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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. In theory, I'd agree. But, hypocrisy, at least to me, is a symptom of other issues I'd have problems with. Just one example: Would a hypocrite doctor proscribe a drug to you or your loved one(s) that he/she would never proscribe to himself or his loved one(s)?
  2. I would tell you how I feel about doctors. But, it would set off a fire storm and this is not the time or place.
  3. I love it when a fat doctor tells me to lose weight and a Doctor comes into the exam room, back in the day, smelling like a cigarette butt and tells me/preaches to me how much cigarettes are bad for me. I wonder how many alcoholic Doctors there are. I bet we'd be surprised! No, that's not to say that their advice is wrong.
  4. Yep, you are counting the whole decade you were born in, no matter when you were born in it, and the decade you are in no matter when your birthday is in that decade. Example: If I'm 2 day old, I was born on December 31st, 2022 and today is Jan 1st, 2023, I've lived in 2 decades. 3 decades if it's Jan1st if it's 2024, but I'm only 367 days old. And according to our system, I'm only 1 year old on Jan 1st 2024. But, I've completed one year and am now in my 2nd year. LOL, it can all be twisted with math and words. LOL
  5. LOL, possible. But, I don't think so. Two ships, post COVID, for months apart and both had the same sticky handrails. Very gross feeling.
  6. While I've never though the Key was worth the price. I don't think just renaming it will do anything to entice the informed RCCL consumer. However, if they try to entice people by adding more and more perks, the Star Cruisers my start to think that the Star is not worth it anymore, might as well just go Key/VIP. Maybe they'll throw in, instead of a Genie, a Gnome or Gremlin or Elf. This is my opinion and feelings. You don't have to feel the same way.
  7. Because they are sold out or not available at all? I know you may not have that Info.
  8. There are lots of products out there that do a good or great job of killing germs, viruses, what ever. The problem is how long will they kill germs, viruses, what ever for. I remember reading an ad in a magazine about a product (I can't remember its name) that will kill ~99.9% of all germs and protect the surface for up to 24 hours. The "up to" is a tell. So, I go on the products website and there were several germs listed that the product would protect would protect for < an hour, COVID was one of them. I haven't research Clorox, I assume it a great product, we use it here, at home. So, this is not to down play your post at all. But, what I'm saying, before you accept what the advertisers tell you as total/complete truth, I'd check them out first. I assume that the handrails on a RCCL ship that seems to be sticky long after the cleaning is because they use a product that stays for a while. Killing germs for only a short period of time, especially in public places really doesn't stop or curb the spread of the virus or whatever the germ of the day is, generally speaking.
  9. Oh man, those are all hanging offenses. Round-em up, I've got this.
  10. Moving water and sunlight, the most advanced water purification system out there.
  11. Okay, grandpa. You're good. Seriously, congratulations. It would/will be nice to reach that milestone. I wish you many many many more years of active life ahead. I just had my annual physical about a week or two ago. For the first time in my life I was told that there were some irregularities in my EKG and blood labs. So, I'm getting referrals from all different kinds of specialists. I have noticed in the last two or three months that my walking speed has slowed down from an average of 48 minutes for the 3.5 mile walk to about 52 minutes. Getting old isn't for the young, that's for sure.
  12. I believe they still have these, though:
  13. "her" not "here". Just thought I'd get that out there before the Snipe, gets me.
  14. My wife has done that for as long as I've known here ~50 years. She has and does ear maintenance with it on the kid when they still lived at home. I really dislike the feel of it. But, it works well, so I go with the flow.
  15. A few weeks ago, I started a thread asking about the temperature in the Wonder's Solarium because I've read that it is completely enclose with glass, plastic, or whatever. The popular answer was that it was too hot and too humid, even with a few windows opened. I'm looking forward to going on the Wonder one day and I'll see for myself. But, that is what my little unofficial survey produced. Good review though. I liked it.
  16. I'm still going to wear my Leopard skin thong speedo. Imagine that!
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