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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Yes, I know. That's why I mentioned Legionnaires Disease, "The cruise industry was under heavy scrutiny long before COVID came along, remember Legionnaires Disease? My point is I, that's me, me only, want to get away from discussing this topic or COVID/Medical in general, it is a no win situation especially in a social media site that doesn't allow in-depth discussion from one side or the other.
  2. What do you do? Oh, not much, I'm retired!
  3. I was there for breakfast last Oct/Nov. Good place. Never looked beyond the breakfast menu, though.
  4. I don't believe I have. But, while in the Army for 20+ years I was exposed to a lot of things that I have no idea what they were and got very sick from. It never changed how I lived my life though, nor do I think the general public should. I'm not risk adverse. I'll cruise with very little precautions. Just don't try to feed me Fish Tacos and/or Liver & Onions. But, I'm trying to divorce myself from these kind of discussions and I've said what I have to say.
  5. My last time at the Hibachi, which was last Oct/Nov on the Independence, for a long time, we were the only people in the place. I mean two of us and 6 others at the table or whatever it's called. But, on other cruises on other ships it seemed to be very busy. It seems to be a very very popular venue and I don't know why they don't make more room for more cooking stations and customer seats. On that same cruise, Wonderland was almost empty every time we walked by and looked in. Maybe swap locations. I might be a little bias as I'm not a fan of Wonderland's main courses (except for their dessert(s), too fufu.
  6. Yep, and that's Okay. You are obviously more adventurous than me, at least dealing with food.
  7. I'd try that, it looks very close to "Fish & Chips" type of fish.
  8. I've been to several cities in Mexico and their open air markets. I've watch the locals prepare their own food for their own consumption, not commercialized, I can tell you that I'm so happy that we have Americanized Mexican Restaurants her in the U.S. and in the tourist areas of Mexico. That's why I say, "Americanized", I love Americanized Mexican Food. Just like I like Americanized Chinese Food. This is my opinion and my likes and dislikes. Please don't try to make it about nationalism. It has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do about my taste preference. Nothing more, nothing less.
  9. When we make Tacos at home, not fish, we buy corn tortillas and very lightly dip them in hot oil so they are a little warm but still soft. I'm not a big fan of crispy Toco shells. I do love Breakfast Tacos with just about any traditional breakfast meats, eggs, potatoes and shredded cheddar cheese . Oh and jalapeños.
  10. My wife never knew I drank until I came home sober on day. Yes I know it's an old one.
  11. I'm a huge huge huge fan of Mexican Food, Americanized Mexican Food. But, I only started eating Mexican Food in 1980 when I got stationed at Ft. Hood, TX., we used to go to a great Mexican Restaurant in Temple, TX., The Monterrey House. I've traveled and lived all around the Southwest. Including New Mexico. That's the back story. On my first cruise on a Royal ship was Oasis of the Seas in circa 2017. On the menu was "Fish Tacos. Never heard of a "Fish Taco" before that. Have I lived a sheltered Mexican Food life and they have always existed in the U.S. Mexican Food Restaurant Market or is/was it an RCCL innovation? Our local two or three Mexican Restaurants don't have 'em. I haven't seen a "Fish Taco" in any Americanized Mexican Restaurant off of a RCCL ship. Which is a good thing. I don't think I'd like a "Fish Taco" unless it is a "Fish N Chips" type of fish. This is an important subject so please take it seriously.
  12. There is, according to RCCL's FAQ, upcharge for certain things in certain restaurants. And some say that those items aren't even available anymore. I, for one, can't answer that directly. I know that there was a post, a while back, that there was an upcharge for something in the Hibachi, no matter what package you purchased. Don't know if that is still valid. Do you have to make the decision now or can it wait until embarkation day, check with Izumi and make the decision from there. I've never had the +1 and don't know the procedure or reservation requirements.
  13. I hope they appreciated it. I'm sure they did. Great compassion shown by you guys.
  14. I don't believe he/she can walk by the time he/she gets to #9. LOL
  15. The pizza that was delivered was not what I expected. It didn't taste bad, just not what I expected. I fully expected a huge circular mound of cheese dripping, sauce, spices, and meat (Peperoni and onions, for me). That's not at all what I got. But, I ate it and enjoyed it but not as much as an American style pizza. It's kinda like Chinese food here in the U.S. and Canada, some of it doesn't even exist in China or are serious variations of it. But, I love it.
  16. But, you can request a vegetarian or Vegan meal, correct. I'm not either so I only know what I've read in the past.
  17. LOL, I'd order one Vegan meal and one meal off of the regular menu. Best of both worlds. I don't think you have to officially notify RCCL that you are Vegan true or not to get Vegan meals and I don't think you will be kicked off the ship for ordering a Vegan meal AND a meated meal <for lack of a better term. The MDR is basically "All You Can Eat", correct? Well, now except for Lobster Tail, I guess.
  18. Great idea. I usually ask for "Hot Sauce" and wind up getting Tabasco, on RCCL ships. I'm not a big fan of Tabasco as I think it is hot (but not real hot) just for the sake of be hot, very little pleasing flavor. If I have to resort to the main stream hot sauces, I'd prefer Pete's, or Louisiana. I think Sabor or El Loco Fresh probably have an eclectic assortment of hot sauces, though.
  19. I've had Pizza in Italy, and believe me, American style is much much better, at least compared to the region of Italy that I was in. Where I had it, it was flat bread with olive oil and a sprinkle of cheese. I didn't/don't speak but a few words of Italian and couldn't get it across to the server (whom I'm sure was anti-American, she was in her 20s-30s at the time and refused to speak English) what I wanted. That was/is a very funny comment though. I'd like to see that.
  20. Originally, I tried a "Google" search for "GIWB", as I had no idea what it meant, which raised my suspicions, and came up empty handed. But, I took a look at the address bar of the linked site and it was almost identical to the pictured menu, the pictured menu's address bar was only missing the royalcaribbean.com part. Which answered my own question. Thanks for the info. It was/is enlightening. I have absolutely zero knowledge of the "Wind Bar", never been there. But, will whenever I can.
  21. Thank you! The picture shown was, in fact a RCCL site. But, that goes to show that RCCL is showing two different menus, at least in appearance, for the same restaurant on the same official site. Left hand, meet right hand! Not!
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