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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. You'd be surprised what happens when you get face to face with the very same people that you disagree with or they disagree with you in here. Not in this forum but in another, I had heated disagreements/discussions with some folks, met on on a ship and got along famously. We just agreed to disagree and not be disagreeable. So, as you probably know already, you need not to be so thin skinned while in this forum and others, this one is not unique.
  2. Although "chair hogs" isn't something I worry about, I/we don't sit out at the pool(s) any way. However, something that is somewhat related, those that are in the casino and lean their chairs up against a slot machine while they go to do whatever they do. If you have to leave, leave and let others pay and play. I usually just put the chair back and use the machine, never had a problem with it. But, I think it takes a lot of nerve to do that. Also, those that either just sit in a chair at a slot machine not utilizing the machine (resting and/or people watching) and those that take a chair from a machine and take it to sit next to someone else. One chair, one machine and the chairs are not in your neighborhood park.
  3. There is a bunch of savings being used now that we are free again to travel, eat out, and so on because of being cooped up during the pandemic. Now, even the "bottom-feeders" have some money to spend on a little luxury.
  4. As stated in an earlier post, I don't do "Ducking". It's just not my thing. However, I started a custom, at least for me, on my last cruise of buying a very expensive, or not, something while in port. Leaving it with a crew member with very specific instructions of who to give it to on the following cruise. I then post in the Roll Call for that cruise, hints as to where it can be found. I did it on my May cruise to Alaska and someone found the item (broke the code) on the next cruise and the crew was very good at following my instructions (with a $10.00 bill included) as to who to give it to. So, if you are interested and on the Nov the 4th cruise on the Independence of the Seas out of Canaveral, be looking in the RollCall for that cruise and the hint(s) as to where the very expensive, or not, something is.
  5. He's running afawl of the law!
  6. That's where I had to use discursion over valor.
  7. From what I've observed, most of the people we, the general public/passengers, see at a terminal is the "Contracted" personnel and/or port personnel. However, there are lots of crew, senior members/supervisors/management types overseeing and stepping in, if need be, where needed. As I've stated in here a few times, on my May cruise from Seattle, my drone was confiscated by a low level security person, at the x-ray machine. He took it saying that they are prohibited. Obviously, I vehemently disagreed with him. He took the drone to someone behind the curtain as I followed and told a supervisor what was going on. The supervisor looked over to his left and looked a a guy that had a different name tag on than they had and the other guy just shook his head and then the security supervisor told the original security guy that it was okay and let me have it back. I later saw that guy that was shaking his head on the ship, a day or two later.
  8. Just curious, because I may be in the market for a good TA. Who is your TA and what company is she with?
  9. Completely and totally disagree. But, because of the rules, I can't say why!
  10. What's funny is when you call, they, usually, as if the number you are calling from is a good "call back number" in case the call is dropped and then they never call you back when the call is dropped. That's my experience!
  11. It's Royal's gl-IT-ch Department at work.
  12. @Biker19 is 100% correct. If you want to transfer a booking to your TA, it has to be done within 30 days of booking and so on: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/direct-booking-transfer "Bookings may only be transferred to a Travel Advisor up until 30 days from creation if the request is made outside of Final Payment and the booking is not paid in full. If a booking has an Air2Sea ticket and/or the transfer request involves a change in currency we cannot accommodate a transfer. If you would like to transfer your reservation to a travel advisor, please click the button provided below and complete the online form". Don't worry about "click the button provided below" your TA can do all of that for you.
  13. Exactly! Also, even pre-COVID, masking was optional. Pre-COVID, never once went up to a person wearing a mask and demanded that they take it off. They wear their masks for THEIR OWN reasons and it's none of my business. The same holds true today. I don't care if the crew or anybody else wears a mask on or off a ship, anywhere. It's their decision. I just hope Royal goes back to Pre-COVID rules, "Masks Optional" for everyone. I really like the smiling faces of the crew especially while serving me, I can see their attitude (usually).
  14. Well, be prepared to have to do it all over again at the Terminal. It's a damn shame, not that this happened this week, but that it happens in different ways and for different time lengths of time, FAR TOO OFTEN.
  15. LOL, that's for sure! Royal's GLitCHES department is right! On another Cruise Social Media Forum, I'd knock Royal's IT Department, relentlessly, and you wouldn't believe how many people would come out of the woodwork to provide excuse after excuse for them. It was embarrassing, for them. I also knocked their whole "Landside" operation, especially their "Phone Answerers" (relentlessly). Again, the excuses would come out, not as bad but there were still some. I'm loyal to Royal only because of their "Sea Side" operations, ships, and crew. For me, that's really what matters is the ship's experience. While I'm on the ship and really really enjoying just about everything about the experience, "Landside" is the furthest from my mind.
  16. What are these "Boarding Times" anyway. When I cruised out of Seattle in May, the line up was unbelievably long just to get into the terminal. However, the terminal waiting area, the seating area, was empty. So, "Boarding Times" are actually "Enter the Terminal" times. Back in the day (that's pre-COVID), a "Boarding Time" was an actual boarding time. Everybody entered the terminal at whatever time, sat in the waiting area/seating area and waited until they called your boarding time. Now it is a time to enter the terminal, get checked in, verified, and then go straight to the ship, unless something happened to delay boarding. When I'm not Star Class (not bragging, just a fact), I arrive at the terminal when I arrive at the terminal, most times I can not control exactly what time I get there. I'll wait or go in, whatever is happening at the time. I wait at the terminal or somewhere else. I prefer to wait at the terminal and watch the show, the people show!
  17. As long as it's not CATS, I'd be happy!
  18. Well, I called and talked to the web help desk, which isn't. The guy asked if I got a confirmation email that I completed the check-in process, which I didn't. But, both the app and the website says my wife's and mine are completed. So, here it comes, the help desk guy, which he isn't, says, "I can't help you with is, everything I see and what you have told me isn't in my trouble shooting cheat sheets so I'll have to escalate this to the "Resolution Desk"(LOL) and they will call or email you when they have answers". That is all!
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