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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Thank you all for your kind wishes for safe travel tomorrow. DD had 6+ inches of snow and it's blowing in the high winds. There hasn't been a snow plow in her neighborhood yet today. There are 3 very steep hills to drive up to get to her house. Rather worried about that. We're taking our Acura MDX SUV but it is not 4 wheel drive, so all wheel drive will have to do.
  2. Graham, please tell Sarah happy birthday tomorrow from all of us! 🎂 And thanks for your good wishes.
  3. Covid tests are negative so time to pack my clothes. Lists of foods to take are made, and the kitchen table is covered with items we need to cook dinner with. The coolers will be loaded in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Sounds like @aliaschief!
  4. Happy birthday to you! 🎂 Hope the snow doesn't come down too heavy.
  5. Good morning friends! It's blowing a gale out there this morning and overnight last night. A short while ago it was 19F, but now it's 21 and I see the temp going up and down a couple degrees at a time until around noon. Then it will shoot up (lol) to 24F! The sun will replace the clouds around 4 pm. My phone forecast shows the next rain in our location will be on December 31!! No snow around here thank goodness! Thanks to Roy for filling in for Rich this morning. Also thanks for the Care and Celebration lists Roy. You did a good job on the maps too! I'll celebrate Festivus (for the rest of us), and Christmas movies, but don't think I've ever had the cookie, much less know how to spell it. Prayers for everyone on our Care list, and those traveling. I hope all make it wherever they are going safely. That reminds me, I'll be on the road early tomorrow morning so won't be here until late afternoon probably, God willing. Cheers to everyone on the Celebration list! Hope everyone is ready for Christmas. Today's port of Key West is a popular one and getting harder to get into anymore due to limitations on cruise ship visits. We were there in 2019 on the Rotterdam. The port was listed here on June 26, 2021. I've copied and pasted the link for anyone needing it for photos, but I see it was a very busy day for me and I didn't post any photos. We were in St. Louis attending DGS Ren's soccer tournament there, so I didn't get here to the Daily until later in the day (they won by the way). I'm sure there will be plenty of nice photos posted today by others so no worries. We're taking a Covid test today to be sure we are safe to be around our loved ones. I'll let you know if we go or stay "Home Alone".😉 Today we pack, plus I may do the laundry that I normally do on Saturdays so it won't be waiting when we return after Christmas. Take care in these brutal temperatures!
  6. Isn't that a real pain in the neck? In our area they put the first floor furnace in the attic (reached by pulldown stairs in the garage). About 8 or so years ago someone's condensate tube froze with the extremely low temps one week. Same problem you have. Someone in the neighborhood found a fix for us all and we paid a professional to come in and do the job. Each homeowner paid the professional and he got dozens of jobs just on our two streets. He wrapped some type of electric wire tape around the condensate pipe that supposedly will turn on when the attic reaches 36F and goes off when it reaches 40F. But DH says he doesn't think that works as well as they say, so we leave it unplugged all year and only plug it in when we have weather coming up like this weekend's. So he will plug it in tomorrow and we will probably get to unplug it next week when we get back home. I'm just hoping we don't have power failures lasting any length of time. We turn the water off at the meter (underground near the street) when we go away and drain pipes inside by running faucets till the water stops coming out. We will leave cabinet doors open at sinks too. It's really unfortunate the deep freeze has to arrive over Christmas!🥶
  7. I had a hair appointment this morning and am back home and fed. I'm sure there's something I should be doing but aren't. I'll figure out what it is eventually. I've only been up and down the stairs once today so better get busy doing the other 19 times. I'm hoping doing that will keep the back of my right knee happy, because it was such a relief when it didn't bother me on the Volendam. We received an email today with a link to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution regarding the drunk driver who crashed his car into the guardhouse killing the attendant last Dec. 27. He pleaded guilty of vehicular homicide and criminal damage to property, and was sentenced to 15 years followed by 5 years of supervised probation. The article claimed he was driving 100 mph when he crashed into the little building. Since the entrance is right off an intersection with a stoplight, he must have come flying down the hill on the road that is a straight shot into the entrance. Luckily it was in the early hours of Dec. 27 and there was no one crossing the intersection. The area is rural or there would have been traffic there. I can't believe after the crash he had time to walk to his Dad's house, then have his Dad drive him back to the guardhouse and find the car run through the small building, and not a living soul had driven in and found the accident in that time period. 😥 Sorry, I didn't have any photos today of Hakodate--you must be thinking of another day and port. Two days ago was Sydney so maybe it was then. Good luck and best wishes to you two as you make plans for a move to Los Angeles to stay close to your DD. I'm sure everything will work out just fine. Fingers crossed and prayers said for all who will be traveling this holiday season, including your DD and family. 🙏 Tony, thank you for the wonderful photos of your time spent in Hakodate!
  8. Good morning everyone! Here in north central Georgia it is 39F and cloudy, with a high of 52F expected later on, though it will be cloudy all day. It appears the rain has passed by already but there is a very small chance some will pop up somehow. Tomorrow will be sunny, cold and windy. Brrr! Still praying for a good travel day on Saturday. Otherwise, they will starve because we are bringing all the food with us! Thanks Rich @richwmnfor posting this last Daily before you set sail. I hope the cruise is everything you could want and hope for! I like the quote, appreciate mathematics experts. My immmediate family consists of 2 engineers and 1 math teacher so I was always the underdog in math in this house, though I am not bad at math. It's all relative! Good luck to Zimbabwe and I too would like some cookies for Christmas though I didn't make any to exchange. Thanks also to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping up with the Lists each day. I believe you can remove my DD from the Care list because she is improving daily. With the boot on she is able to get out and she sent me a photo of her dear teacher friend and co-worker pushing her in a wheelchair as the two enjoyed a dinner out together for the holiday. Prayers for all on the Care list and for safe travels for each and every one of you. Stay warm! Cheers to the Celebration list and I hope all on a cruise have smooth seas and a wonderful Christmas. Love the photos Joy @Seasick Sailorposted of the beautiful tree and her dinner photos with Allen. Sorry to see you injured your hand though. Please be careful, and I hope the bruise heals quickly. I also want to thank our Food and Beverage Department for their posts each day. Much appreciated! Today's port of Hakodate, Japan was first posted here on June 25, 2021. I have not been there before and therefore have no photos to share but if you did share some, here is a link to Rich's post from that date so that you can easily retrieve them. Thanks in advance for any and all photos posted here later on today. Merry Christmas to all!
  9. Thanks @Seasick SailorJoy for the good wishes for DD. She's a fast healer thankfully. She says her other foot needs the same surgery but she plans to wait until summer break for that one. It was painful bunions that were the problem. DH's family has that and it is a hereditary condition. Thanks for the darling photos of the penguins that you saw while in Puerto Madryn. I believe that port was on the Grand South America/Antarctica that we cancelled.
  10. Good morning to all on this first day of winter! The weather seems in sync with the season in the US. Hoping for less snow than expected this week between here and our destination of Cincinnati. I think if it is only a few inches the road crews will have the roads cleared and salted well before Saturday. A salute to Blue Christmas and Humbug Days. A celebration for everyone! Thanks Rich for getting out these last few Dailies before your cruise begins. One question for you - how do you get the names of the ships on the little maps you post? I think I understand how you get the HAL fleet on the map but the names have me stumped. A big thanks to all who contribute here each day. First @richwmnRich, then @rafinmdRoy for the lists, @summer slopeDixie for the drink, @cat shepardAnn for the wine, @dfishDebbie for the menu suggestions, and all who add their comment and photos. Prayers for those on the Care list and cheers for the happy people celebrating. During prayers this morning I made sure to thank our Lord for the improvements some here have seen in their family members or themselves, such as @Quartzsite CruiserLenda's DH Steve. Great news especially for the holidays! And @smitty34877 Terry who is on the mend after her surgery Monday. Today's port destination is Puerto Madryn, Argentina which was first posted here almost a full year ago on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2021. I have not been there before so have no photos to share however here is a link to that date's post so you can retrieve your photos. @Mr. Bostonplease share your experiences in Puerto Madryn during your Winter escapes that you mentioned. Sounds intriguing!
  11. We were in 1838 the previous four weeks, and our room was freezing the entire time. We had the thermostat set at the top of the display, warmest temp possible. Because we were in the Amazon region we never reported it because I'd rather it be cold than hot. Our steward brought us some blankets which I would cover myself with when on the sofa reading, doing puzzles, watching TV, etc. And especially when napping. Others onboard complained about their hot rooms which you have experienced. Someone should figure out what's going on so all can be comfortable. The warmest time we spent in the room was usually around 1 or 2 am, for several hours. That seems to happen on all ships we've been on. I wish I knew why. Two doors down from us in 1844 a couple we met onboard had to leave their room mid cruise because there was water leaking seemingly at the door to the cabin through the ceiling/walls. The carpet was wet. They were moved down the hall. I hope no one reading this is in 1844 because things don't get fixed, just move the passengers to somewhere else.
  12. Update on DD. The surgeon says all is healing well, she can begin to use a boot to get around better. She is going to have to figure out how to drive to work after the New Year's holiday. Probably take the boot off to drive with a shoe on, then boot back on at work. The boot will be on several weeks. She's on her feet all day at school, but will figure something out (knee scooter?).
  13. Happy Heavenly birthday to your Sis. I'm sure it will be a sad day though since you miss her so much. Graham, great job muti-quoting today. I enjoyed the teddy bear hug from Pauline. XX I took a Covid test this morning before the dentist visit since we had been around others Saturday. Negative. We plan on both taking one Friday before we head out early Saturday for DD's house. Her surgeon visit today isn't until 4 pm since he's in surgery on Tuesdays most of the day. She can't wait to get a look at the foot unbandaged. Meanwhile my dentist ground down a small raised area on the crown, and managed to nick my lip too. He is a new "back out of retirement" dentist as our old one moved to a different practice. We have decided not to go back to this dentist and start driving to a nearby town to go back to our old dentist. Our hygienist from the last decade is here and we will go to her as we always have.
  14. Good morning friends! It's great to hear from Terry @smitty34877that she is fine and is doing as well as can be expected after such extensive surgery. Enjoy being waited on for a while Terry! Also very sorry for Pauline's friend's loss of family, especially her adult daughter. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily today. Nice group of days to celebrate and yet another use of kale in a recipe. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the lists as well. The Care list seems shorter but still sad to have one at all. I am heading out later this morning to have my crown checked to be sure it is seated correctly since I had some problems early on, but couldn't go in just as I was leaving for our Amazon cruise. Unfortunately it's raining some this morning, temp of 41F. I hate going out in rain! I guess I must consider myself sweet enough to melt or something. 😄 Today's port is Sydney, Australia and is a popular one. Rich last posted it Sept. 27, 2021 and here is a link to that date for your convenience, posters. We were lucky enough to see Sydney quite a few times on our trips down under. In 2013 twice and four times in 2017 on our B2B2B2B cruises. It's one of my favorite places on the planet to visit. Here is an overview of the city's highlights. Nov. 11, 2017. Turnaround day so we were exploring. That is not our ship (which was the Sun Princess). We were docked at Darling Harbor and took a ferry over. I believe the ship in the photo was a Carnival ship. Here is a photo of us leaving Darling Harbor to sail under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, same day. Then the Sydney Opera House. A ship at Circular Quay, downtown and the Opera House. People climbing the Sydney Harbour bridge. The ferry docks This photo was taken Dec. 3, 2013 while there on Diamond Princess. Taken from a pylon on the Harbour Bridge. The pedestrian walk on the Harbour Bridge. Looks like if you take this tour you might get wet! We ran into our friend Marion from Brisbane (CC friend) while walking towards the Opera House. Several of my CC friends met us the day before when we got off the ship, to have a drink at a nearby cafe. A closer view of the Opera House roof. Have a good, productive day everyone!
  15. What an awful accident to happen. That is the second death from falling on stairs I've heard of in the last 2 months. My sympathy to the friend who has lost not only her young adult daughter but her parents all in one year, and to the entire family. I'm sure Pauline is feeling the loss considerably too. I'm so sorry!🙏
  16. Terry, best news all day! Thanks for letting us know. Hope you are home soon.
  17. Sorry but that would be Carolyn @Cruising-along's DS whose neighbor had the stroke. I was simply replying to her. No matter who the poor person was who had a stroke and didn't get proper care, it is a very sad story. Prayers for that neighbor.🙏
  18. That's very sad news about your son's neighbor having a stroke and being told he was fine to fly home. I hope it hasn't affected his recovery too badly. It's nice the neighbor doesn't have to worry about his dogs after your son's generous offer to help. All admirable choices. This is your lucky day! Our 2017 visit was just like yours. The first time (2013) was foggy and rainy. A beautiful place to visit.
  19. Yes there was Covid onboard. We first noticed our next door neighbor being visited by medical for testing, then a CC friend's husband tested positive, and another couple we met had one of their waiters test positive. We wore our masks as much as possible but most people didn't take the Captain's pleas to heart when he mentioned cases going up.
  20. I love your note from the Laundry team! We didn't get those on the Volendam and I was waiting to see one so was a little disappointed. The word joyful brings back a laugh we had in the Lido on Volendam one day at lunch. The busiest section of the Lido was the ice cream area. Every day there was a young lady named Harvelle serving there who had a loud voice greeting all her customers. There was a long line at most times. She was so happy and smiling while working her hardest scooping out ice cream. One of the Lido workers clearing dishes noticed us chatting about Harvelle and he said "it's her first contract...she's still joyful!). We about died laughing. 😂
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