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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. From what I saw a couple of weeks ago: Yes you get picked up at the "Terminal". IF for some reason your not, you should not need to pay for the shuttle though. Wether or not you can get dropped off somewhere else is probably at the discretion of the excursion tour driver. I would be surprised if it would be a problem though. Having said that, I didn't actually take part in anything in Valdez. I didn't have anything booked and weather wasn't good so I stayed onboard and had a nice relaxing day watching hat went on outside.
  2. I really don't know anything about this. But my gut feeling is that It would be better to make that other person in your Company the "first guest". Maybe canceling a "second guest" is better less bad than canceling "first"? As I said I really don't know, this is just a thought.
  3. I managed to find an email address to a cruise consultant that turned out to be very helpful. He couldn't apply the 20% now, but assures me that he can do it when it comes in. So I let him make the booking. (10 days British Isles in October. Pretty much the only one I could find that works with my "life schedule" and budget. And it also sounds nice!)
  4. Thanks for the info! Please com back if you manage to get it done! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  5. Unfortunately I don't see mine there yet. I'm just off the phone with NCL and the person I spoke to had no clue and with the horrible sound quality I felt it useless to try to get anywhere. I guess I'll just have to wait and likely miss out on the half-price FreeAtSea off that ends Wednesday (European guests actually buy the FAS with gratuities included instead of getting it for free and pay gratuities)
  6. So you were able to book already and get the 20%? It's supposed to be available from June 1st, but I would really like to book an October cruise right now. (I'm not in USA and I do not use a travel agent if that matters)
  7. EXACTLY!!! Well, now until December isn't an option for me. That's why I booked January! February and March would have been fine as well, but not April. I will not be able to take advantage of the 20% and that sucks! My flight (that I booked just a few days ago - why o why...!) at least has som flexibilty so it's not a complete waste. Hotels I can cancel. (At least one good thing came out of this: It got me, a long-time lurker to register here so I could vent! LOL! I feel so much better now.)
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