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Anoynmous Phoenix

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Everything posted by Anoynmous Phoenix

  1. @Yesimapirate We must be very fortunate as all cruises except two have been Inside.
  2. @FlGoodShips If you get the exceptional service that we do great for you. It would be even better if everyone did. When you are getting it sit quietly in moments when you are not eating or drinking and take a careful note of what is happening at tables near you and compare.
  3. @evanskl4 No. But my suggestion would be to ask the Concierge for a confirmation email listing the bookings.
  4. @JGmf Sorry but as it was private correspondence that I shouldn't have seen I don't feel I should quote what was written BUT what was written certainly wasn't anything like your suggestions.
  5. @yarramar ... we Aussies are sensitive. Only when you lose to NZ at any sport!! They are NOT bears. I fully agree with that but they are beautiful when you are able to see them in the wild as we have in Noosa a number of times
  6. If you are Lord of the Rings "groupies" then a visit to Hobbiton is a must. Make every effort to get to Matamata from Tauranga and join in the fun. However if you will be an extra day or two in NZ go there from Auckland and then "do" Rotorua from Tauranga.
  7. It is NOT the norm to tip in New Zealand, in fact it is the norm NOT to tip. I tip in the USA as it IS the norm so to do. I wish that those who HAVE to tip in their own countries would follow the norm in New Zealand and NOT tip.
  8. The interesting thing is that when one gets well up the scale of the Latitudes system then the more attentive people are.. If you don't believe me try to get hold of one of the notices the door staff print out at a restaurant to give to the server!!! I have seen ours!! A seater left it on the table, and got a flea in her ear by an Assistant Maître d' for doing so. You may even have 2 printed out, one for the server and one for the assistant Maître d'. If there is a problem, no matter how small, you can be certain of, at least, an Assistant Maître d' being at the table within minutes and have it sorted immediately, if not sooner. The service we receive, as Ambassadors, is unbelievable. We would need to write out 4-5 every night and then not cover anyone. Not long ago we had the GM's Secretary treating us like royalty, i made sure the GM knew!! But give her a Hero Card!!!
  9. @IAcruising ... one 1-liter bottle per person duty free. We are actually travelling New Zealand to Australia and back to New Zealand. So "NOT SO"!! We live in New Zealand and we have a reasonable limit!!! VBG. My wife and I have a limit of 3 bottles of spirits AND 6 bottles of wine EACH!!!
  10. We will have two days at the BW Incheon Airport Hotel before joining the Jewel and wondered if anyone had recommendations for day or half day tours
  11. DO NOT TIP IN JAPAN If you want help getting somewhere ask someone going in the SAME direction as you. If you ask some one coming towards you they will turn round and take part way.
  12. @BirdTravels Thanks; will see what I can see on those pictures.
  13. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/01.html Is the place I tend to look at for up-to-date information
  14. @FLAHAM No, to take off, Duty Free. In case we have Non-refundable OBC.
  15. FROM Auckland and not IN Auckland Waitomo Caves Hobbiton Rotorua Hire a car and make these the major places to visit. The first two on one day and the other days in the Rotorua area.
  16. White Bay is a long way from Downtown Sydney with NO public transport. This might help you make up your mind!!! VBG https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Little+National+Hotel,+Clarence+Street,+Sydney+NSW,+Australia/White+Bay+Cruise+Terminal,+2041+James+Craig+Rd,+Rozelle+NSW+2039,+Australia/@-33.8678763,151.1800835,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b12ae40d0a378b7:0x67dd7fb9ed911f15!2m2!1d151.20511!2d-33.865547!1m5!1m1!1s0x6b12ae4b1b5b8d3b:0x9e62fc1bca30cc5d!2m2!1d151.18862!2d-33.8607391!3e3?entry=ttu
  17. Is anyone able to provide a list of the spirits available on board with their prices, please? I am interested in Single Malts, Drambuie, Cointreau and Baileys. Also better quality Port. Thanks
  18. @zqvol Which airport does NCL do that please? I cannot say that I have ever seen it offered at a port where I have been debarking. @AKR2011 I agree that a Debark Shore Excursion to the airport is excellent; I have done it more than once. BUT the number of DSEs seems to have decreased over the years and is replaced by a Transfer instead. They are also VERY expensive, a captive audience.
  19. I enjoy turning up at a MDR just before dining and then look to see what is available. There is always something on the menu I am happy to eat.
  20. Remember that calls to US toll free call numbers are FREE through SKYPE from abroad
  21. @mking8288 You will be lucky to find them as there was no List given in the Freestyle Daily and there was no M&G. We were there three months ago; Roger Gustavsen was Master; and Zater Dal was GM, Vikram Mohindra was F&B. Will Fishburn was Future Cruise. April Anne Acosta was the EXCELLENT GM's Secretary
  22. @MoCruiseFan There are mo gratuities changed to your account How do you get your own (mo) gratuities? VBG
  23. When you do the first bag put your name on the bag with Latitude level and on the second the other person in the cabin each week/fortnight. If there is only one in the cabin talk nicely to the steward!!
  24. If you see a lower price than you paid you should do a mock booking. You will OFTEN find that the cheaper price is for a SAILAWAY cabin, the old Guarantee, with fewer perks.
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