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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. Think most would call that full with the number of staff.
  2. Your Mom can call a USA number for free when connected to Wi-Fi. While on Summit from Iceland to Boston we called simply using the Surf (basic Wi-Fi) on board when near Iceland and again when we were a day out of Newfoundland. Obviously in port she can simply connect to the local phone system and make free outgoing calls, texts and use data on the net. Do remind her that incoming calls when outside North America are not free when using TMobile WI-FI. Strange but not expensive usually 10-20 cents a minute. We simply did not answer then called friends back. We found calling late until very early mornings worked best from the ship. Less usage.
  3. The problem is Starlink and Elon. They have promised far more capacity than capability. Ukraine is using huge capacity. Some areas are better.
  4. Pretty much yes. Given the situation they might reschedule. As said as their resolutions department. A CSRep cannot assist- way above their authority.
  5. And there are some dozens of wines on board not on the winelist. You will actually find out when you get on board what is available.
  6. Agree you are asking what the regulars think was a silly question. OBC from Celebrity varies from program to program as you well know. "Normal" is zero. Special sales are whatever they offer. Programs last anywhere from one day to a couple months then change. Am positive you know that.
  7. Everyone is different. Pretty much all the bar areas are great in the mornings, but I prefer my own cabin.
  8. Yes. The list is on the Celebrity website and is very long and variable due to supply issues
  9. True is the cruise ports in the UK area. Was told not available recently Iceland to Boston via Canada.
  10. You likely would get your laundry back the next day as almost nobody will be having laundry done, but no guarantee unless you pay for next day. Unless in a place with no laundry when ashore likely to be easier to not do while on board except for a bag the day you board.
  11. There are absolutely cabins held back. There are always maintenance issues but the number is small. Also there are cabins for entertainers and others. Today also a few retained to deal with covid when one passenger tests positive and the other negative. If they separate that requires a second cabin. Those cabins will not be released. Period No idea where you are sailing, but still lots of artificial demand by those using FCCs. Combine with Aqua becoming very popular along with Suites and a move up bid for those is getting more and more difficult.
  12. Not likely things changed from when you started a duplicate thread a few hours ago. I asked the hotel manager this exact question last month on Summit. Was told staffing was the main issue. Not only to set up the event, but send out the invitations. If you want a M&G simply set up a place and time on Cruise Critic. Not hard. Better than Princess which provides nothing. You coordinate with them and they provide a time and location. On our last cruise on Celebrity there was a slot pull, bar crawl and other events organized by CC members.
  13. Another reason we use a TA. A good one.
  14. Discussed over and over. Food is changed by trying to control food costs so a bit cheaper cuts, service effected by staff shortages and new employees. That said they try very hard to please. Entertainment the same as before. Supply chain issues most evident in beverage selection.
  15. What you really should do is go to the insurance forum.
  16. Gotta love the IT at Celebrity. To the OP - seems to not be a newbie employee at Celebrity but just their system. The reason we always use or tried and true TA (NOT a big box company)
  17. Equinox for veranda as not a fan of the infinite veranda. Actually prefer M class as smaller more intimate. Today we actually cruise by the itinerary as not many West coast USA cruises.
  18. It doesn't directly except lots of cruises from Florida and many Florida posters that can provide information. I am Director of an antique car museum. Have had no luck so far getting info on Edison Ford Museum. Hopeful.
  19. Glad it got sorted out. DW has several prescriptions. We always take photos of all the bottles, take enough for 2X plus a few days the number of days, and divide into 2 lots. One goes in my carryon and the other in hers - that way really hard to run out.
  20. Best to check in for all three cruises and simply attach the same photo. Procedures vary but you will get a notice the last day telling you when and where to get your new seapass. Sometime you can stay on board. Other times you are required to leave the ship, but can immediately come back on board. Have always had a really nice lunch when on a B2B if we did not go into town.
  21. Along with icebergs on our recent Iceland cruise. The other hardship is running out of beer on cruises with lots of Aussies and Kiwis. They drink the ship dry in 6 days on a cruise for the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli.
  22. Those of us in the desert Southwest put a bunch of bags in a gallon jar and set it out in the sun for 6-8 hours. Remove the bags and chill. Most of us add fresh lemon to our tea. No sugar. I like hot tea strong with milk and sugar. Maybe a result of time in Australia?
  23. Interesting. As for the airlines they are capacity constrained mostly because of staffing issues. Westjet is flying about 30% less seats for example. Cruise ships have always had routes fully booked and others that had last minute availability. Demand as you said was fueled by FCCs. Those according to Carnival and HAL are mostly used. Bookings are falling because of many reasons beyond FCCs. These include chaos in airlines, cost of food and utilities (especially in Europe). Let's see if bookings hold for 2023 and beyond. Would think cancellation rates will increase in the current uncertain time and rates falling accordingly at some future time.
  24. The fares with RCCL are held in a trust account. Crystal did not do that as a privately held company was not required to do so.
  25. I simply go to Celebrity website, login and go to moveup and bid. Often get no email.
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