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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. I don't understand this "Fall Break" thing. Spring break, I get, Thanksgiving and from shortly before Christmas to early January, that too. Random days here and there, holidays or not. Even time periods when Jewish schools go on vacation. But, October? They're just getting into a groove and just now starting to learn new math (first 6 weeks is review because kids forget math during summer) I think I need to tell some kids to get off my lawn. Maybe I shouldn't, we have baby goats that are allowed.
  2. It starts at 6:30. His example was a port day and early dining. I was a little surprised by what he said. Maybe he can do stuff that other people aren't allowed to do because they recognize him, and he doesn't realize that normal people aren't allowed. BTW, I'm not planning on being late I just like to have Plans A, B and C in place. Note, we should have own table for 8. So no one would be waiting on us if the sky fell and we were late. Yes, I am preparing for our starter cruise and I'm about a 9.2 on the anal scale for vacation planning.
  3. His example was on a sea day, so I assume that means late excursion. I just like to be prepared.
  4. So, I'm watching a Royal Caribbean Blog video. He says that if you miss your dining time that they'll close the doors after say 15 minutes, but you can get in the MTD line and they'll seat you there. I always thought that they forced a switch to MTD from then on if you did that. What has everyone's experience been?
  5. I can see it being handy to hand G.S. the cash up front as a way to make sure it isn't stolen out of the safe. Yes that is very unlikely, but 0% if it isn't in your cabin.
  6. I read CC to prepare for our cruise. We won't have a stroller or scooter. I wonder if we should leave dirty dishes on the floor inside our cabin?
  7. It was mentioned recently. Panama Canal cruises were 'enhanced' to not go through the Panama Canals anymore.
  8. Actually, TABC disagrees. They just can't order drinks. Now, some places will say 21+ because they reasonably don't want to bother with customers that can't drink. Of course that is Texas, which wasn't the question. For example, I wouldn't expect the ship to allow parents to order a drink for their kid, as Texas allows.
  9. This would be a nightmare for us. We will be 8, four adults and four teens. Likely doing our own things and meeting up for dinner every day. Also, 5-5:30 is a normal dinner time for me, and one of the other adults wakes up at like 3 am for work. He'll likely be drifting into a more normal schedule, but I don't see him awake at 9pm. The traditional MDR experience is something I've been looking forward to in our Starter Cruise.
  10. Eons ago I was in the home of plastic surgeon in Rome. There was a really fine bottle of 30-year-old Macallan being used as a door stop. When I asked about it I was told that they frequently got tips from happy customers in the form of expensive liquor bottles. The plural was when a pediatrician joined the conversation.
  11. Isn't there a reason for the crappy toilet paper? Like if you bring your own it will clog the toilet and you might be charged for the work involved in fixing that. (pun wasn't intended)
  12. I thought in the original post it was said that there was availability on other cruises going there around the same time.
  13. To be fair, no one would have to be bumped from another cruise if they did a lateral move. There is availability in nearby cruises that still go to the port.
  14. The free cruise day would make a vast majority of the people happy. But, since they have availability the for very similar cruises around the same time, I would think it would be fair to offer a lateral change for free. Maybe even reasonable price for upgrades. For example if the current cruise was in cabin category XYZ on a 6-day cruise and the nearby one was 7-days, then charge an extra 1/6. No reason for the OP to pay the last minute price.
  15. You can't argue with the basic idea that California doesn't allow the gas that the rest of America uses.
  16. It isn't a Red or Blue state thing, it is a California thing. The gas that everyone else buys is outlawed in California. So, Supply/Demand and your supply is much much smaller. Not sure how much of this is true, but I remember reading once that the gas California can use only comes from one location and that the Browns, California political family owned that gas, or at least their money came from there. I'm sure there are CC people who know more on that.
  17. I used to bring our home bathroom nightlight on trips. But I always worried I'd leave it. So the cruise was my excuse to buy one of those LED candles. Plus I've stored it someplace handy if electric goes out.
  18. I can't speak to cruise boarding. But at Disney World entrance gates, I learned to avoid any line with a family and a parent with a phone out. The barcodes just wouldn't scan quickly and then the parent had to take the phone back after every scan to bring up the next barcode and then at least once they'd accidentally swipe past someone, so someone wouldn't be scanned then they'd have to figure out which person hadn't been scanned and then find their online ticket. We aren't talking about big families but two parents and two kids, and these are the ones that thought they were prepared with the app up.. I never once saw a family using the app getting through more quickly than we did using the cards. A group where everyone had their phone ready, they were fine.
  19. I've had a patdown caused by merely an underwire in the my bra.
  20. It shouldn't have come to this. I can understand Royal not wanting to eat the cost. But, first they should try to get a waiver, and if they can't get a waiver then provide documentation of the charge. That should all have been automatic. This isn't the first time someone had to leave the ship for a medical emergency. Lazy, lazy, lazy. I will be having a cash account when we are on board. It seems that the open wallet that the credit card on file is basically, is just too tempting to Royal.
  21. CC is so darn helpful! How does one setup a cash account? Is that the default when you don't provide a credit card and if you don't do anything? Although, then I think they'd stop you from buying stuff, and they wouldn't want that. Nevermind, I'm still waking up. I hadn't even heard of the idea before. Looked on Royal and found this https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/seapass-copy-request Also found this here
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