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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I can't be sure it's different but I have to say it seems like there is an additional discount. When I checked NCL flight prices a little while ago I was not impressed for that particular itinerary. The price I got on another itinerary during the promo was, as I said before, very good though. Which leads me to believe the actually is a discount/credit.
  2. This is what the European equivalent says. I'd be surprised if it was different for USA. (Try Googling "NCL airfare credit" and you should get the US version if you're in US) Guests with the AIRDISC promotion selected must add flights in order to store the reservation.
  3. In my case that wasn't an issue but I understand from discussions here that you can ask for a couple of days deviation at both ends. There are a couple of topics here about NCL Air that might be worth reading.
  4. But haven't you already received the discount for the second person when you get to the payment? It's not like it's going to suddenly be removed because you use the certificate.
  5. When I took advantage of a similar offer here in Europe recently NCL booked my flights and applied the discount. The price I was quoted was very good, but I wouldn't say the discount was as much as they claim if I compare it to what I could have booked myself. Still a good deal for me!
  6. I doubt that very much. The way I understand it is that you make your choices you get your discounts and promos and there is no applying of the certificate until you get to the actual payment. I may be wrong though since Cruise First isn't available in my country.
  7. No it's not. Maybe the world YOU live in. But I don't live in USA. (I'm not even sure it's true for USA)
  8. And I'm the opposite! I have zero need for twice daily service (heck, I could even do with every other day!) And even big production shows by the nice, they are no big deal to me. I care much more about the price and itineraries. But that's me and my sometimes odd priorities. Others apparently think very differently. But I think that in order to get new people into cruising (which is a must!) they probably need to have a good think about what pays and what doesn't.
  9. While it sounds like it's not a good ship for this destination because of its size, I truly don't get this. Why go on a cold weather cruise if you're not prepared for cold weather? Isn't that part of the experience? Scenery and climate. But hey, all the more outdoor space for me who loves cold weather when I go on the Star next month if everyone else wants to stay indoors! I think (hope) Star is more suited for this destination than the Prima.
  10. I only had one or two alcoholic drinks in ports during my Alaska cruise in May. But no tax added. I had the drinks package if that makes a difference.
  11. That's interesting! Last year was one of very few occasions when I misses cash. I was in Dresden and there were several incredibly talented street musicians. I did have some coins in my room, but most of the time forgot to bring them. Cause I just don't use cash...
  12. This is what I was thinking! I'm not a pin wearer of any kind myself, but as a cruise rookie I talked to many with huge cruising experience. I asked lot of questions and asked their views of different things. I wasn't aware of the pins then, but if I had been maybe they would have made me approach more people, and maybe they would have liked that. Or not... Hmmm...
  13. I have now taken advantage of my PCC a bit more and, much to my surprise, I find it very handy! He has been able to add some small things like double Latirude (even when not running promo), adding multiple coupons when the online system has denied me, and most recently he added a discounted flight (including port transfer) to a cruise that "shouldn't" allow it (and had I booked myself I wouldn't have had the option - I tried!). (Yes, it was very simple direct flights (Oslo-Reykjavik and Tromsö-Oslo) where I could have found good prices myself, but not as good as what he offered me.) So I will continue using him as long as he delivers! I have made it clear that I absolutely do not want him (or anyone else) to call me, and so far (6 months?) my wish has been respected. Edit: Maybe I should mention that I'm Europe (Sweden) based. Might make a different what's useful and what's not.
  14. As has been mentioned, most of Europe is kind of cashless. I live in Europe, but not in a Euro country and have had the same Euro stash for, I think, 8 years. I travel (by land) a handful times each year and usually only use a few Euros cash. Netherlands and Germany were quite late in embracing plastics, but nowadays I haven't had any problems there. I will get a small amount of £ when doing UK/Ireland in October, but don't really expecting to use them. Glad to see that @fruitmachine confirms that UK is as cashless as other places (but to be honest, not a surprise. plastic was extremly widespread very early at least in cities). Also maybe it's worth mentioning, cash tipping is nowhere near as common here as in US.
  15. I see a couple of you mentioning McDonalds. Well, if that's the standard we're looking for, then the patties I had at the buffet absolutely measure up! Not that that's saying much in my opinion...
  16. Yeah, I was unsure wether to bring that up here or not... I have bough CN that way without any issues a couple of times.
  17. I didn't order any hamburgers on my recent Spirit cruise, but a couple of times I managed to get to the buffet when they put out new patties and they were actually not bad at all! Good texture and not overdone. (I didn't make hamburgers with them, just had them with some coleslaw and veggies. And I only had them when just put out)
  18. That sounds like the CruiseNEXT. IYou can only purchade that onboard. But no problem getting them onboard! This is about the CruiseFIRST. It's my understanding it's available to US residents and can be purchased ahead of cruising. Not being a US resident I don't know more than that.
  19. An old topic, but still as odd! I did manage to cancel my dining booking that I somehow managed to put on the wrong day but I cannot believe it's not a real online option to do it in the year of 2023! Had to check that I somehow hadn't time-travelled back to 2010 or something like that... I used online chat.
  20. Most of your complaints are (for lack of abetter word) legitimate (the whole experience sounds awful!). This one, not so much. When in Europe, expect European outlets! The same as when I go to USA I expect US outlets (although I know that in high-end/modern hotels the might be the hybrid ones even though I have yet to stay in such a place in my many US trips even though I have friends who have seen them). (And there's actually at least three different outlet types in Europe when you include UK so you really can't expect to cater for all)
  21. 😄 My thoughts exactly! Not carbonara, but still sounds delicious! 😄
  22. I haven't read many cruise lines reviews but if I did I think I would use the same "tactics" as when reading book reviews: I'd first focus on 3-star (out of 5) reviews since they are probably kind of "balanced". Some good things, som bad things. (Having said that, I wouldn't be able to resist reading some 1-star ones as well out of curiosity what they thought was so bad. 😄 )
  23. Is it even an option to have one person in the group not having a drinks package? I thought it was all or none having packages. Edit: But as a solo traveller I may ver well have misunderstood this!
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