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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Correct - either from TA if you used one or direct from HAL if you didn't.
  2. Thanks for sharing the tip - it is my new favorite feature!
  3. Yay the antihistamines brought your DH some relief; hopefully the ear issue clears soon.
  4. @kazu please give Ivan a big Happy Birthday 🥳 hug 🫂 🤗 from me and my fur babies.
  5. Congrats @Crazy For Cats to DH for a job well done - enjoy the Omaha Steak package; we love their hot dogs and pork burgers. @quilty964 the cucumber looks good. @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser @sailingdutchy @Cruising-along thank you for all the wonderful photos. @marshhawk thinking of you and DH as he has his procedure today ❤️and prayers 🙏 for his care team. @Lady Hudson prayers 🙏 continue for your friend who had the stroke. @Seasick Sailor prayers 🙏 continue for your DS and her care team. @TiogaCruiser nice shed - will you come organize ours? @smitty34877 good to read Tana is asking for specific foods.Hugs 🤗 to you all. @kazu you will pull it all together as you always do - you're amazing! Yikes @Nickelpenny on the storm, prayers 🙏 and 🤞 they continue to miss you & you stay safe. Happy to hear you're having good weather @luvteaching and that your friend is still enjoying yourself. Hopefully your mom heals quickly from the fall and the pacemaker does it's job.
  6. Hugs 🫂 🤗 and prayers 🙏 @marshhawk to you both today ❤️
  7. He's back; let the counting begin, lol. I did respond this time, but think it's appropriate so as to not get me kicked off CC. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/3018184-follow-up-to-horrible-cruise-with-hal/?do=findComment&comment=67636167
  8. Your experience is disappointing - in both regards: that you didn't enjoy the cruise and that you didn't hear from HAL. With that said, I wouldn't expect you to hear from someone at HAL - what would it change? You've said you will not cruise with them again and anything about how/why your cruise went wrong they have already read from your communication to them and your threads. I have (and continue to) cruised with HAL many times and have had 2 really bad experiences. One I did not communicate to them beyond the post-cruise survey - did not hear from them. The other I posted in a thread, spoke w/senior crew while onboard and sent an email direct to them post-cruise. I have not heard from them (as with your situation, everything that could be learned about the situation they have received); they don't me (or any customer) follow-up on how they deal with issues, so it does not surprise me that you've not gotten a response. Disappointing - yes. Suprising - no. You moved on from them as a customer, so perhaps you should do the same in total. IMO.
  9. I did 2 Med cruises last year end of Oct into Nov & end of Nov into Dec. The weather was nice, a bit humid still end Oct, but nowhere near the horrendous heat & humidity we experienced a few years ago in June. The crowds, though, were still very large - people didn't get the memo that it was off-season.
  10. I have had them do it and also had them say no. I find you have a better chance of them agreeing if ypu have a cruise picked out when you call and it is not near full, ie there are a lot of cabins available. Good luck!
  11. Sometimes I think I'm living in a storage unit having stuff from both my parents and my brother after they passed away. Siblings don't want to get rid of it, but don't want to take it to their own houses so I ended up w/it ALL. Plus stuff from 3 homes when I'd been temporarily relocated for work. Then add in the "normal" amount of stuff a household has. It's just too much. We did have 1 fairly successful garage sale several years ago, but we could do 2/yr and still not make a dent... DH (who, like me, still works) keeps saying he wants to sell the house and buy an RV. Sounds sort of appealing until I look at how long it would take to clean out the house. And the big dog is too big (125#) to live in an RV and 3 animals is too many, so we couldn't do it until they cross the Rainbow Bridge. Boggles the mind to think about it, but I'm sure I'd feel a heavy burden was lifted if we did it. One time when we drove past our favorite house after we'd sold it did I want to go in. I sat out front reminding myself of why we sold, then when the desire to go in passed, I drove away and never went back. Selling was the right decision. I didn't regret selling, I just needed to fully accept that.
  12. CC dies not like me much recently - double posts and now picture-only posts (which I saw in time to delete). Let's try again w/o the "quotes.". @ger_77 I chuckled at your post about the exchange between you & your DH during storms. That's how it is at my house, but the roles are reversed. After hearing me repeatedly say "it's really coming down" or "what an impressive lightening show" or similar remark, DH will eventually respond with his usual "and what exactly would you like me to do about it?" 🙄 @Nickelpenny we planned on doing a similar project w/our tiles, but when I didn't start one, DH began leaving the tiles in the cabin so it will likely not happen here. 😪 I look forward to seeing pics of the project. Stay safe in the heat. 🫠 I agree there's not any real difference between 100+ and another 100+ temp. I was sitting in my car post PT trying to cool it down so I could leave and the number was moving in the wrong direction. When I first started it. Not really driving - just put it in gear to leave when I decided to get another picture. Yes, we need to have the air bag recall done. And still not driving, just sitting waiting to see if it goes down. Drove a couple miles but still not going down. At least it's not going up; I have zero interest in learning what the top number is. 🙄
  13. Prayers 🙏and hugs 🤗 for you and DH @marshhawk
  14. Apologies for the double post- the "clear editor" button must have the morning off. @Seasick Sailor prayers 🙏 for Bonnie during this morning's MRI. @RMLincoln thanks for the tip on arnica salve. @StLouisCruisers only 14 more days til the twin miracles arrive - so exciting! I know you'll share a picture when the big day gets here. Prayers 🙏 all continues to go well for them. @marshhawk razors have nothing on kitty claws - those things are brutal. Our cat used to "fly" around the room landing on our shoulders (or wherever) - nothing hurts like a cat trying to hold on as gravity pulls him down your back or arm or leg... DH still has scars.🫣 My lap is full this morning ❤️ with another one patiently waiting his turn. I hate to tell them it's past time to crank up the work computer.
  15. Navigator App updated on the new phone and says I'll be hopping on a BHB in <80 days. 🤞 we get to go. I am still trying to figure out if I can do the TA as I very much want to. So double 🤞🤞 App invites me to buy HIA but is apparently only teasing as even a phone call cannot get it added. We are not on a special rate (no casino deal for us 😪) or other discount beyond an Advantage fare, so I think it was messed up when HAL canceled the original booking (Sept 21-28) due to a charter and moved it to the following week. If I can't get it added, I won't be doing a Live review and boss will have to give me the time off as he will not allow me to expense the internet charge. Any suggestions on how to get it added? Forwarded the email that includes the booking number and my Mariner number w/the offer to PCC did not help, of course, as I do not seem to be a valued customer to her 🤨
  16. Navigator App updated on the new phone and says I'll be hopping on a BHB in <80 days. 🤞 we get to go. I am still trying to figure out if I can do the TA as I very much want to. So double 🤞🤞 App invites me to buy HIA but is apparently only teasing as even a phone call cannot get it added. We are not on a special rate (no casino deal for us 😪) or other discount beond an Advantage fare, so I think it was messed up when HAL canceled the original booking (Sept 21-28) due to a charter and moved it to the following week. If I can't get it added, I won't be doing a Live review and boss will have to give me the time off as he will not allow me to expense the internet charge. Any suggestions on how to get it added?
  17. @grapau27 here's another birthday blessing for you to kindly share with Father David 🎂🍰🥳
  18. June 6 is the date of my trip to ER for kidney stones, so tomorrow is 5 weeks. The bruise from the failed attempt at the IV (single attempt) is hanging on, but finally showing signs of fading. No mark at all at the site where they did put it in. My leg was itching last week - this is what I saw when I started to scratch it. Clearly something got me. I didn't scratch it when I saw the entry point - the bruise must be from the bite or sting. I don't recall ever bruising like that in reaction to a bite or sting.
  19. Thank goodness your DH brother is OK, even though w/o power. Generators are indispensable. 🙏 he gets power soon and remains safe. I lived in Kingwood several years ago and worked in New Caney (Montgomery County). There are reports someone died trying to help his neighbor; so sad. Also read >180,000 still w/o power as of today. That's never good, but especially in the high heat & humidity. I saw these pictures of some of the flooding in the area - unfortunately, anyone who has lived there has seen this too many times. It's always unsettling to see. And then there's this - we may be torn and ragged, but we survive.
  20. We have been to GB in May when we were blessed with clear blue skies. Then there's this: Glacier Bay May 2, 2023 - light rain lasted the entire time we were in GBNP. But still beautiful.
  21. @sailingdutchy great pictures and narrative. Thanks for taking the time to post them.
  22. Oh my @marshhawk on the Continuing Tale of the Neighbors Tree 🌲 🤞 @kazu you have a quick, easy sale and are successful in getting what you want. @smitty34877 prayers 🙏 that Tana is comfortable w/her decision and that it helps her. Congrats @durangoscots for making Page 1. A win is a win no matter the circumstances. 😎
  23. The published amenities show umbrellas provided in suites (Pinnacle & Neptune), but sometimes they'll be in others, as well. I have frequently seen them at the gangway near where Security scans you out at port; you can request one to use. Safe travels- enjoy your cruise!!
  24. My boss probably took lessons from your boss, ugh. At least my weekly 1:1s are now biweekly. Only IT can control certain things on our computers (users cannot) and many things have been disabled such as the camera on/off button. So, I just covered the camera "eye" and let them look at a black screen. When we could control the camera, I turned it off then selected "avatar" which I customized. When I first transferred to IT, a manager on one of the teams I support asked if I could get him a log showing when someone logged into their computer and then out - he wanted to know how much time an associate was using their computer on any day. He said w/a log he could stop watching the screen to see if her light was green, yellow or red and to see how frequently the little bubbles moved. 🤷‍♀️ He was serious - he spent his day watching bubbles and lights. I told him I couldn't help. I will return the computer if I learn it is listening. 🫣
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