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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Correct but I think OP is asking about doing this for HIA reservations, which would not get refunded to a CC.
  2. @mfjj you will lose the reservation if you do it in the app or online- you must go to the desks once onboard. Dining you change at Guest Services, Excursions at Excursions desk. But if you cancel a dinner or excursion booked w/HIA there's nothing to refund to a CC - all HIA perks (dining & excursions) credit back to HIA, which are use it or lose it. You can add additional meals & excursions paid w/OBC. You can move pre-purchases not part of HIA.
  3. You should get her one of the towel animal magnets @Euby mentioned 😊
  4. Ooh, cute - could you share a picture?
  5. Good collection of days to celebrate; I don't use the Foursquare app, but support local shopping. I like the quote - we need to stand up for each other when appropriate. Pass on the meal (cauliflower), yes to the drink & wine, not been to the port. Yay for numbers on jerseys; identifying fast moving players is difficult. Condolences @Mr. Boston prayers and hugs to you and Lauren's family. @StLouisCruisers prayers πŸ™ Linda's recovery is smooth. Thank you @grapau27 @0106for the lovely poems. Nice pictures @richwmn. @smitty34877 hats off to Tana on her goal - I may use that myself 🀭 Nice picture @seagarsmoker. Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser for the pictures - looks like great weather. @marshhawk very nice pictures. Hugs @Gselas you think of your DH today. @StLouisCruisers Go Ren!! Don't know if this headache is from the eye procedure or allergies, but it needs to go away - it's so bad I'm nauseous. Another heavy work day when I return from this morning's neurology appt. There's nothing for him to assess as insurance denied the Rx. Currently 70Β° headed to a muggy rainy 88Β°. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  6. I was on K'dam Dec 21 '23 - Jan 6 '24 Hawaii - they did a fabulous towel animal invasion at the Lido. We had a few in the cabin.
  7. Yes, you can add it while you're booking if it's available (it won't be available if all it's slot are filled since it's capacity controlled).
  8. Congrats @marshhawk on the addition to the furry family - you're a great host.
  9. Well today was so busy I am just now posting. ASL and Boston Days are important, so McDonald's Day if we're celebrating the good service of the Ronald McDonald House & not their food. Pass on the meal & wine, would try the drink, not been to the port. A cruise I had to cancel end of last year went to Manzanillo - I welcome all pictures. Today would be my mother's birthday; she was only 69 when she passed away - too young. Also one of my nephews celebrates his birthday today - my mom always that was special. @StLouisCruisers glad to hear your twin came through the surgery & seems headed on the right path for recovery. My brother returned to work today after rotator cuff surgery; he was out about 4 months. Great pictures again @aliaschief @Quartzsite Cruiser good to know your DH Dr visit went well. @LambKnuckles I hope the source of your cough can be identified and treated - I know it's so annoying. First of 4 part eye procedure done; 2nd one scheduled. They won't schedule all of them in case something goes sideways, but they sure took the $$ for all 4. Dr had me cancel next week's appointment for the other eye procedure (different Dr, diff issue) and says we'll reschedule in about 3 months when I'm recovered from this procedure. I hope this all works. I had a lot of work to do this afternoon when I got back to work, so I still need to finalize the taxes; I'll do that after dinner. Maybe the new drops will help this headache, lol. It was 72Β° heading to rainy 77Β° while I was sitting in Dr office; it hasn't rained - sometimes it looked like it wanted to & other times the sky was blue πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  10. If the smaller size is available, they're still fairly loose as they're just a slide in style and really not designed to be snug. They cause me anxiety trying to actually walk in them; I do the "shuffle slide" to keep from tripping. Personally, I would bring a pair so you're covered.
  11. I've done many B2B and as @CruiserBruce said, my luggage never left the ship - it simply went to the other cabin. Whether the ship is zeroed out or not, I have found going to Guest Services early (before breakfast) on Turnaround Day to pick up the new key card, resulted in the most seamless process. You'll scan off w/old card, scan back on w/new card. Do be sure you follow the instructions you receive in your cabin & be where you're told to be to wait for fellow In Transit pax - please don't be "that one" they have to hunt down. πŸ€” Enjoy your cruise @IBM Sweathog - nothing beats seeing all that luggage 🧳 🧳 in the hall and knowing yours is not out there!🀭
  12. Thank you soooo much for both the png & pdf of the art guide. The Rotterdam certainly did it right - the deck key is next level; I've not seen that on other ships.
  13. Laughter 🀣 and dolphins 🐬 are always welcome. Pass on the meal, drink and wine, not been to the port. I look forward to seeing pictures, thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser for the ones you posted. Big days in history. @StLouisCruisers your DDs tree is so creative! @Denise T I hope you can find peace in your home - stay safe. @kochleffel congrats on the terrific feedback from your professor. Today is going to breakfast at a new place, taxes, finishing the survey I started and crossing fingers the yard guy shows - he was not here yesterday. Currently 64Β° headed to 84Β°. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all. Extra hugs for the Rotterdam Crew and family of the HAL member who was lost.
  14. The RT San Diego->HI I did was this past Dec '23 - Jan '24 on the K'dam. So, you'll have a GDC (Grand Dutch Cafe) which means a great alternative for lunch. The ukulele, sarong tying & other classes were usually SRO, so go early if you plan on attending. Also, the presentation on whales πŸ‹ is fantastic!
  15. I've done that twice - once on a TA (Rome->FLL) and RT San Diego->HI. For me, the ideal itinerary is a balanced mix of port and sea days, so I was a bit concerned about how I'd like all those consecutive sea days. Plus I live on my balcony & the HI was an inside cabin so that was another level of stress. I filled sea days by: going to Sea Day brunch & PG lunch, wine tasting, afternoon Tea, using a Thermalpass 2 times each day, visiting recently re-opened libraries, attending port talks & lectures, reading (napping if I'm being honest) tucked into a corner of Billboard Onboard. A lot of time was spent walking deck-by-deck front-to-back looking at the art installations; HAL really has an amazing collection of art on each ship. I used the time to really decompress and unwind - something I just don't do at home. I did not chase dots, color or attend other "summer camp" activities. While I enjoyed the time and was never bored and would do another TA, I still prefer a mix of sea & port days.
  16. @kazu so good you found the foot nurse - I hope her recommendations help.πŸ™
  17. I seldom eat lunch, but will happily celebrate it; I didn't know about Borinqueneers Day - definitely worthy of recognition; have never played Scrabble - am I the only one?πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Pass on the meal, drink & wine sound good although the wine is pricey, most recent stop in Oranjestad was Feb 2023 but no pictures to post as they're on my computer. I have a bracelet I bought there that I wear everyday. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers Hugs and condolences @puppycanducruise @Cruzin Terri and @atexsix Hugs and prayers @smitty34877 as your family cares for Tana. There was a shooting at a local high school (Wilmer-Hutchins) yesterday; thank goodness nobody was killed. The person shot is recovering in the hospital. Lord keep our children and educators safe πŸ™ Welcome @LambKnuckles and @ORTravelGalπŸ‘‹ @Denise T and I must be on the same wavelength this morning 🀭 using the same Bon Voyage for @AncientWanderer Today is finish the taxes, start a very long survey book I agreed to do, and wait for the yard guy - don't know if he'll be here today or tomorrow, but he's in for a tough job as backyard still has standing water. I will give him a nice tip if he is able to do it all. Also going to read up on the eye procedure that's being done Mon; I think it's just an injection w/the more complicated one starting next week. Currently 59Β° headed to windy 82Β°. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  18. Condolences, hugs and prayers for you during this difficult time. I hope you do cruise again and think of your dad when you do.
  19. The pictures of the Papantla flyers were awesome! We saw those recently in an episode of "The Amazing Race" and were in awe. And now I'm seeing them here in greater detail 😊
  20. Yes, thanks for clarifying - what I remembered you saying is in your last sentence. As always, appreciate you weighing in πŸ‘
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