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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. I'm a bit slow today but I finally got the joke, Geoff! Duh!πŸ˜‚
  2. Not sure we're allowed to give specific companies on this forum. However, may I suggest that if you have private health insurance or are a member of an automobile club (you know the road side assist ones), they often give discounts on travel insurance for members and as I suggested elsewhere some credit cards offer free travel insurance. Other than that, perhaps do research or use one of those comparison sites. Sorry I can't be more specific.
  3. You never know. We almost always cruise out of Brisbane.
  4. Yes, I'm vice president of a theatre company on the Gold Coast and work in theatres from Northern NSW to Brisbane. I also work in film and TV, though that has been on a bit of a hiatus with the recent writers' strike in the US. Australia was affected as American production companies all downed tools on filming in Oz. Hopefully things will pick up again soon. We'd like to meet you too, John and Hilary. Maybe on a cruise one day...................?
  5. Darren builds awesome theatre sets (he's won awards for them). Unfortunately all I end up with are photos and memories as I can't bring them home. If he builds a staircase on stage it's rock solid. Doesn't move an inch even with several cast members charging up and down it and the English drawing room he did for one of my shows was so beautiful that I nearly cried when we had to pull it down at the end of the play's run.
  6. LOVE it John.πŸ˜† BTW you nailed the husband's handbook. Don't even attempt to speak to wife until she has had her morning caffeine and above all else, the correct answer to everything is ALWAYS 'Yes, dear'. Believe me, Darren learnt that very early in the piece!!!!πŸ˜‚ He was a bit hard to train, but a rolled up newspaper worked wonders!🀣
  7. Yes, guys, A Day In The Life of The Fool On The Hill and there's just Something about an Octopus's Garden, Because You Never Give Your Money, you're Mean Mr Mustard!
  8. Absolutely, John. Definitely family members and loved to absolute bits.
  9. We're really fortunate in that our Labrador goes to stay with our friends who bred her. As for the cat, we have a neighbour who is willing to pop in and feed him so realistically the pets don't tie us down too much and we generally only cruise once a year. Would love to do more, but work commitments get in the way.
  10. Face washers were supplied in our mini suite last cruise. I don't use them anyway. I prefer to take my own mesh sponge ball. Fits in a ziplock bag, so even if it's wet on the last morning it can still go safely in my carry on luggage.
  11. I can relate, Colin. The cat actually costs more to feed than our Labrador!!! Premium cat food is ridiculously expensive.πŸ™€
  12. Our feline overlord is 18 years old and a demanding old coot. We've had him for about 3 months. His previous owners went into a nursing home (their son is a friend of ours). We took the geriatric in because our friend already has 6 labradors (they are breeders) and 3 cats and the son's partner is allergic to cats except their own (go figure). Anyway they were looking to re-home Kuta and we figured they'd have an uphill battle offloading an 18 year old, so hubby (the softie) volunteered to take him. Considering our last cat crossed the rainbow bridge (at age 20) about 18months ago, I had forgotten what a pain in the whatnot cats can be. Nah, the old coot is not too bad, just annoying at times.
  13. We nearly always go horse riding in Vila. I make sure to thoroughly clean my riding boots (fairly easy - no laces or ripple soles) the minute we get back on the ship. Hubby just wears joggers. A bit more labour intensive to clean, but no biggie. Strictly speaking, our footwear is usually only a bit muddy anyway. I usually have an old toothbrush in our luggage which does the job of getting into any crevices. We've never had a problem with bio security and no one has ever inspected our footwear.
  14. Our local Aldi lock up their trolleys, but Coles in the same Centre don't. So, I just grab a Coles trolley and use it in Aldi and Coles (I usually shop at both. Aldi doesn't have a few items we use, including a very fussy cat's favourite food brandπŸ™„ If you want the definitive definition of 'entitled' look no further than the average feline.😠 Dogs have masters, cats have staffπŸ˜†). Local Woolies (in another Centre) don't lock up their trolleys either btw.
  15. Last P&O it was about 4 pieces of paper and a keno style pencil in the cabin! Oh, the generosity!πŸ™„
  16. For me, tote is more useful and lasts longer. I eat enough on cruises as it is and can do without chocolates.
  17. When we had three weeks in the States (including a 7 day cruise) the two of us had 2 medium-large spinners and two smaller spinners (small enough for carry ons). When cruising for 10 days or so, we take the two medium-large spinners and a backpack each. Admittedly, we tend to cruise in warmer regions, but even then there is Darren's sports jacket and pants and my semi formal stuff, plus we also take a jacket of some description and jeans in case the weather turns chilly. I wouldn't like to try to jam anything else into our luggage, but realistically if necessary we do laundry. Probably too much information, but I wash undies in the bathroom nightly so they have plenty of time to dry should they take longer than overnight.πŸ™‚
  18. It probably wasn't Willie. 🀣 He was based in the UK. Just your description of the passenger made me think of him.
  19. I'm hearing you, Linda. However our resident personal trainer (aka resident Labrador) is determined to make me run around the park. ☹️ According to the bathroom scales it is working.πŸ˜‚
  20. His name wasn't Willie by any chance? He was the cruise director on a P&O cruise we took in 2016. He had an array of really 'loud' (deafening actually) multi patterned, vibrant coloured suits. I've never forgotten him!🀣 I suppose from his point of view, mission accomplished.
  21. Well, I wouldn't expect one from P&O. πŸ™„πŸ™‚ RCI, not a sausage and that was an international cruise.
  22. That sounds delicious, Linda. I'd happily put my feet under your table (and I,too, am a carnivore!). Don't envy you packing, Les. I hate it! Hope you are keeping as well as possible.
  23. I'd be happy with ANY tote bag. Have never scored one!πŸ₯ΊπŸ™‚
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