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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. We simply suspend or Dish account when on a long holiday. Then bill drops to $5 a month. It and every other bill are on auto pay. Have a neighbor take our mail in every 30 days. Works fine for as long as you want. Thanks for the VPN suggestion!
  2. You would need to speak to guest relations or the Captain's Club Host to arrange a room. They will tell you availability time and place. No difference between this and a Cruise Critic Meet and Greet. You need to do the coordination of guest notifications. Pretty easy to call their cabins or leave notes. Notes are tough as cabin numbers change. Getting waitstaff for drinks is a new one for me. Probably could set up.in an area near a bar.
  3. Discussed in several threads. It is sometimes GMT 000. Has been as late as the next working day occasionally. With ronly rare exceptions, checking in on the first day will get you the earliest checkin time.
  4. Am currently in Iceland. Have TMobile. Since 2G doesn’t exist except in a few places you are only slowed to what the country offers. In Iceland almost 100% coverage with 4G (no 3G here) except 5G in a couple cities. Maps updated just fine. Better than the navigation system in our hire car.
  5. A straight razor if under 4" in length would be allowed. Think most are longer. I use a pocket knife with a 2 1/2" blade to cut tubing for wife's nebulizer. It has always been ok. Goes in checked luggage on airlines.
  7. Unlimited 4G in Iceland. Just remember Greenland is an outlier. Need to use ship WIFI if I understand what my Iceland TA said. Am sure you already posted but wondering how many on board? Weather for the last 9 days in Iceland pretty good. At least some sun every day. If you don't like the weather just wait. It will change. This morning rain for 6 hours. This afternoon windy - 20-40mph - but partly cloudy.
  8. It is 1600 watts. Aren't the outlets rated at less?
  9. Except the guidelines say any wine is supposed to be in carryon baggage. As already said - putting it in checked baggage has sometimes caused bagged to be delayed and we had it held until the end of the cruise once as well.
  10. Except on cruises like the Iceland cruises with 1400+ Elites priority tendering doesn't mean much. The webpage outlines everything really well.
  11. Absolutely useless to debate this because it violates CC policy and who knows what Canada and other countries will do in the future.
  12. If a power source is for medical equipment it is allowed. To the OP - I use a charging pad that has 2 additional USB ports. Waterpark, 2 phones and a camera battery. How much more do you need? PS if for a CPAP or other, Celebrity will provide cord with multiple outlets. Why mess around with the rules.
  13. In Iceland there is no quarantine, virtually no testing. Nothing. Almost no masking. When we were in Canada with friends, several came down with covid. They simply stayed home till they felt better.
  14. Was told by a big box TA company. Be flexible or stay home. Had to laugh about Arizona Ice Tea. None locally in Arizona lately. Lol.
  15. Many things like messed up drink packages, wifi and stuff like bed configuration easier to fix on boarding. Or for drink packages waiting toll no line at guest relations.
  16. Rapidtestandtrace.com also uses GMT and will show your local time zone at the time of the test if requested. Makes no difference where the proctor is located
  17. I alway wear socks with my sandals for dinner. Need to have a bit of class
  18. You need a different TA unless you booked more than 30 days ago. In that case it is too late to transfer.
  19. It will be interesting. Have seen the confusing changes and disagree in the correct interpretation. Pretty sure if taken to a dining room there will be a corkage fee - always has been one. Guess the solution is to make it really good wine so if charged $25 it is worth it.
  20. You download the app. Fill out the traveller information ONCE. Covid and passport. Then before you board a cruise ship of otherwise enter Canada- fly, drive, walk - you enter the date and entry point as an update EVERY TIME YOU ENTER CANADA. Takes 2 minutes or less.
  21. You missed the point. ArriveCAN provides Canada with passenger passport and covid data that Canada requires for EVERY entry. Celebrity is required to prepare a passenger manifest with the names and passport data for everyone on board. Thus nobody needs to check at the ports. Already done.
  22. You will need to take the 20€ taxi. Not much compared to the cost of your cruise.
  23. You cannot see any of the Lava flows near Reykjavik unless in a helicopter. They have closed the airspace and are not allowing anyone to hike into the area. Area is all Lava flows. Some of them from last year that are still hot. The Iceland Public owned TV has good pictures and there should be good ones when it gets a bit darker.
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