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Everything posted by Interestedcruisefan

  1. Yes I think I know where you mean now I wouldn't want to be sat there. We normally book early times and to date have been given window tables as we have been the first entering the restaurant If we book again I might actually request window tables from now on Can't do any harm
  2. I'm trying to picture where this annexe is? Its a pretty big restaurant to not need an annexe? I seem to recall some tables set back together from the window tables? Furthest in to the restaurant? Is that where you mean?
  3. In Weston super mare they will literally dive bomb you for your fish and chips. There were warning notices everywhere And also Bridlington where they were a right pain!!
  4. We also saw hoopoes during our safari yesterday I remember the guide saying they are named that due to the noise they make Our guide was a real bird enthusiast. He is on a challenge to photograph 400 different species currently. 350 of which he knows could be in his park area When he spotted a bird for us he would often be able to imitate the noise it makes to see if it would react I was amazed to see the nests the weaver birds create
  5. Definitely Maho Beach from St Maarten. There are lots of mini buses in the port to shuttle you there and back. The 14 year old will love it there. The 3 year old probably will as well once you've explained what's happening!! Hopefully they will love the kids club I would just go to local beaches with them with taxis Boatyard Beach in Barbados has water inflatables and a rope swing into the sea the 14 year old will enjoy and jet skis
  6. We've done a similar walk to that selbourne It's definitely a lively place We too love the art deco hotels like you Scenes from the Al Pacino movie Scarface were filmed there as well
  7. This was our room from the outside. By far the most special place we have ever stayed anywhere It had it's own infinity pool. But we were just there one night from the cruise and literally had no time to use it. We were up at 4.15am this morning for our game drive The infinity pool and balcony overlooked a river where the animals would normally cross But there had been freak rain the day before so the river was too high for animals to attempt to cross whilst we were there Would love to go back there one day They aren't allowed to say how many white rhino are in the park now but this park has helped them recover numbers They have to have security on patrol all the time due to poachers But sadly because this is the park that still keeps the horns on the white rhino they had 200 white rhino killed by poachers there in 2023 !! Driven by demand for the horns in China It's 100,000 hectares and the animals are free to roam anywhere within it And a large part is called the wilderness where safaris are forbidden to go and where the animals are supposed to flourish without human intervention But that's why there's no guarantee to see any animals as they can go in and out of the wilderness area as they please And clearly too big an area to prevent the poachers getting in and out
  8. Perfect description of what Limelight is IMO
  9. Here's my attempt to load the video my wife shot VID-20240120-WA0007.mp4
  10. Anyone who's followed one of my live threads will know it's my wife's photos and not mine! Mine would be upside down!!
  11. My wife was able to shoot a video after we all recovered from the shock of our vehicle unexpectedly coming face to face with the white rhino There was just my wife and I and the guide on the vehicle It was spine tingling for sure I will try and load it later We never found lions or leopards but this will live in the memory forever It was such a shock to just drive into where the white rhino was We did 2 game drives. One yesterday early evening and one early this morning. Both absolutely magical. Yesterday we stumbled into a herd of over 200 elephants!! Which was incredible but also quite scary as we literally ended up surrounded by them. The noises they were making was like Jurassic Park!! My wife was too scared to even try to video that. Especially after the guide had said elephants are the most dangerous animals as they can tip the vehicle and we try not to let them get behind us! Soon after we were literally surrounded by them !! They just appeared from nowhere. Luckily they weren't bothered by us at all and moved on The guide said on many days they never see a single elephant And somehow yesterday - 200 arrived at once!!
  12. Here's some more pictures in no particular order: (And for once I paid for a room with a balcony!!) It was some balcony and some view!!
  13. White Rhino There were less than 100 left in the world and very close to extinction not long ago Most that are left today have had to have their horns removed sadly to deter poachers trying to kill them But there's one place (at least) they still exist with their horns intact. And we were there today. Never imagining we would actually find one of them. This morning we turned a corner following some tracks looking for lions and all of a sudden from nowhere we looked up and we were literally head on facing a white rhino Spine tingling coming face to face with this magnificent creature My new favourite animal. I actually felt honored to be in its presence We've just had the most amazing 24 hrs we will never ever forget at the most incredible Safari Lodge in South Africa. Absolutely magical from start to finish.
  14. So excited today We are being collected from azamara in Richards Bay to go to an amazing Safari lodge for an overnight stay The pictures look stunning. Take a look! https://www.instagram.com/mfulawozi_wilderness?igsh=MXZhNDh3YWZnbGtuZw== Our first proper safari experience
  15. The double bed is huge. Cabin is great. We have our normal inside. Big TV perfectly positioned on the wall opposite the bed Very international passenger mix. I've heard plenty of US guests, UK and German already. Seems to 'be a group on a golfing type escape as well Embarkation took less than 10 mins Waiters walking round offering cocktails everywhere Seafood buffet welcome dinner tonight Very hot on hygiene and washing hands at the moment Captain said an unknown virus being tested at the laboratory still is in South Africa currently - pool will be closed for first few days at least And buffet all the food will be served I can't believe how little walking we have to do to get anywhere. Hardly any stairs to climb and hardly anywhere to have to walk far to at all I've pre-booked 4 speciality meals plus just added an Italian Opera speciality meal Also I've booked some spin classes which are FOC. We pay for those on P and O. But of course this cruise is significantly more expensive than P and O. However drinks are included and seem very good quality and gratuities are included Very impressed so far though Entertainment will be limited but everything else will be high quality it seems Even the buffet seems very refined
  16. Agreed that the Quays is a really great addition to the P and O ships that offer it
  17. Think in the last 40 years of going on holiday I've seen one bad experience on a 5 star all inclusive holiday in Turkey (involving millionaire Russian guests). I've fallen out with a German guest (pushing in front of a restaurant queue in the Canaries). And I've overhead some rows on a couple of flights that could have got out of hand Cant remember anything bad on a cruise other than on our first gulet cruise to Turkey when one of the married ladies on the cruise left her husband halfway through the cruise to move in with the captain!! Lol That really happened. Wasn't any violence etc. Just the weirdest thing to see happen. There were only about 16 of us on the cruise. The husband stayed on board and finished the cruise. Just without his wife! Who swapped cabins to be with the captain after 3 nights. The husband took it quite well to be honest!!
  18. I've also seen complaints about passenger behaviour on some of the older P and O ships recently. These aren't the ones you go to for the cheapest prices with P and O? So what's the explanation for those incidents? I honestly don't think pricing strategy will have been influenced in any way whatsoever by the very very rare "poor incidents" reported on board all the ships at various times
  19. You honestly think price changes of a few hundred pounds either way would make any difference to type of guests or behavior on board? Funny enough - having a business heavily involved in the hospitality industry I've noticed it's almost always the guests paying for the most expensive tables that tend to be the most obnoxious and rude to my staff and/or other guests or venue staff around them (and even then it's a tiny minority) Thinking they are above them or entitled etc. Celebrities the worst for it. (Again some not all!)
  20. Cape Town this morning Today we join Azamara Pursuit for a 12 night South Africa Cruise The ship only holds 900 guests so will be the smallest ship we have cruised on. Apparently it's often only half full this time of year as well. The food gets great reviews and drinks are included Can't wait. Boarding appears from what I can see to be very laid back. No online check in required prior. No luggage tags needed prior. We just have to turn up with passports and baggage and credit card to swipe. And they take a photo. Apparently. Hopefully it's as easy as that. I guess on smaller ship cruises with less passengers they dont need to have done much in advance.
  21. Totally believe it's happened Just can't think P and O would do this themselves without at least telling you why Perhaps its just an error on their part? But that's not your problem. I guess all you can do is enjoy it and wait to see if you ever find out why you were given it Similarly we received a lovely hamper delivered this Christmas (but with no name tag). We had to contact quite a few people before realising who had sent it and being able to thank them. The lady who sent it was slightly miffed her name hadn't been added to the delivery tag Mistakes happen like that quite a lot.
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