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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. There is no suggested amount to tip anyone. The ONLY valid answer to tipping is to top whoever you want any time you want any amount you want. What oterhs choose to fo is none of anylne else's business and it is not at all relevant...
  2. Each person should do as he sees fit. However using the lame excuse that one has paid the DSC as a reason not to tip is being extremely cheap and more than a tad rationalizing.
  3. There is no such thing as tipping "extra". WHat you tip is what you choose to tip. If you increase your tip it is still just the amount you choose to tip.
  4. I gave an accurate anwesr to the question asked.
  5. While some like to use the DSC as an excuse to not tip, the DSC is descried fully on ncl.com under the FAQ for money matters. Nowhere does it indicates that the DSC is a tip. While each person can make hsi own personl decision about tipping, using the DSC as an excuse is raher lame. " The reason there's a fixed service charge is an important one: Our Crew (as are the crew from other lines) is encouraged to work together as a team. Staff members including complimentary restaurant staff, stateroom stewards and behind-the-scenes support staff are compensated by a combination of salary and incentive programs that your service charge supports."
  6. I disagree, I see many popel top barkeeps, waiters, cabin stewards, etc on a frequent basis. Most cheap people do not tip but that it is because it is in tehir nature,
  7. There are no tis to take off. The only tips you are charegd are on the FAS packages that you elect to accept for free. Other than that (if you read the FAQ on ncl.com), tipping is 100% optional. Most. or as far as I have seen. many people do tip, There is no suggested, typical, customary, or usual amount to tip. Simply tip whoever you want any amount you want any time you want. Enjoy your cruise!
  8. That does not make the wall magnetic. Your magnetic was the magnetic object not the wall. Just an FYI.
  9. No they are NOT magnetic. However I do believe the doors are sreel and a magnet will adhere to them, but they are nt in and of tjemslevs magnetic.
  10. It keeps drunks from spilling drinks into the pool which woudl require the pool to be closed, drained, cleaned, and refilled. So yes it cuts cost.
  11. None of what toy get for you money is worth the price it costs.
  12. Well seeing as those are dinner for TWO, it wouls be hard for most people to use them alone! Self evident that diner for TWO can be use with someone else. Its in the name! 🙂
  13. Go to the table before the game start and claim yoru favorite seat.
  14. Yes, I know. No you cannot. The FAS and purchase specialty dining is specific to the person who took the FAS offer or bought the package.
  15. It wasn't worth the old price let alone the new WAAAAAY too much price. It would be close to worth the price if you hate kids.
  16. They DO have NLH and tournys. The rake is a stupud 10% and there is no half rake situations. The tournys are structured (startung chip amounts and blind levels) so that they boils down to an all-in fest. The quality of play os below average. Lots of player who are "I've seen this on TV I'll give it a shot".
  17. Your 1st cabin was most likely the last available MA. The plus sign has no bearing onthe cost of the cabin. It is merely the max occupancy. No one is being penalized. Take off your tin foil hat and enjoy your cruise.
  18. If you are worried about the value of teh ring go get ot appraised. I would suspect that it will approase at most at 50% if what you paid. I do not know about the jewelry, but the 'art' on the ships is sold in an extremely deceptve manner. They toss around the term 'original' very iberally and most of the print art hey sell is nothing but computer printed giclee. Mention that word when in the ;art; galery and see how fast you are swept out!
  19. BTW who is this Miss Leading you speak of and what is her first name? I've never met her on any of my cruising and she sounds, shall we say, interesting! 🙂
  20. ---> That only applies to 2.3% of cruisers. The rest are nice people who couldn't care less... --->Not necessarily. 21.3% of NCL cruisers won't book a ship without an OL. 57.21% of people quoting statistcis are making them up off the top of their head!
  21. I am already on my 5th bag of popcorn! 🙂
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