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Everything posted by jonthomas

  1. dont compare O to Viking if you have NOT been on O and only if you have been on both recently...because things have changed....
  2. Yes I already pay for lobster but don't eat it. Glad we have 10 cruises booked till may of 2025.
  3. Get ready for massive confusion, including mine.
  4. I don't eat lobster and don't want to pay for people that do...lol
  5. yes I see that as well... as long as O remains the product we have enjoyed for the past 3 cruises this year....
  6. Will be interesting to see how the already booked cruises will be dealt with. We do not consume alcohol. Have no interest whatsoever in included wine and do not want to pay more for it. We book, cruise only and are not interested in anything more , for a higher price. But O is our line of choice. Will just have to wait and see how much more this preference is going to cost us.
  7. Other than a hostel, no one has been able to find a hotel for 145 US pp per night with breakfast and in a prime location...on or just off la ramblas.... easy to find good ones if you are willing to spend more....
  8. yes we stay at a hotel that is that cost with breakfast...surely there must be others... it is a no brainer to stay at a lovely hotel if you are willing to pay the higher prices... the challenge comes when you can find a hotel that is in a good location, clean, with breakfast for a budget price... when we fly to BCN, we are so jet lagged and exhausted, all we need is sleep...do not care how "lovely" the hotel is....
  9. Yes you are right, it is relative.... anything around !45 US with breakfast, is what I would consider low.....
  10. Still not a low price with breakfast.
  11. Thank you for the lol... I understand how this experience will put you off cruising. We are now in a position where we have been everywhere we wanted to be. Cruising itself is our enjoyment. Food and ambiance now superceed the ports for us.
  12. Very interesting comments here. I'm not in any position to offer an opinion on the why's and justifications but I will add that the cruise director and all involved in management needed to do much more for the guests. Doing nothing for disappointed guests is not a way that will promote this line. I really hope that the comments made here, find their way to the decision makers of the operation.
  13. No one seems to mention the lowest price best hotels. Sure the higher priced hotels are great as they should be but what about those lower priced gems? Anyone find any ?
  14. It hasn't veered too far from the original ops post of the badly behaved on the Marina. Have to add that after 5, O cruises have not yet seen anything that would make take notice but have seen plenty over the years on other lines. Have never forgotten, a baby in diapers in the hot tub on a Celeb ship and the screaming swearing parents that were reported and had to take the baby out of the tub. The tub subsequently closed for everyone else. When you have cruised a great deal, all kinds of situations of the badly behaved will come to mind. On O as well, I'm sure, but not yet.
  15. To have credibility about the atmosphere and behavior on lines other than O, you need to have sailed on them and have had the experience for yourself. Not only sailed on them but done various itineraries as the carribbean or transatlantic, for example, as well as different times of the year. All these variants will attract a different clientelle. Not only that, but a variety of promotions also come into play which can affect the composition of the passengers. Without this personal experience calling me a snob and an elitist has no substance, just a "red herring". To say all lines have passengers behaving similarly is to be either very inexperienced or naive.
  16. Not at all. There are plenty that sail on other lines for the party atmosphere. To think otherwise is just a lack of experience.
  17. Pure vanilla extract would help but expensive. They must have someone other than the pastry expert do the cookies and these people have no idea what good cookies taste like.
  18. It took us too long to realize we could do better. Of course not all of our cruises were that bad. The final straw was the class division and if you wanted better food, you had to pay for a suite. We watched a wall being built across the main dining room to create the space for those in suites. We don't travel for the itinerary specifically, been to most places we are interested in. Now O suits us much better. Just hope it continues to deliver what is important to us.
  19. Nope not confused. Guess you missed out on the sights and activities. In over 50 cruises you get to see it all unless you pretty much stay in your cabin. On one cruise, the kids were so bad, we all got compensation towards a future cruise. There was a promo , kids sail free. Oh forgot to mention the horse betting, yup by the pool with an all day steel drum band. But that's the Caribbean, there are other delights for other destinations. Just hope those that enjoy that, continue to sail their lines of choice.
  20. Over 50 cruises with celeb, way too many drunks, belly flop contests, Walmart parade of the poorly dressed, the poor taste newly wed not so newly wed game...horribly behaved kids and their parents...if hating all that makes me a snob, then that is what I am and proud of it... So glad that this element sticks to lines other than O.
  21. TY for posting...amazing ship...the food...the food...lol
  22. We are on for Jan 9 as well.
  23. Yes of course they are...hence the quotations...all of course written with tongue in cheek...just showing we all have excentricities...I more than most....
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