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Everything posted by icft

  1. I'm surprised again. This thread has made it this far without someone saying, "you could have easily gotten two plastic trash bags, filled them with ice and tied them together over your shoulders to have one in front and one in back. Problem solved."
  2. We're still getting a steady flow of casino offers but the incentives have decreased. It is not unusual to not see a lot of offers for very far in the future. We often get offers that are "book by" some months in the future and as that date approaches no new offers have arrived. But as that future date gets close, or when they expire, a new set of offers good for months in the future will arrive.
  3. This thread surprised me. We have over 30 seven day Caribbean cruises on Carnival and have never had any temperature problems other than my wife usually wearing a light jacket because she finds most air conditioned places chilly. But if I did take a cruise where the room did not stay below about 71 at night I would be miserable. I like it cool when I sleep (and my poor wife has a pile of blankets on top of her).
  4. I'm ashamed to say it wasn't the drugs that lured me here. It was the "Me and my two DD's." I should be better than that...
  5. Yep! Texas does have a few "different" things. I don't know if things have changed, but pre-covid we sailed out of Galveston and on debarkation came across a place where the the State of Texas wants you to declare and pay Texas tax on any alcohol you bought on your cruise. We just walked on by with our bottles in our luggage. They have no power to search you without probable cause - they don't have the power of the federal customs and boarder protection. It is a "stupid tax," as in a tax upon the stupid.
  6. Maybe. Then I would not be surprised if they were both 1984 next year...
  7. Not a silly question at all. We live in silly times with silly rules so how is a person to know where the silliness begins and ends?
  8. I hope not, but that may become more common. I like Gentleman Jack. A few months back half way through the cruise they were out of it. Regular Jack Daniels? No. Wild Turkey? No. All they had was some brand I never heard of. They apparently did restock at the next port. That was the first time in decades of sailing I was on a ship that ran out. A while after we got back someone posted on here about their not having something else. I think it was on the Vista and someone responded that the delivery truck had been stuck in Galveston traffic. So, just like the quality of food - the raw ingredients like beef - have gone down to save costs or, like bacon, become rationed, I would not be surprised if the quality of alcohol goes down. Hope I'm wrong.
  9. What's really tearing me up is that I miss the old Guy's but how do I complain when I can't, with a straight face, say, "you know how much I paid for this free cruise?"
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