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Everything posted by Fionboard

  1. Unusually warm where I am, in Riga - 29°. Thank heavens for aircon on ship when you get back from walking the town and your feet are on fire! Great place though.
  2. Have always used Euros in Croatia. Only a few places want Kuna now. Or use card of course.
  3. Just left Tallinn. Never known it so hot there before. Saw this outside one of the restaurants.
  4. I have been on 5 this year Dai and totally agree with you. On one cruise my steward had 3 jobs!
  5. Yes, and you are now advised in the Horizon that Sweden is a cashless country so pay with a card, even for small items.
  6. On her now in Baltic. No problems. Enjoying it.
  7. Sweden and Denmark only want cards too, no need to take currency.
  8. On Arcadia today just docked in Stockholm. No Visby yesterday. Captain tried but had to abort. It was very windy - Force 6 to 7.
  9. On Arcadia now. Ocean Grill closed Sindhu open. Early days but all good at the moment.
  10. View from mine on Arcadia today entering Stockholm.At sunrise.
  11. All good so far, early days.
  12. Same here, cruise I am on was half price I paid a couple of weeks ago! Ship still only half full though.
  13. Just waiting to board. Apparently only about 1100 on Arcadia today.
  14. Exactly, depends on the couple. Good point about mobiles though. Should not be allowed at the dinner table. Some people cannot do without them and can be so annoying at times. Whatever happened to the art of conversation!
  15. Always take a credit card and at least copy of passport ashore (plus EU health card). Covers you whatever happens. Was on Ramblas 30 minutes before terrorist attack and if I had been caught up in that these things would have been invaluable. You never know what might happen!
  16. In Denmark recently they refused cash for a beer. Card only.!
  17. Always really amuses me that couples on "table for two" generally look miserable as sin, but all the laughter and chat comes from the sharing tables. As you say, each to their own, but I like to be sociable on holiday and have met some good friends that way.
  18. Bolette just leaving Horizon. Bad pic as too much sun!
  19. Have been to Gib many times but not called there during any cruises recentlyr. The only part I like is Ocean Village for a drink or snack. Find the rest of the place very dated and a bit shabby. Usually only there for a morning anyway so not much time to do anything. Booze and perfume in the shops may look cheap but beware as there is a lot of fake stuff around. Best buy is leather if you like that sort of thing.
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