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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I had to check our 2014 Prinsendam Holy Land cruise itinerary to see if I had actually been to Iraklion (Heraklion), Greece. Yes, we had on Oct. 30, 2014. So I looked at the photo book I made to see what the story was for that port. Apparently it rained very hard, but we and our two friends Scott and Susan walked off the ship anyway. I don't remember much except I believe we stood under an overhang for a while to escape the downpour. Luckily it didn't rain hard all day so we were able to walk around the town some. This would be a great port for a re-visit so I can learn more about it and see things through fresh eyes. Iraklion, or Heraklion Greece. This is the Koules fortress on the western pier of the harbor. It appears that you should build with what you have, so they did. Must be a lot of rock/stone here! The Town Hall also called the Venetian Loggia A marketplace STAY! A good place for people watching The Cathedral of Saint Minas is a magnificent Greek Orthodox cathedral which took 33 years to build due to major political interruptions. Can you believe the woodwork? It's beautiful inside. As we left you see the front elevation. The rain had stopped! This is the older, smaller Saint Minas. It was too small to meet the needs of the community so they built the larger cathedral next to it. Yes, I'd like to go back. I'm sure there's plenty of things we missed that day. Watch for Iraklion or Heraklion on your Greek itineraries.
  2. Good Super Tuesday morning friends! Many people going out to vote today across our country. Next Tuesday is Georgia's primary but I hope we can get out to the poll for early voting, something we always try to do. This morning it's 53F and partly cloudy but rain is expected to arrive this morning and persist all day. It should be somewhere in the low 60's for a high temp. We certainly have some unique days to celebrate today. I don't think I'd like absinthe. Thankfully I don't have multiple personalities but think we should be aware of the dissociative identity disorder. I'm not a huge fan of cheese doodle, preferring tortilla and potato chips as a snack. The meal today sounds good but don't care for the drink or wine. An important day for Winston Churchill and King Henry VII. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard. I hope your sister is feeling good today and that she can get back to normal quickly. Prayers for all said this morning on the Care list, the people of Ukraine and Israel, the hostage still being held, the men and women of our military in the danger zones, DB and friends Scott and Susan. Sending prayers and good wishes to Chuck @catmando and Annie @marshhawk. 🙏 I pray for an improvement in all our health issues and our state of mind. Congrats to the Celebration list and everyone celebrating special events and CRUISES! Thank you so much Vanessa @JazzyV for your work on the lists. May you have a fruitful and painless day today! Happy birthday today to Steve, Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser's DH. Best wishes to Graham @grapau27 on his late Dad's 12th memory. ❤️ The destination today is Iraklion (or Heraklion) Greece. The previous dates for this port were Sept. 2, 2021, Sept. 26, 2022 and August 7, 2023. We were there once on the Prinsendam so I can show a few photos from there. Here are the links for your convenience. Thank you to everyone for your good wishes for Morgan. Now that we know where she will be living I've booked an Airbnb near her for graduation weekend. DD will stay with us there. It should be a lot more comfortable than the hotel we had booked previously. Have a great day today everyone! Stay safe and keep well.
  3. Thanks to you, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and others who expressed good wishes for her. It's nice to have such supportive Dailyites!
  4. Thank you Terry, it will be a relief for her when she doesn't have to get out of her car and walk into that stairwell again!
  5. Thank you Graham. We feel blessed to have 6 wonderful grandchildren who are smart, love their family, well behaved and all pursuing an education (or already graduated from college). What more can you ask for? She didn't deserve what happened to her just before Christmas. No one does really.
  6. Nancy @ottahand7 I'm glad you got through your procedure and aren't in too bad of pain though that sounds like quite an incision. Good luck to you while healing. 🙏 Hope the paperwork can be completed very soon on the truck so you can pick it up. Always exciting to get a new vehicle!🛻 Roy @rafinmd excellent news today from the oncologist! We like routine doctor visits around here. We got a call from DGD Morgan today and she sounded so happy. She has finally found the right place for her move so we have some paperwork and fund transferring to do tomorrow. She sounded so excited to find a nice complex, with a clean unit and a much safer area. Only 20 minutes from the Aquarium and not far from her final class. Graduation is in 2 months. She can move in next Monday. She has no furniture but things will work out somehow. As long as she's happy and safe.❤️
  7. We love the port of Alicante, Spain and have seen it 3 times. We first visited it in 2012 on the Crown Princess. A favorite spot to visit is the Castillo de Santa Barbara on the top of the hill. You can't miss it. The first time we walked up the hill. Our second visit was on the Westerdam in 2017 and we tried going up in the elevator they have but it was having technical problems so we passed. The third visit was on the Prinsendam in 2019, and we did take the elevator that day. Here's a photo of us at the top in 2012. A 2017 photo, when we couldn't get up there, but you can see the fortress at the top of the hill behind me. Also Alicante is known for those beautiful mosaic type walkways. In 2019, a view of the beach as we headed to the fortress elevator. Entrance to the elevator. Also in 2019 a view of the Prinsendam with a fortress cannon. View of the city from the top of the hillside. We love visiting Alicante and are always happy to have it on the itinerary. I hope to be back there in the future. Always hopeful!!
  8. Good morning friends! Happy Monday. It is a warm 57 degrees with cloudy skies. High will be 70 today. Thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps! We all appreciate it. Interesting days today especially Brain Injury Awareness Day. That's quite a quote from Jane Austen! I know little about the wine, probably wouldn't drink the cocktail and would taste the sweet potato fries. A good day for Thomas Jefferson. Inaugurations before 1801 were held in N.Y. and Philadelphia. Good for AAA and the first Hindenburg flight. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers for all on the Care list, my DB, DGD, Scott and Susan, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages held, and the troops in the region in danger every moment of the day. Cheers for all cruising and celebrating special events today! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your list keeping skills! You do a great job everyday! The destination is Alicante, Spain, a beautiful city. It was our port of the day before on July 23, 2021 and March 22, 2023. Here are the links for your convenience in retrieving your photos. I see some great ones already. Hoping everyone has a successful day! Stay safe and well!
  9. In soccer news today I was sent another 1 minute video of the final score of the FC Dallas game where Ren played wing the entire last half. He was able to score the winning goal near the end of the game, so they won 3 to 2. It looked like he passed the ball to a player near the goal who kicked it towards the net, but the goalie deflected it out. A different player saw Ren running at his usual supersonic speed (LOL!) from the right and moved the ball out in front of Ren who kicked it in. The goalie never knew what happened! A good day for our boy.🥰
  10. Rain plus no toots makes this sail away "Jack" a dull boy! Nice to see Tina though!
  11. Caron, I don't think anyone here called Jake out on his memes. One day his post was removed due to some words in his meme that CC did not allow. No one on the Daily objected, just noted what had happened when he noticed his post was no longer here. We all enjoy his daily memes, too. He mentioned earlier today he had been swamped at work all week, so hopefully we will see him here as usual this week. Excellent news that you continue to enjoy your fabulous cruise!
  12. That's exactly how people describe the old Princess ships. Skywalkers Lounge is up there inside that shopping cart handle. And they have the escalator going up to it.
  13. I really hope things continue to go well for your DH. It's amazing how well things have gone and how much this operation has been improved upon over the years. Aww, she is just precious! And look how excited she is to be out in the world! Thank you so much for posting this photo!😀
  14. Ann, sorry to hear of your sister's struggle with her lungs but she sounds strong and has a lot of support from you and her son and daughter. Good luck to her with her PT and recovery! She's in our prayers. 🙏 Tina, we've stayed at Hyatt Place on 10th Avenue twice. It's a nice place to stay, and close to so many important things like restaurants, grocery, wine, and shopping. Once we booked it on ParkSleepHotels.com and added car parking for 8 days. The other time through their website. Definitely more trouble going through a third party site but it eventually worked out thanks to due diligence in checking/calling the hotel. We used the hotel shuttle lady for a ride to the ship both times and she gave us her card. Avanti Shuttle (Debora Rojas) 954-655-1376. It wasn't too high for a ride to the ship. Uber can't be much either since it's so close (we don't do Uber since it's been practically non-existent in our county). We will look for you at sail away. What color are you wearing? Debbie, how would Sue like another little chipmunk friend? We could trap and send him up to you two. Though he might be unprepared for really cold weather so you might have to invite him inside. 😂
  15. Today's port of Arrecife on Lanzarote, Canary Islands is a very nice stop. Many Brits go to the Canary Islands for holiday to get some warmth and sunshine. Just ask Graham! We were there in 2014 on Celebrity Constellation and in 2018 on Prinsendam. From Nov. 11, 2014 on the Constellation. We took a stroll through Arrecife both times we've visited there. We walked by a unique history museum which appeared to be housed in an old fortress. Many people probably come here to lie in the sun on a nice sandy beach. While others come to shop or eat in restaurants. Here is the Church of San Gines Nice Spanish architecture Docked behind the Constellation was the Sea Cloud II, a cruise ship with the feel of a tall ship. Of course we had to walk back there to take a picture or two. I wouldn't want to have to help raise the sails!
  16. Good morning friends! Happy National Anthem Day! It's a foggy morning and 52F. High today will be 68 and mostly cloudy. Yesterday's mostly cloudy prediction turned out to be 50-50 sun and clouds. I looked outside the front door at 6 a.m. and saw a lone deer standing under the pin oak searching for acorns on the ground. DH has been cleaning them up to discourage the chipmunk who seems to have burrowed a little hole in the mulch and tunneled under the driveway. He's very persistent but has to go! So there's not a lot out there to eat right now.🦌 Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps. The date 3/3 has a lot of special days to recognize! It's 33 Flavors Day which is a good time to try out a new flavor of ice cream. Also Caregiver Appreciation Day which is extremely important and many here know exactly what I'm talking about from personal experience. Also International Ear Care Day which I'm sure helps to spread the word on how important ear care is. What an odd quote by Woody Allen! I think I'll pass on the soup, drink and wine. The four days in history are all very important but my favorite was Helen Keller learning to read and write Braille and use hand signals. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the reports this morning. Prayers for my DB, DGD, and friends Scott and Susan, the people at war in Israel and Ukraine, the 134 hostages still alive and being held, our troops on bases and at sea in danger at all times, and very importantly, the people of the Daily on the Care list. I mention names to direct my prayers specifically so I hope for improvement and healing for all. Very good news from Lorraine @cruising sister that Baby Murphy has gone home from the hospital! Hurray! Cheers for all on the Celebration list! 🎉🥂 I wish you all the best and happy cruising to the extensive list of us on a ship. 🚢 Safe travels as well! ✈️ Speaking of lists, thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for presenting the list each day even during the worst of times. You do a great job! ❤️ The destination of the day is Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. We have been there a few times and it's lovely there. It was the port here before on Feb. 24, 2022 and April 26, 2023. Here are the links so don't forget to post your photos today! Hoping you all enjoy a wonderful day! Stay safe and keep well!
  17. I've been busy all day and think I wore my thumb out so had to stop stitching. I "watched" some mysteries at the same time so I wouldn't get bored. DH is finishing watching a movie in his study and it's nearing time for bed. Sorry for getting back to you all so late. Thank you to @ottahand7, @smitty34877, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @JazzyV, @luvteaching and @bennybear for your remarks on the stocking work. I agree it's time consuming, taking months to do (8 to 10 usually) and I'm glad I might be inspiring Karen. Vanessa, I'd love to see a picture of your project. You should try to work on it a little at a time. Yesterday after working on it I got sleepy and went to the napping room for an hour or so to lie down. When I got up my eyesight was blurry for about 20 minutes even with glasses on so I couldn't work on it at all. Just goes to show we should rest our eyes more often when straining them. 🤓 DS and DDIL got back to Dallas from Madrid last evening, pretty late due to delays getting into the air in Madrid. Today Ren had a soccer game against the Dallas Hornets MLS next team and FC Dallas won 3 to 2. Ren scored another header goal. I got to see a video of it and it all happens so fast! The ball came at him high so impossible to kick so use the next best thing - your head! Went straight into the net. Score!⚽ Well, time for a good rest. No exercise in the morning as it's our day off so an extra hour of sleep. BTW, I see on my calendar the U.S. changes the clocks forward an hour next Sunday so start getting prepared!🕰️
  18. Thank you both. I feel guilty sitting so much but of course impossible to do any other way! LOL! At least I do my exercise at the beginning of the day. When the fine details go on at the end, the piece really takes on dimension. Patience I keep telling myself.
  19. Looks like only another quarter inch of rain to me since 5 pm yesterday. That's enough for now.☔ Here is what has been accomplished in 2 months on the Christmas stocking. The second photo is the finished product shown on the kit.
  20. Good morning friends! It's 42F and misty/foggy this morning. We had an inch of rain by 5 pm yesterday and no idea how much since then as it's still dark out and I can't see the rain gauge. Today will be about 63F and cloudy. As long as it's not raining! Your meme today Graham @grapau27 sounds like me sometimes! Thanks Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the FR, Daily and maps. Very hard to keep up with all the ships with so many changes to their schedules. I see Nieuw Statendam is going to Nassau instead of Key West. Not surprising. I hope Koningsdam makes it to Raiatea on time. And Zaandam looks to be in Manaus today and then Parintins tomorrow. I feel badly for those whose ports are cancelled due to weather. I wish I'd remembered to post yesterday that March 1 was the 3rd anniversary of the Port of the Day feature of the Daily. The first port we had was Georgetown, Grand Cayman. So happy anniversary to everyone who enjoys discussion and pictures of the ports of call! Three nice days to recognize today, rescue cats, banana cream pie, and old stuff! Not sure about that quote, no thanks to the stew or Pink Lady, but I'll take some sauvignon blanc, Cheers to The Sound of Music! Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the reports today. Prayers have been said already today for all on the Care list (I named names to be sure you are noted), the countries at war and the hostages held, the American military members in danger in the war zones, and my dear family and friends in need of them. 🙏 Congrats to all with special events to celebrate and cruises to enjoy! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your list keeping! Today is 2 months I've been working on my future grandson-in-law Chris's Christmas stocking. I'll take a photo later today of my progress to show you how much time it takes to get somewhere on one. I'll be cruising some this summer so have to take it with me to work on at Knitters and Knatters get togethers. If I finish it by September I can take it to him personally when I attend their wedding. That's my goal and it's an aggressive deadline. Wish me luck!🤞 The port today is Boracay, Philippines. We had it before on Sept. 8, 2022 and March 5, 2023. I'll post the links now. I haven't been to the Philippines before so no photos from me. Hope you all stay safe and well! Have a wonderful weekend!
  21. I should go in for a study on people who don't drink coffee. Never! What is waking me up and keeping me moving each morning?🤔 Thanks for your prayers, each and every day. You certainly are a JOY! The Mom closes her eyes meme is so true! DS texted their plane was delayed because of a medical emergency. Then they said we will need to refuel. They left two hours and twenty minutes late and the woman who supposedly had a medical emergency walked off the plane. Crazy, huh?
  22. That, and our charming personalities. 😇 But thank you!
  23. According to my records we've been to Livorno 6 times. We've of course traveled from Livorno to Florence, Pisa, and Lucca. But one trip we took the shuttle into Livorno to see what it offered. Not much! One and done! I recall we took a tour of Cinque Terre once from Livorno, on the 2018 Prinsendam Grand Africa and Med cruise. There's plenty to see when you visit Livorno (outside town) so I hope you can all get there someday if you haven't already. I'll leave all the wonderful Florence, Pisa and Lucca photos to the rest of you and post photos from the day we toured Cinque Terre from Livorno. If anyone wants to see how little there is to do in Livorno, I could post photos from there too. The beautiful scenery along the way to Manarola. We passed by the Carrara marble region. Our tour went to three coastal villages in Cinque Terre - Manarola, Vernazza, and Monterosso, a string of centuries old seaside villages on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline. Part of our trip was to be by boat but seas were dangerous so later we took a train from Manarola to Vernazza. Our route to the sea in Manarola. We noticed small boats stored right on the street, and that pink was a very popular color for houses. The ocean in Manarola. No boat ride from here! Getting on the train in Manarola. Here in Vernazza we had a similar experience. In fact, I can't tell this street from the last one in Manarola. The walk to the seaside, the boats, the pink buildings, the cafes. Why we didn't take the boat! The scenery along the way on the train to Monterosso was gorgeous. But it was just as pretty upon arrival. A street scene and shops A harmless looking church and its scary interior Yep, skeletons! Looking for lunch we decided to eat closer to the train station. This walk was so gorgeous. Last view of Monterosso and our day in Cinque Terre Enjoy your weekend!
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