
  19. Lots of Fujiwhara effect dancing going on in the Atlantic. Jose was absorbed by Franklin. Franklin now moving on beyond Bermuda. Idalia and Gert will be "eyeing" each other at some point. Katia is is late to the party. All in all, lots of big waves out there.
  20. Depending on how this is posted, time4u2go is not the one posting. Besides, weather, rough seas, and fire hazards, I have read that only a certain number of balconies may be opened at a time. Something to do with the wind moving along the ship and steering? There is also a matter of noise control. Other passengers do not want to listen to a party.
  21. You may also find that you can not add someone else to your cabin if the lifeboat station is filled to capacity.
  22. MSC is very good at plugging loopholes and stopping passenger manipulation of such things as cruise fares or other restrictions. It is why MSC can offer cruises at reasonable rates.
  23. Hey! You make it through our mutual friend! I hope it worked out OK for you.
  24. You can also enjoy seeing a cruise ship through the eyes of a toddler. We have many happy memories of cruising with our daughter throughout the years (first cruise was at eighteen months).
  25. beckyboo, I "stalked" you on your profile, so I now know more about your traveling plans. As it is just you and your toddler, I am going to assume you booked a double cabin and not a cabin for three. The double cabin may not have the same floor space as a cabin for three or four and your concerns about floor space with a crib, no matter how small, may be valid. Have you considered having the bed in the cabin split into two twins and giving him his own bed? Yes, I know well the problem with having a toddler in a twin bed. My daughter was amazing agile and strong and was over the sides of her play pen at nine months and hanging on the rails on the outside of her crib by two. We had to put her in a twin bed for her own safety. The biggest problem was waking up to find a little "bed bug" climbing into bed with us.
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