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Everything posted by Retired-N-Happy

  1. Only counts for Saint Greg and Sid if the bathroom has a giant window looking outside so voyeurs can look in.
  2. Was she smart enough to request a specific vodka? If not, she gets rail swill.
  3. As Bob Barker would say "Please remember to get your vegetable dog spayed or neutered.".
  4. Must be a Europe vs Caribbean thing. Taste and Savor are usually crowded for embarkation lunch. Also, tell B to order a Coke Zero, which always comes in a can. Her Diet Coke could have come from a gun that the syrup was off.
  5. Similar to Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Jim Fowler. 😄
  6. They were eliminated by the soon to be Cup champs a few weeks ago. 😉😉😉
  7. On a quick serious note. Since both of you have mentioned about the other one snoring, have either of you ever had a sleep study done to acknowledge the possibility of sleep apnea? I've been using a CPAP, now a BiPAP for over 20 years and it's done wonders.
  8. It definitely would. It would stifle the noise from little Kylie when she was arguing with her siblings.
  9. As long as he doesn't want you to go on the Maury Povitch show everything should be OK.
  10. RCI eliminated all of their Jazz on 4 venues and turned them into smoke free mini casinos. Of course the older clientele on Princess would utilize Take 5 more than the younger cruisers on RCI.
  11. The poster I was replying to specifically said that Churchills should "limit smoking for cigars only." So that would eliminate how things were there back in the day since his "solution" would basically eliminate smoking cigarettes anywhere on the ship, but to enlarge Churchills for cigar smokers.
  12. That heat is her love for you oozing out of her pours that were opened up with the bad cooler and the multiple glasses of white.
  13. I'm still hoping that one of those kids will be sweet Kylie. 😄
  14. BS. It was and will always be worth the argument. I did it on NCL as well as RCI. It hasn't happened on Carnival since they don't have a HC section or HC marked chairs in their buffet. If they did though, obviously some would take advantage of it. I currently have two cruises booked on NCL and one on RCI over the next 15 months. Another argument could ensue if I witness this nonsense again.
  15. How does this solution help cigarette smokers? Seems to imply that there would be nowhere for them to smoke if the rest of the ship was smoke free and Churchills was for cigar smoking only.
  16. How many are in your harem via the seductive puck lit Murano glass vases?
  17. To those from the states that don't know, a "fag" is British slang for cigarettes. 😄
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