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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Good morning friends! Up and at 'em early today but tomorrow will be even earlier because we have a very long drive ahead of us. DH cleared some cookies from my computer yesterday and so far today things are working smoothly. 🤞 The weather this morning is 56F, cloudy, with rain expected this afternoon and evening and a high of 68. I guess we will drive through rain tomorrow which we hate but it's better than frozen precipitation. Thanks today go to Rich @richwmnwho is the creator of the Daily content. We are the reporters and fill in the rest. I hope Roy @rafinmd has another good day, and slept well last night. Before we know it he will be back at his job as Rich's replacement. Today the Care list is still long but we will pray for them all. Besides the earthquake victims, we pray daily for the citizens of Ukraine who continue their struggle. Prayers also for Jacqui, Joy, Tana, Sarah, Kathi, Annie and DH, Carolyn @Cruising-along, Lorraine @cruising sister, and the dearly departed of our members who passed last weekend. If I haven't mentioned you we are still praying for our Daily family so you are definitely covered. My memory isn't perfect but I always wish the best for you every time I read of your troubles. 🙏 Hurray and three cheers for those feeling better physically, Terri's @Cruzin Terricasino win, and our cruisers - those currently on one or heading to one including me. 😎 I appreciate Ann @cat shepardand Vanessa @JazzyVwho will take over for me so I can relax on my cruise. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserwill look for Rich's posts for port of the day and add any photos I might have had previously. So a salute to you gals for handling everything!🥂 Wow, I love today's celebration of pizza! We just had some this week, and DH warmed the leftovers for lunch yesterday. He barely warms it in the microwave, then finishes the job in a hot skillet on the range. Makes it nice and crispy instead of mushy like the microwave does. I refuse to celebrate toothache day. Who does that? However reading in the bathtub is acceptable as long as you don't drop your book or device in the water, so good luck! The soup sounds delicious and I bet Debbie @dfish has some nice recipes for us. No thanks to the drink and I don't drink red. I feel like we just had Athens recently but we haven't. Today's port of Piraeus, Athens, Greece was listed here twice before on December 24, 2021 and July 14, 2022. This is a popular port and I believe we have been there 5 times already. I didn't post photos on Dec. 24 due to drive day to Ohio for Christmas, but I posted Piraeus photos last July. There were many photos from others of Athens and I'll leave that to y'all, while I cover the port of Piraeus. Here are the links to those dates so you can easily retrieve them. Now, on to the photos! On our first cruise to Athens on Crown Princess in 2012, we toured the Acropolis and Plaka. On the Prinsendam in 2014 we were there twice, once at the beginning of the Black Sea cruise, then at the beginning of the next cruise to the Holy Land. We stayed at a hotel a block from Pasalimani Harbor in Piraeus. Here's a photo of the harbor taken from our lunch restaurant. And our lunch In December 2018 we were crossing from Europe to the U.S. on the Pacific Princess. Our stop in Piraeus was on Dec. 1. We walked from the ship's dock to Pasalimani Harbor again to do some wine and water shopping. If only I could speak Greek I'd know what these stores sold. No clue! I loved the little tree on the sidewalk with a pretty explicit warning. These kitties lived right in the doorway of this residence. In Greece you park anywhere your car will fit, even if it's at the intersection of two streets. We saw a lot of double parking too. This was the grocery store. They had moving escalator ramps you put your cart on and it moved on up to the second or third floor. We passed by an archaeological museum on the way back to the ship. This was the site of an ampitheater and they had all these stone objects lining the lot. The Piraeus dock where our 2019 cruise began. It was the Emerald Princess and we enjoyed 14 days onboard. At day 7 the rest of our family joined us in Barcelona to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversay. We had to celebrate it during mid-summer due to everyone's school and work commitments since our true anniversary date was Sept. 6. Can't believe I finished ahead of my usual treadmill time. Thanks for that go to DH who handles my computer problems. I will stay in touch during my cruise because I have to read the Daily everyday. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  2. Today’s care list: RIP Hal Sailer’s DSIL 2/3/23 RIP Cat Shepard’s nephew 2/4/23 RIP Bennybear’s aunt 2/5/23 Cruising-along’s worsening lab result Joy’s painful diagnosis & little doctor advice Roy slowly getting back to normal Jacqui still with splint on problem elbow Cruising sister surgery today after possible Covid exposure 15,000+ deaths after Turkish & Syrian earthquakes From the rotation: Marshhawk’s friend in a coma after falling Status of Scrapnana Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: Dailyites sleeping better! Summer Slope gets good medical report Casino luck for Cruzin Terri Tupper10’s son doing well after surgery Luvteaching’s DH out of hospital and back in rehab facility Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14 2 days for StLouisCruisers (Sky Princess 2/11 to 2/18) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena to 2/19), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore to 2/12), 0106 (Rotterdam to 2/15), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  3. Today is National Pizza Day, Toothache Day, and Read in the Bathtub Day Why does everyone think the future is space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek? - Tracey UllmanMeal Suggestion for today - Vegetarian Mushroom Barley SoupDrink of the Day - Warm WelcomeWine of the Day - Pine Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley, CaliforniaDestination of the Day - Piraeus-Athens, Greece Eurodam Willemstad Curacao, Netherlands Antilles 07:00 - 16:00 Koningsdam Lahaina, Maui Island, Hawaii 08:00 - 20:00 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Grand Turk Island, Cockburn Town, Turks and Caic eta 2-10 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Half Moon Cay, Bahamas eta 2-10 Oosterdam Port Stanley, East Falkland Island 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Bridgetown, Barbados 08:00 - 17:00 Volendam At Sea Destination Punta del Este, Uruguay eta 2-10 Zaandam At Sea Destination Puntarenas, Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica eta 2-10Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Sydney, NSW Australia eta 2-11 Westerdam Pulau Langkawi Island, Malaysia Kedah 08:00 - 17:00 Zuiderdam Sydney, NSW Australia 18:00 Depart Sandi for Roy and Rich
  4. Sorry to hear it Carolyn. I hope the doctor will have a good plan to improve those numbers and that he calls you before the end of the day. 🙄 A shame we have to hope for that simple little thing.
  5. Annie, I'm sorry about losing Skagway but you will like Victoria. It's a beautiful city. How is Chuck doing today? I'm so sorry you woke up to that possible Covid exposure alert this morning. Good idea to test yourself. Prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow and a rapid recovery. Paul, I hope the tests continue negative for Covid. These days coughing too much is way more worrisome than it used to be! Congratulations on your big win! A deposit on your upcoming cruise is a smart idea. 😎 That sounds very painful, and I can't believe the doctor isn't calling you yet. We want you with less pain before you leave on your wonderful cruise next week. Keep after him because you need medical help. I hope your lab tests come out better this time. Hope the reunion with your friend was enjoyable. Karen, I'm glad your DH has stepped up to the rehab facility now. Even better is that he knows this place and they know him. You're so good to the staff, and I know they appreciate you.🍪 Another good night sleep for one of us! You do a great job of following along with everyone each day. I know you'll be a success at keeping the Lists for everyone while I'm away and Roy is convalescing. I have a few items to go over with you before I leave Friday so if you could email me at my screen name @ yahoo dot com we can take the conversation off the thread. Thanks a bunch Vanessa! Looks like White Bay. Was there another ship at Circular Quay? I enjoyed the sailaways from White Bay, especially on a sunny day. Great pictures of the bridge and opera house from that direction. Sounds like a great plan! Something has to be done so you feel a little better before the big trip. Thank you for listening to the Daily Mothers here who insisted you get help with the luggage. Good girl! (and I can't Like your post! Sorry)
  6. So sorry your cabin smells so badly. They really need to pull out the carpet, dry out and then replace with new carpet. I hope they will make something work for you so you can enjoy the rest of the cruise. Crazy how the temps changed so quickly the past 2 days. I'm always amazed. Thanks for your wine description today and every day, Ann. I have fingers crossed that the dermatologist doesn't find a problem and you have a clean report. Terry, great news on the sleep last night. I did pretty well too. Slept until 3 I think. I heard about that poor off duty police officer passing away after being shot in a robbery. Crime is just out of control. Prayers for the wife and children, as well as the rest of his family and friends. Glad you plan to call and ask for your doctor's diagnosis on your rib and arm pain. What could be the hold up? Good news you got some sleep last night too. I didn't even attempt to watch the SOTU address. But what's this I hear? You want to wrestle the bags into the car by yourself?? Oh no you don't! Get a friend/neighbor to stow them for you, and get someone at the UPS store to do it on the other end. You don't want to hurt anything else before your big cruise coming up. Dixie thanks for the drink recipe. I'm so happy to hear the test results were negative. Cheers to you! More sleep for you too. Must have been that full moon. I hope you find your brother doing well when you see him. He won't want to miss too many Farkle games. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes! I could eat any of them. Roy, that's a lot of activity for one day so you must feel somewhat better to get that all done. And good to know you slept well last night too. Sorry to hear about the cruise cancellations but sometimes we have to edit a bit. Check in later and let us know how your day is going. I'm sure you can find some sunglasses in San Juan. The Walgreens right by the pier probably has some that will work for you. Those on the ship must be designer sunglasses and I doubt they're worth that much money. You're paying for the name. The good night's sleep club is growing! Have a wonderful day at sea. Funny idea about lost and found! Crazy prices!
  7. Good morning friends! Today will be 49F and cloudy with a high of 72. When it gets this warm in February you can bet rain is in the forecast, so that will start tomorrow I bet. Today is Boy Scout day, Kite Flying day, and Opera day. Take your pick! Lovely quote to ponder. I think the honey mustard chicken would be great. No thanks to the drink today, but I will take the Sauvignon Blanc and it's another New Zealand one! Port of the day is Luanda, Angola which has been our destination on two prior dates. May 23, 2021 and August 9, 2022. I haven't been there before, therefore I have no photos to share. Below is the link to Rich's post from August 9, 2022 to retrieve your photos if previously posted. My computer is having issues again this morning and I've decided it's not wifi, it's the darn computer. We should clear some cookies, etc. today and see if that helps tomorrow. I'm lucky I got as far as I did so far today! Prayers for all on the Care list. We had a lot of reports yesterday of troubles so I hope I remembered most of them. 🙏 Special prayers for Jacqui @kazu as she deals with her injury, pain, and home matters. In addition the people of Turkey and Syria affected by the earthquakes, and all who have passed away there. The numbers are staggering. Also Roy, Tana, Joy, Sarah, Kathi and Annie's DH Chuck. Hoping today is a better day for all of you. Three cheers for all of you cruising or going to cruise soon, and any other happy events in your lives.🥂 Hoping for a great day for everyone! Stay safe and no falls!
  8. Today’s care list: RIP Hal Sailer’s DSIL 2/3/23 RIP Cat Shepard’s nephew 2/4/23 RIP Bennybear’s aunt 2/5/23 Marshhawk’s DH post-surgery woes Waiting for Dr. report on Joy’s X-rays Roy trying to regain strength Jacqui still with splint on problem elbow Marshhawk’s friend in a coma after falling Tana’s bad night 9000+ deaths after Turkish & Syrian earthquakes From the rotation: Ominous scan for Marshhawk No word from Scrapnana Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shout outs: Roy sleeping better Tupper10’s son doing well after surgery Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14 3 days for StLouisCruisers (Sky Princess 2/11 to 2/18) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena to 2/19), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore to 2/12), 0106 (Rotterdam to 2/15), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  9. Today is Boy Scout Day, Kite Flying Day, and Opera Day Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.--Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange LandMeal Suggestion for today - Honey Mustard ChickenDrink of the Day - Hemingway DaiquiriWine of the Day - Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New ZealandDestination of the Day - Luanda, Angola Eurodam Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles 14:00 - 23:59 Koningsdam Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii 18:00 Depart Nieuw Amsterdam Falmouth Jamaica 08:00 - 17:00 Nieuw Statendam St Thomas Island USVI, Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands 08:00 - 17:00 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Port Stanley, East Falkland Island eta 2-09 Rotterdam Castries, St Lucia Island 08:00 - 16:00 Volendam Puerto Madryn, Argentina 08:00 - 17:00 Zaandam Panama Canal 05:00 - 05:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Burnie, Tasmania Australia 09:00 - 17:00 Westerdam At Sea Destination Pulau Langkawi Island, Malaysia Kedah eta 2-10 Zuiderdam Sydney, NSW Australia 08:00 Arrive Sandi for Roy and Rich
  10. That is a sickening thing to happen. Yes, I'm glad I haven't gone there, and perhaps the cruise lines need to stop putting Nosy Be on itineraries. Either that or everyone refuse to get off the ship there. Not that the ship cares but if they pay port fees for the guests and no one wants to get off the ship, maybe they will make better choices.
  11. Got it for you. Just copy and paste is the trick! One of DH and my grand adventures was a1996 'Isles of the Indian Ocean' cruise on Orient's Marco Polo. On November 16, we anchored off Nosy Be, Madagascar and were greeted by locals who surrounded our ship hoping to sell fish, fruit, and other wares. Later, we boarded a Marco Polo tender, transferred to a zodiac, and eventually waded ashore. 'Wet landings' were common on that voyage and I'll never forget the one lady who did every landing -- wet or dry -- in her white high heels (wrapped in plastic bags, as needed)! From there, we hiked upland to see the black lemurs in their rain forest habitat. Wonderful memories! And, I'm sure 26 years have brought more changes to Nosy Be than I can imagine. -Melisa
  12. Another busy day news-wise on the Daily. I wish we had more people who have been to Madagascar because we have no photos this time. I checked last year's post for Nosy Be and our only poster with photos was Melisa @HAL Sailer and we know she is busy helping her DH. If I'd ever taken any of the Grand Africa cruises we were booked on the past 2 years I would have stopped there. Maybe it's for the best we didn't. This week DGS Ren, his Mom, Colton and his Mom are in Kansas City visiting a very good MLS club, just like last week. Hope the weather is better. This month is a busy one in the soccer world and will get busier as the spring months go on. Joy @Seasick SailorI'm glad you haven't gotten any bad news yet from your visit yesterday. If you had broken something they would have let you know by now. You're staying on our list until we know for sure though. Your cruise (and @57redbird's) is coming up soon so good luck with that packing. Good to hear you can send the luggage on ahead of time. Happy birthday to your Sis! Roy @rafinmdit's good news you are sleeping better. I hope you feel stronger soon. @cruising sister I hope your aches and pains start improving. It's a good reminder to watch our steps at the airport. @tupper10I'm happy to hear your son has had his procedure and is doing okay. Hopefully you feel better soon too. Terry @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear about Tana's bad night due to respiratory difficulties. You are the best, sitting up with her during the worst of it, and bringing breakfast in bed. Prayers for better days. Nancy @ottahand7I can believe you'll be glad when you can move back to your stateroom! We were moved out of our room once for two nights due to wet carpet (neighbor's cabin flooded). It was a real inconvenience! Are they keeping the doors open in the warmth to help air out your room still? Enjoy the warmer temps and I hope you're back "home" soon! Debbie @dfishI'm glad the Doctor visit went okay today but sorry to hear you have to go through surgery next month. Great news that DB is home though. Hope his recovery goes well. Annie @marshhawkwhat a day you've had! I'm glad DH's surgery is complete but it sounds like you have your hands full as his nurse. Good luck and I'll pray that both of you get through this okay. I know I must have forgotten some things but know that I care and wish everyone the best. ❤️
  13. Thank you for adding that. Of course we all know there are many women in law enforcement and they have the same risks as the men do. True about the news media as well!
  14. I'm hearing on the news that both Milwaukee and McKeesport, Pennsylvania lost 1 police officer last night due to shootings. Another officer in McKeesport was wounded. The name of the Milwaukee officer has not been released. The McKeesport officer killed was Sean Sluganski and the wounded officer's name is Charles Thomas. Being called to a domestic dispute is very dangerous these days for our men in blue. Please keep them in your prayers.🙏
  15. Good morning friends! Seems like every morning when I sit down to make our Daily post, my wifi stops working temporarily. Maybe it is doing some kind of test, or maybe it's trying to drive me insane! Anyway after 15 minutes of grief it is back so here we are. Our weather here is 37F, mostly clear and will rise to 66 this afternoon. I think we should begin packing for our cruise today so that should be fun. Not! I hate packing. Thanks to Rich @richwmn we have our Daily, and that includes Send A Card to a Friend Day. I am a card sender but so many people these days aren't. They appreciate the cards they receive though! 🤔 We also have Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day. Hmm, sounds like an odd thing to do. I think I'll just wave my usual way. And finally Ballet Day. I don't know any ballet dancers and don't attend ballet performances so hope you all can relate. Interesting quote by Hemingway but it sounds painful. The Italian Wedding Soup sounds good. No thanks to the drink and red wine. Our port today is a bit different than past postings. Today is Nosy Be Island, Madagascar. In the past we've had Tolanaro and Andoany (Hell-Ville), Nosy Be, Madagascar. From what I've read Hell-Ville is the old name for Andoany. And Andoany is the port for Nosy Be. I haven't been to either one but if you have photos of Madagascar, post anything you want today. You have my permission! 😁Here is a link to Rich's post on March 7, 2022 when he posted Andoany. You may find some photos there to repost. As for the Care list Prayers for all. We have so many recently departed family members and we send our prayers to the families and friends. Hoping to hear good news today about Roy, Jacqui, Joy and all those in pain. Also we want to remember to pray for the people of Ukraine, and the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Three cheers for our Celebration list people and many of those are cruising right now. Smooth seas for everyone! I'd better post quickly now while my wifi is working. I've been sitting here for 20 minutes waiting for it to return again. Hope you have a better start to your day than me!!
  16. Today’s care list: RIP Hal Sailer’s DSIL 2/3/23 RIP Cat Shepard’s nephew 2/4/23 RIP Bennybear’s aunt 2/5/23 Fall for Joy injuring elbow and rib Roy showing some improvement Jacqui still with splint on problem elbow Marshhawk’s friend in a coma after falling Tupper10 back went out & son in hospital Cruising sister takes a tumble Turkish earthquake victims From the rotation: Rowsby in need of shoulder replacement No word from Scrapnana Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7) Celebrations and Shoutouts: Aliaschief in Cancun until 2/14 4 days for StLouisCruisers (Sky Princess 2/11 to 2/18) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Sirena to 2/19), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Dobiemom (Norwegian Encore to 2/12), 0106 (Rotterdam 2/4 to 2/15), Lindaler and Ottahand7 (Volendam to 3/18), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  17. Today is Send a Card to a Friend Day, Wave All your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day, and Ballet Day There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.--Ernest HemingwayMeal Suggestion for today - Italian Wedding SoupDrink of the Day - Maple LeafWine of the Day - Pyramid Valley Vineyards Pinot Noir Canterbury Earth Smoke 2020Destination of the Day - Nosy Be Island, Madagascar Eurodam At Sea Destination Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles eta 2-08 Koningsdam Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii 07:00 Arrive Nieuw Amsterdam Grand Cayman Island, George Town Harbour 08:00 - 17:00 Nieuw Statendam San Juan, Puerto Rico 13:00 - 23:00 Oosterdam Puerto Madryn, Argentina 09:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Philipsburg St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles 08:00 - 16:00 Volendam At Sea Destination Puerto Madryn, Argentina eta 2-08 Zaandam Cartagena Colombia 07:00 - 13:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Melbourne, Victoria Australia 08:00 - 17:00 Westerdam Port Blair, South Andaman Island, India 08:00 - 17:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Sydney, NSW Australia eta 2-09 Sandi for Roy and Rich
  18. Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight Paul. And that goes for the rest of us. Sounds like we all need it.
  19. Glad you made it safely and took the scenic route. Lol! Hope your embarkation is easy and you have a great cruise. I thought we'd hear something by now from Joy. Surely they told her what the X-rays showed. Praying it's nothing serious.🙏
  20. There is a 28 day Alaska cruise that was released recently for June 2024 and many have booked it already due to being so unique. So I would say the poster is on one single cruise.
  21. On Princess, they fog/mist the entire room when you depart and no one is allowed inside for several hours. So they do more than whip through the room with a vacuum and change the sheets. Therefore, those who don't report their symptoms to avoid quarantine are doing far more damage to the next occupant than the actual sick people did.
  22. I should mention those who are pet lovers often send her photos of the animal and she has made nail art that match the photo. Perfect for your cats! Nail art requires small nails hammered onto a back board which she then uses different colored "string" to create the art piece. But nail art is only a small part of her business anymore.
  23. I'm not on Facebook but she told me it's @2teachersnailingit on Facebook. She started her business with another teacher quite a while ago, but she dropped out. DD is planning on changing the name to something else, but she is well known in the area at craft shows by the nailing it moniker. Originally she did nail art but now she does lots of different types of crafts. Everytime she wears a pair of her light wood earrings people ask her to make them some. Keeps her busy shipping out orders. Jacqui, so sorry to hear you're feeling down. Too much to do and not enough strength to do it all. We pray for healing and your return to feeling strong. You WILL get there! Good to hear you have additional antibiotics to take care of the pneumonia. I'm so glad to hear the seat on the rollator has been of help to you. Hope your recovery speeds up now. The only good thing to come out of your fall was the pneumonia being found. Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise.
  24. Debbie, good to hear your DB is in recovery and everything went well. Hope he heals quickly and is a "good patient". LOL Vanessa @JazzyVwas the one who first mentioned taking the phone with her to the basement. I concur with that idea, and your Apple Watch is a great idea, too. I don't have one but know a lot of people who do. Hoping to hear from Joy @Seasick Sailor soon.
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