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Everything posted by CDaze71

  1. Nothing much yet, waiting, waiting. All I have heard is that they go on sale before the end of August, so in the next two weeks. I have four FCC's to book so they better get their skates on. The value-add bonus OBC offer expires 31/10/22. COME ON CARNIVAL!!!
  2. LOL. BTW the 22nd August Coral Cruise you want to B2B with is on sale too.
  3. It is on sale, I just received and email. But I can't share from whom so you'll just need to go through your own TAs.
  4. P&O is having another Flash Sale today. Some great bargains to be had even in the school holidays.
  5. Yeah we were hitting the dance floor on deck while the band Cruise Control were playing. And yes we could see Irene and Frank upstairs. So anywhere on Lido would be fun.
  6. Thanks so much for mentioning Irene and myself Sparky. It was great to meet you and the gang and I loved the song. We should have asked the guys doing their sound check to play the Teddy Bears song lol.
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