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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Oh no, Joy! That sounds like a miserable night. Please do take it easy today and yes, tea and something light to eat is a good idea. Keep an eye on any symptoms the next few days. Could be anything, flu, Covid, who knows? Take care!❤️
  2. I've just caught up with your "travel travails"! Wow, that was a nail biter! I think you'll enjoy how much easier it is to sleep in an inside cabin. It's especially good when you have a white noise app on your phone to play. Cuts down on outside noise waking you up. Hope you have a great cruise!
  3. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser we have made our decision on when to drive to Ohio, so I won't be on the Daily Sunday morning the 24th. If you could do the links for Sunday that would be great. I will check in later in the day and will post my photos then because it appears they have disappeared from the posts I made those earlier dates. Very inconvenient having to retrieve them from Shutterfly and repost but it is what it is! We may come home Wednesday the 27th but will let you know later on for sure. Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry to hear you came down with something yesterday. It's good you cut down on your hours to relax and perhaps begin to recover. No going out in the cold with wet hair again! (Do I sound like Mom?) Lorraine @cruising sister enjoy your time with your grandson before you head out on your cruise. I'm sad to hear about Baby Murphy's latest health issue and hope she can cope with that as she gets bigger. Sounds like she's a happy baby otherwise! Terry @smitty34877 have a nice time with the New Hampshire family members! That was sweet of the kids to personally invite you. Hope DD and family have a nice Christmas and I'm sure they will include Tana and the teenager in everything while you're away. Sorry the pups are so worried!! Paul @kochleffel good luck with all the pressing issues before your cruise! You can do this! @Haljo1935 enjoy your cruise! Sorry I haven't had time to check out all the posts from those cruising or preparing to in a day or two. Sounds like you had some flight problems. Hope everything runs smoothly from here on out. Well, I'd better pick up the latest Christmas stocking (circa 2019) and get busy finishing it. Especially if I offer to make the newest family member, Chris's, stocking for him. DD is probably waiting for me to offer to do it instead of her. She certainly doesn't have time! This is a photo of the picture on the front of the cross stitch kit. It's going to be pretty but I'm hating those outlines on the sled running slightly diagnonal. That's what made me put this project down in 2020. This might be a good stocking for a guy, don't you think? There's no name on it yet. DDIL and Ren flew to Ann Arbor Tuesday night from Dallas. When they left she nearly forgot their passports and the Uber driver had to wait for her to run back in and get them. They'll need them because during Christmas break they're flying to Cozumel for a New Year's beach getaway. They go somewhere warm every year at that time because DDIL's birthday is Jan. 2. When they got to the airport Tuesday night they were upgraded to first class! Lucky ducks!!
  4. We've been to Moorea twice, once on Golden Princess in 2014 and again on Maasdam in 2017. In 2014 we went on a private tour with a CC group. It involved a Polynesian BBQ, ray and shark feeding, sightseeing at a barrier reef, snorkeling, etc. The day after this we were scheduled on a tour with Patrick in Bora Bora so they were essentially the same description tours, but Patrick's was much better! Still, I can show you a few photos from Moorea. More than a few! I apologize in advance! Arrival at the pier. I wonder if this is Vaiare?? Welcoming committee. Heading out to our tour here are scenes along the way. Stingray sightings and feeding I was a little nervous watching this from the boat. I did go out when they spread out a little bit and that was fun, but when the sharks came I got back in the boat to watch. Arriving at the motu for the BarBQ. Not quite the same as Patrick's pig roast in a pit! The food and drink was good though, and after we ate you could take a little dip in the water to cool down. In 2017 on the Maasdam, we sailed from Papeete to Moorea in the early morning because they are only about 18 nautical miles apart. A beautiful sunshine-y day! Here’s where the reef that runs around the island causing disturbances in the water When we reached shore on our tenders we were met with dancers and musicians, local foods and lots of jewelry. We stayed in town this day since we hadn't done that last visit. We bought a pair of black Tahitian pearl earrings for me that day. We walked around the village and then peeped into the Ebenezer Church. It was Easter Sunday. Louder church members outside the door. Just out enjoying walking around. And a look at a unique treat at dinner that night for Easter Sunday.
  5. Good morning friends! It's only 27F out there but we will see partly cloudy skies and a high of 57 later on. Weather looks decent for the next week although they predict rain here on Christmas. DD inquired if I had any counted cross stitch Christmas stocking kits on hand, which I do, because as she was hanging the Christmas stockings I made for her family it occurred to her she will have a new son-in-law next Christmas. She thinks she will have to begin working on a stocking for him. I bet she's hoping I'll volunteer to make it so I guess I should finish up the one I put down a few years ago. I was frustrated with the very difficult backstitch outlining on it. Usually they take about 9 months to make one but this one is breaking all records. I think I'll be spending less time on CC if I'm cross stitching for several hours a day! Thank you Jacqui @kazu for taking over for Rich during his cruises! Well, today is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere so let's celebrate the beginning of the longer days coming up starting tomorrow. Blue Christmas is for those experiencing grief during the holidays so let us honor that. And humbug day for those who have no Christmas joy. A great quote this morning. I would try the tortellini soup but avoid the Sunday Funday Bloody Mary and the Zinfandel. Interesting days in history including the Curies, Apollo 8 and the game of basketball. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their reports today on food and beverages. Prayers for the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages held and who will hopefully be released safe and sound, and the military in danger including those at U.S. bases and on ships in the area. Prayers also for my DB and friends, and for the CC Daily friends who are in pain, suffering before and after surgeries, and uncertainty with their medical care. For those missing their lost loved ones this holiday season I wish you comfort and peace. Cheers to everyone cruising and enjoying happy celebrations! My DGD is cruising this week and is enjoying snorkeling and diving in places like Roatan. I'll see her Christmas Day! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists today, and I hope you are managing to endure your pain and getting a bit of sleep. The port today is slightly different. We haven't had Vaiare, French Polynesia before but it looks like it's referring to Moorea which is not that big of an island. Does anyone really know exactly where the dock is that the tender drops you off at? Anyway, if you have further information on Vaiare let us know. Meanwhile I'll post the links to the three times we've had Moorea as our destination. We've been to Moorea twice so I'll post my photos next. Have a good day everyone, and try to stay safe and well! (no idea why the pictures show up on the links instead of the fleet map - I don't open any photos on the links so it's a mystery to me!)
  6. Good morning friends! It's a frosty 25F this morning with clear skies. However clouds are predicted to move in and we will reach about 51 for a high. Thanks to Rich @richwmn and to Jacqui @kazu who has agreed to step in for him to bring us the Fleet Report and Daily. Today would be a good day to go caroling since someone decided we should have a "Day" for that. I remember going caroling with neighborhood friends a few times during childhood. And let's honor Sacagawea on an important date in Native American history. See the day in history for the the Louisiana Purchase transfer in 1803. I'll try the baked queso chicken and sauvignon blanc but pass on the cocktail. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your food and beverage reports. Prayers for the Daily Care list people who are suffering pain, waiting for surgeries or procedures or who have lost loved ones recently. Also for the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our military under attack. Keep them all safe! Prayers too for my DB and friends Scott, Susan, Bob and Sandy. 🙏 Cheers to the Celebration list folks who are celebrating happy events and cruises. 🎉 Safe travels to all including our leader Rich @richwmn. ✈️ Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the updated list each day! Hoping you got a little sleep last night, if not plan for a nap today. Prayers for your pain relief! Port of the day is Avalon, California on Catalina Island. We shared stories and photos on Avalon back on July 21, 2022 and Aug. 21, 2023 so I'll post the links next. We haven't stopped there on a cruise before but DH visited Catalina Island as a child visiting his grandparents in California. Thanks in advance for your photos today! Hoping everyone has a good day, staying safe and well!
  7. Glad it's all over with. I'm terrible at holding my breath for very long so I'd be in the same boat you were.
  8. I'll be sure to let you know. Right now the university website says dates are May 3 thru May 5 and final schedule will be available at the end of February 2024.
  9. Yes, I can do the 19th of April. If you need extra days ahead of time to get ready let me know. I will have the graduation dates pinned down when time gets closer. These universities have commencement events held over several days according to the different degrees so don't know which day it is yet. Will let you know more when that time approaches. Maybe we could have a temporary sub for dates you and I can't work it out.
  10. I can help in April but have to travel to Florida for a college graduation in early May and then a week later to get on the Zuiderdam for our May 11 cruise so won't have time to help then. Jacqui @kazu let me know if you need a sub for other dates. Rich, have a great trip and enjoy every second of it!
  11. Good morning friends! A cold 29F outside right now. The high winds from last night are gone. Today we will only reach 46 but will enjoy sunny skies. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday Dec. 19. Just for fun today let's celebrate hard candy, heroes and heroines, and evergreen searches. They have nothing in common but give us something to think about. I miss Phyllis Diller because she had the funniest outlook and quite a cackle. The roast pork sounds pretty good but I will skip the Effen Green Apple cooler and whatever the wine is. It was an exciting day in 1932 when the BBC began transmitting overseas so good for them. Thanks to our girls Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for their reports today. Thinking of Dixie as she goes through an MRI this morning. Prayers for our Daily Care list people and for anyone here needing them. Also for the people of Israel and Ukraine, the return of the hostages remaining, the U.S. troops under fire, and my DB and friends in need of them. 🙏 Cheers to those sailing and everyone celebrating happy events such as birthdays and anniversaries. 🥂🎉 Bon Voyage to @St Pete Cruiser! Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for the hard work of reading and noting all changes that take place, while suffering leg pain and lack of sleep. You are the best! The port of the day is Souda-Chania, Crete, Greece. Another day of rest for me since I don't have photos to post of our port. We had this port once before on June 20, 2022 and I'll post the link to that date for you below. Have a super day today folks! Hoping you remain safe and well. If you're traveling, be extra careful.
  12. I think I've finally caught up today. I spent the day relaxing and watching Christmas movies instead of hanging out on CC. I told dear twin it was our day and we jokingly congratulated each other. Thanks to Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Nancy @ottahand7 and Vanessa @JazzyV for your warm wishes! Also thanks to all our photo providers today either of Brest or Quimper. That would be Tina @0106. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Tony @sailingdutchy, Jacqui @kazu, and Ann @Vict0riann who showed us their nice photographs. It was beautiful! I'm very sorry to hear you still have that much pain. I really hope the progress goes a lot faster now that a week has passed. Good luck to you! I thought I saw someone on CC mention this yesterday, but when I "Ducked" it they said a group of baboons is called a troop. The rumor was they were called a congress but that is not true. A troop isn't as funny as a congress though!! Thanks for reporting in. I hope the problems and kinks are all worked out soon. At least some of the cruise has worked out well and you must be happy about that. Keep in touch! I'm so glad you two made it home safely after the struggle you had last night. We've been on the road in times like that and it's so scary. Your mention of the honeymoon cruise for the granddaughter reminded me of a cruise our DD took with her DH. Their 7 day cruise was extended when the ship couldn't get back to Galveston on time due to heavy fog in Galveston Bay. She changed their flights 3 times I think. It was a big worry for them both as they were supposed to be back at work. We gave them a honeymoon cruise, too but it wasn't the Galveston one. It was probably another Caribbean one or Mexican Riviera. I'm glad to hear you got a little more sleep again last night. Better than 2 hours or less. I'm happy to hear your BFF will be coming for a Christmas visit with you and plans to do the cooking. You could use someone there to help keep your spirits up. Good luck with your doctor visits. I hope the MRI goes well Dixie. Don't worry about the drink of the day because none of us need to be drinking that early in the morning anyway. We can wait! LOL😜 Sorry to hear about the windshield crack. Those glass companies can really get the job done fast, can't they? It's a beautiful quilt Debbie! Anyone would be proud to have that quilt to show off on their bed. Your lucky neighborhood cats will be happy to have that porch this winter. Tonight it's very windy down this way so anything you've done to keep the cold and wind out will be a big help. If there's another dollar store nearby try them instead. We have Dollar Tree, Dollar General and Family Dollar stores all over the place. Dollar Tree is my favorite. Don't know why! 🤷‍♀️
  13. Good morning friends! The rain is gone and the temp is 40 this morning. We should be partly cloudy but hopefully mostly sunny with a high of about 54. Thanks to Rich @richwmn for posting the Fleet Report and Daily for us this morning. Wow, some nice days to celebrate including baking cookies, twins and flakes (of snow)! I'm not planning on baking or eating any cookies today unfortunately. I celebrate being a twin every day! And though I don't appreciate snow anymore I do think the flakes are beautiful when seen up close. ❄️ An interesting quote, and I'm sure the soup is good. No idea what the drink is like and probably would skip the wine. 🍷 It must have been very special in 1642 when Tasman sighted his first Maori people. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers for all on the Care list here on the Daily, especially Vanessa @JazzyV who is hurting so much. Also to Terri @Cruzin Terri's DH Jim as he has his MRI today. Hang in there Debbie @dfish!! Prayers also for DB and friends in need of them. Special prayers to the people of Israel and Ukraine, and keep the military members of those two countries and our own service members safe. Praying for hostage release every day! 🙏 As for the celebration list, happy birthday to Nancy @ottahand7 and to all who have a reason to celebrate their special events. Hope everyone is having a great cruise! 🚢 Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for the updated list each morning!❤️ The port is Brest, France which I'm sure is a lovely place. I have not been there before but would love to. Having seen that port here before I'll post the links to those dates, Oct. 7, 2021 and Sept. 11, 2022. Please feel free to re-post your photos from these links. I hope everyone here has a great day even if it is a Monday! We're retired here for the most part so enjoy! Stay safe and well y'all!
  14. Vanessa @JazzyV, I'm glad you got a few more hours sleep last night but it's still terrible you can't even stand for more than a few minutes. How are you preparing your meals? It's a shame you had to miss the TSO concert last night! I'd say eating out would work best for Christmas unless that is too much walking for you. I'd hate to suggest carry out for your dinner but... Was there a new episode of Call the Midwife on yesterday? I didn't see one so I hope I didn't miss one. My DVR shows a Christmas special on Christmas night, 90 minutes long. I've got that all ready to record. We're going to Ohio for a few days over Christmas but I won't be able to watch Call the Midwife that evening. I'm looking forward to seeing all the "kids"!🎄
  15. Graham, that's incredible how many major events can happen in one family, all at the same time like Terry @smitty34877 said! As I said on yesterday's Daily this morning when I read of the DM's death, I am so sorry to hear of your and Pauline's friends' mam passing and of the pain she is suffering from. It is so nice of Pauline to help her out and for you to assist the husband after his knee replacement surgery. You are wonderful friends to them!
  16. As I said before we visited Ocho Rios, Jamaica at the end of our Amazon River cruise, last year on Dec. 14. We were originally scheduled to stop at Falmouth, Jamaica but were moved to Ocho Rios instead. We got off the ship and took a short walk so I can show you photos taken that day. We did no sightseeing or shopping that day. It looked pretty from the ship! This is the walkway we used to get from our dock to the shoreline. Once on shore we saw the vendors lined up selling their souvenirs. At the end of this lot was the gate we had to pass through to get onto the city streets. No one was allowed in to harass us here. Outside the gates it looked safe enough but we would be continually asked if we wanted a tour out there. At least no one offered us drugs! So it was time to head back to the Volendam. We saw this boat from the ship and I wondered if it was a party boat or some type of tour boat. That is all for us! I can say I've been there but that's about all. In 2004 we went to Montego Bay and that was even worse with lots of drug people on the streets. I took no photos that day!
  17. Good morning friends! Here where I live it's 45F with cloudy skies. Temp will rise as high as 58 and remain cloudy. I suppose there is a chance of some rain since there is a monsoon moving up the coast of Florida and Georgia into South Carolina right now. My words, not the weather channel! We are on the edge of that rain. Feeling very sorry for @seagarsmoker since he and DW were driving down to Florida today, weren't they? Apologies if I have my days mixed up. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. Hopefully you're on the edge of it too up in Athens.⛈️ Let's celebrate Canadian maple syrup and the Wright Brothers today! I have a feeling ugly sweater day was a couple of days ago and I'm happy to see it gone. They even had a Hallmark Christmas movie with that theme this week! I like the quote and I suppose I could go for the roast lamb with vegetables. Front porch peach tea (without alcohol) is my go-to beverage and what I drink when neighbor Brenda and I have our "coffee klatches" on my front porch. If there is such a thing as white pinot noir I would give it a try. Both the days in history were great moments in time. Thanks to our friends Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today! Prayers will be said for our Care list from the Daily ASAP, and lets not forget those at war, the hostages held and our military under attack as well. Also for me personally my DB and close friends with health problems to face. Prayers also for Graham @grapau27 and Pauline @Paw13's friend and the loss of her DM. 🙏 We especially pray for Vanessa @JazzyV with such horrible pain issues and practically no sleep at all these past months.🙏 Meanwhile we should not forget everyone with cruises and happy events to celebrate! 🥂 Bon voyage to @seagarsmoker and @Petunia1950! 🚢 Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for getting the list done each day during all the turmoil in her life. We appreciate you so much!❤️ The port this morning is Ocho Rios, Jamaica. The last two times we had it here was Nov. 25, 2021 and March 4, 2022. I spent literally an hour or two last night searching for March 4, 2022 on the Holland America section of CC. Someone had asked a question at the end of that topic 6 months later so I found it in the September 2022 section. They did not get an answer! Maybe it's a good thing to lock the Daily the following day, if only for my sanity! Here are the links: Searching on CC does not work for me. I tried that numerous times! We visited Ocho Rios on December 14, 2022 so just over a year ago, but it wasn't a big deal for us. A quick on and off the ship. Jamaica is definitely not a favorite island to visit! Hoping you all have a very nice day. Please be careful out there and stay safe and well!
  18. Graham, I'm very sorry to hear the terrible news about Pauline's DF and her DM. My condolences on the passing of the DM, and for the friend who is in pain from the same operation. Wishing the friend comfort and relief from the pain.
  19. We were lucky enough to see Sydney quite a few times on our trips down under. In 2013 twice and four times in 2017 on our B2B2B2B cruises. It's one of my favorite places on the planet to visit. Here's an overview of our stops there. Nov. 11, 2017. Turnaround day so we were exploring. That is not our ship (which was the Sun Princess). We were docked at Darling Harbor and took a ferry over. I believe the ship in the photo was a Carnival ship. Here is a photo of us leaving Darling Harbor to sail under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, same day. Then the Sydney Opera House. A ship at Circular Quay, downtown and the Opera House. People climbing the Sydney Harbour bridge. The ferry docks This photo was taken Dec. 3, 2013 while there on Diamond Princess. Taken from a pylon on the Harbour Bridge. The pedestrian walk on the Harbour Bridge. Looks like if you take this tour you might get wet! We ran into our friend Marion from Brisbane (CC friend) while walking towards the Opera House. Several of my CC friends met us the day before when we got off the ship, to have a drink at a nearby cafe. A closer view of the Opera House roof.
  20. Good morning friends! Since I've been up the temps have been rising here, it was 42 and is up to 44 now. High will be 56, cloudy and a chance of rain later. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. Wow! It's National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! That sounds great to me but don't try to sneak a chocolate covered insect in there. I'm sure there are plenty of stupid toys. It's been a while since I bought a toy since my grandkids are past that stage. And Day of Reconciliation sounds like a positive thing so I'm okay with it. I noted that it's also National Wreaths Across America Day, Quote: "Each year, millions of Americans come together to REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those that serve and their families, and TEACH the next generation about the value of freedom." My DFIL is buried at a national cemetery so there's always a chance his section will be one where they place the American flags. A touching sight. The quote today is one of my favorites! Interesting sounding meal suggestion. Will pass on the drink and wine. I'm betting England wishes they hadn't implement the Tax Act. Look what happened after 1773! Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the great reports on food and beverage. Prayers for all our CC Daily members especially Vanessa @JazzyV. More prayers for my DB and friends and spouses, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still being held, and our troops in the area. Sorry to hear of Terri's @Cruzin Terri friend in England dying. Condolences to all who knew and loved him. 🙏 A salute to everyone cruising and celebrating their special events.🎂🎉 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your work each day keeping the lists updated.❤️ The port of the day is Sydney, Australia which many of us have enjoyed in the past. This was our port on Sept. 27, 2021 and Dec. 20, 2022. I'll provide the links to make it easier to copy and paste any photos you have shown in the past. We've visited about 6 times during Australian cruises. I hope you all have a great Saturday and have all your shopping finished for the holidays. Stay safe and well, y'all!
  21. Great photo of a sweet couple, Graham @grapau27 and Pauline @Paw13!!
  22. Looks pretty bare of cruise ships right now, thank goodness. I'm glad the Zuiderdam made it through that area on the Grand Africa cruise in early November before the missiles and drones started cropping up. What a horrific thought that a cruise ship would be targeted.😥
  23. Jake and Juan @Crazy For Cats are on the deck below the bridge and you can see a few people standing there on the balcony just aft of it.
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