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Everything posted by AMHuntFerry

  1. Sorry...misread the "irrelevant" intention...I need to regrow my thicker skin 😉
  2. Which is fine for you, but not for me. My actual point was that you don't need a super secret connected TA to get sales, not whether internet or in-person TAs are better. I have always disliked anything but in-person communication even before cells/internet (i.e., I hate any phone, wired or otherwise). It's a personal flaw that is not uncommon. I don't trust people I can't see in person, so local is my preference. Please refrain from making fun of my issues, and I won't make fun of yours.
  3. I do not use one of the Oceania Connoisseur Club TAs (and certainly not the top 20 Elite version) as there are no OCC TAs in my area. My TA is a local, family-owned, full-service agency with a brick and mortar presence that has been around for decades; they still have access to spiffy (silent and not so silent) sales and other perks. If you want to google for a better-connected-to-O TA, have at it, but it's not required to access sales.
  4. In addition to Torquer's info, other names/titles: https://www.oceaniacruises.com/corporate
  5. Until someone with firsthand experience comes along...the only activity that happens in the Upper Hall is the string quartet (usually over in the half-circle across from the stairs on the deck plan). If the cabin is near one of the lifeboats/tenders being raised/lowered there may be some noise. I can't think of anything else since being near elevators/stairs is typically not a noise issue.
  6. @PrivateIdaho Please share the cabin categories that you are considering. Qualities that you find important will also help with relevant suggestions.
  7. If the August 3, 2024 10-day Riviera sailing in the French riviera region is of interest, you might want to check with your TA to see if you can get the $1600 Veranda price that I can see. There is also a new 50% off second guest (=25% off cabin) sale that just appeared on a bunch of itins, but I haven't heard back from my TA yet.
  8. A prolific not-to-be-named Youtuber posted an Aft Penthouse video 5 months ago.
  9. They are quite large...just shy of 800 ml.
  10. That cruise were heavy on the words/trivia, low on the math/logic...so annoying and not much fun.
  11. So, to avoid TA IDs, can you give some examples...date, ship, price of lowest veranda cabin.
  12. Ask for the "Pre-Purchased Shore excursions and Onboard Items" pdf. It will have each shorex line item with retail price, discounts, and final price, then a total for each column.
  13. I love the libraries on O! However, combining the books with the puzzles/games and also computers (now just monitors?) seems like compatible activities (although a soundproof room may be needed for mahjong).
  14. I knew I was forgetting something in the vanity kit! Yes, I think 3 cotton swabs, 3 cotton balls, and a small nail file are in the vanity kit. You can ask for more (or more just appear). I don't know if they have makeup removal pads though. I like the lotion. Usually I'm a scent-free or essential oils fan, but I like the Bulgari scents (and so does my spouse). I get dry skin in the winter and the lotion worked for me, but someone else will need to comment on how good it is for very dry skin.
  15. Off the top of my head: shampoo, conditioner, bath soap, face soap, lotion, vanity kit (nail file, cotton balls), shower cap.
  16. On our last cruise I found a nice pair of earrings on one of the bathroom floors by the sink. Now I feel bad for turning them in to lost-and-found since someone was obviously saving that sink for future use. 😉
  17. Truffles = chocolate to me. Loooovvvveee a good truffle.
  18. @oskidunker Here are the menus with the costs on the Preisman blog (from I think November): https://www.thepreismans.com/vista23_menus.htm#privee
  19. It sounds like you can either use the services of a good travel agent or if you want to DIY you probably want to join your rollcall to see what others are doing: Iceland is really easy to get around, but everything is expensive so just expect prices to be high (food, lodging, transport). Take a bus day-tour to see the top draws; we usually avoid group tours, but we had 3 days in Iceland so needed to be efficient (and really enjoyed the bus tour to sites near Reykjavik). You may also find the Northern Europe forum useful: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/116-northern-europe-amp-baltic-sea/
  20. @Sthrngary There appear to be the standard Bar Menus on at least two of the tables. You may need to stop by the Horizons bar to let them know you want to order something, or maybe they have some sort of alert-system in place (e.g., camera, "door bell").
  21. And there's something really festive about having trays of canapes brought around...even better than chips and nuts!
  22. Oh yes, I understand your pain...not the same pain as administering an estate with an uncooperative spouse, but I too get really peeved when people/companies can't do simple tasks (like provide proof of payment when they are asking me to reimburse them...I had a ~$25 expense rejected by my company once because I had misplaced a receipt, so yes, I would expect proof of a multi-thousand expense).
  23. OK, now I'm seeing the picture more clearly...NCLH is the creditor, not the PAF. An analogous situation (that may be more familiar) is when we hire a general contractor for a home remodel. Before paying final payment the general contractor (and possibly before), I ask to see proof that subs were paid. If subs weren't paid, they can put a lien on my house. Pay an attorney to send a letter that says something to the effect of "we won't pay this bill until proof of payment is shown. You have until X date." It's amazing what a simple letter from an attorney can accomplish. Any decent contract (estate, real estate, etc. ) attorney can do this; your insurance may have an attorney that will do this for a fee.
  24. No, I meant the invoice directly from the air force since they are the ones that may ultimately come after you for payment. Or are you saying that NCL is the creditor? Whoever is demanding payment is the one that needs to provide a "balance due" invoice. If NCLH is the creditor and has not provided a proper invoice, I agree with the advice to send a letter from an attorney. Your estate planning attorney may be able to provide one or refer you to an attorney who can. Also, you bought this insurance through a TA; your TA should also be hounding their O-rep to get resolution to this issue. (Oops, just read post #54 - so invoice is from NCLH)
  25. Can you call the customer number and request a copy of the invoice? My spouse is PR for an estate with a less-than-cooperative spouse. We have had to obtain invoices directly from providers in order to administer the estate, and they always either have a balance due or something indicating "Paid" (like an electronic stamp). It seems to me that a current invoice from the Portuguese Air Force indicating "Paid" or a balance due would be sufficient to move forward. Good luck!
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