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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning to all. Sunny here and dry - the rains have moved on for awhile but right now we are out of the drought. Temps are cooling and I can feel Fall in the air in the mornings. Feels good. Little happening here of note. I will spend this morning hanging "lost dog" posters for a friend whose Corgi has disappeared. I fear coyotes which is why my dogs are always on leash. It has been gone for 2 days now. The coyotes and mountain lions around here are so darned fast. Otherwise i will continue to just plod along in the house and maybe get a box or bag out of here. I have taken to reading in the afternoons which slows down the tossing but I enjoy it. As I finish up a book...out it goes. Best wishes to all ... take care.... use your bubble wrap and remember, feet on the floor - heads up. I try to be so careful walking these days. I do have a couple of throw rugs which probably should be removed - have to think about that. Susan
  2. Sounds like a great cruise. I have been to Japan twice, but for very brief and limited visits. Will be tagging along. Very anxious to hear about the ship and the ports. Bon Voyage!!! Susan
  3. Good morning to all. Cool here this morning with temp of 48 when dogs and I ventured forth. High today in the mid-70's. Looks like the weather is cooling down but it is also drying out again. Will turn the sprinklers on again tomorrow. Have not been to Ephesus. I am enjoying the pictures since I had to cancel my Med cruise. I know I would have trouble handling the walking and the crowds. But it all looks wonderful. The shopping looks great too although that is the last thing I need to do these days. I am trying to thin out the closets. Spent most of yesterday trying to rehome a very sweet older lab-mix gentleman whose owner has had to go into a nursing home which does not allow large dogs. I think I have been successful and am feeling much relieved. He will join his new family this morning and it should be a good fit. If not we have rescue on standby. Best wishes to all, hope the day treats everyone well. I have nothing special on my schedule except to catch up with what I planned to do yesterday and did not get done. There is lots of that. Susan
  4. I am sorry to hear this. I hope the other two are negative. Susan
  5. This reminds whole discussion reminds me of the line from "The Elderberries" cartoon strip .... "My doctor tells me how to stay alive. He is 42, I am 85". No one really understands aging until 1) you are there yourself and/or 2) you are responsible for someone who is in throes of it. As the population has more and more of us ... doctors need to study and understand what is happening. Susan
  6. Good morning. Clear and cool with the high around 75. Currently, 10:30, it is 65. We had a hard rain last night with lots of lightening and thunder. More predicted for tonight. Made a quick store run this morning as I was out of eggs, bread and cheese. Picked up other necessities including some cleaning supplies and my checkout was over $100. Glad I am only shopping for one. On the other hand I lucked out with my car .... oil change was my free every 33rd time and since I was at the dealership where I bought the car they waived on all charges. So I think I am now set for the winter. Lots of yelling in the neighbor's driveway this morning... I heard the words "tree roots". I wonder what the issue was although I can guess - no insurance and in that building all 4 units are owned by one person who is a bit tight with his money (any time there is work to be done he votes "no"). I suspect the building whose driveway was torn up is telling him he has to pay for the repairs as his unit planted the offending trees. Most of you probably saw where a woman on a "vision quest" type of outing was lost in the mountains here for a few days. She was found safe, but the sheriff had come down pretty hard on her and the outfit that arranged it. "Nature will try to kill you"... was included in his comments (she had been told not use her phone - it was suggested not have it with her - and to fast while she was alone in the area). None of these is a good idea. It reminded me of when I was Dean (for one year- I hated the job) at the college and we had a Faculty member who wanted to do "vision quests" for students and was highly offended when I spoke against it because 1) it is a Native American religious rite, not to be treated lightly 2) Fasting for the time in the mountains is a very poor idea 3) going solo is asking for trouble and 4) the one that got the project vetoed by the reviewing committee and the college President - if you require these things of students to get a grade....you can be sued!!!! I emphasized number 1 but the President was more impressed by number 4. Take care all. Susan
  7. Good evening. Rain, we have rain and a heavy rain at that. Monty could do without the thunder. Next couple of days promise to be really wet. Can but hope. @Cruising-alongGood news !!! @Cruzin TerriMy next door neighbor used several respite cares for her folks when she was their caregiver. I think it saved her sanity.... I know it helped mine since I tried to help her much as I could. A couple times it was a "day care" situation but once it was in a nursing/rehab facility while we did a short trip. Check around and see what your area offers. Susan
  8. Good morning. Fall is on the way although I am sure summer will sneak back in a couple of times. High today around 75F. We had light rain again last night and showers are expected over the next few days. Sprinklers can remain off. Little on tap for today.... the car goes in for service at 1:00 and otherwise I plan to do as little as possible except I will need to take dogs out between any showers that arrive in our area. Right now they are settled into the favored doggie bed. They really are good buddies. Take care all. Susan
  9. Good afternoon from a sunny, but cooler, Durango. High today will be mid-70's and there is a possibility of rain this evening. An even better chance tomorrow and the next few days and we actually did get a pretty good shower last night. All saving on the water bill. The sewer work yesterday did not involve our yard or driveway. It took the contractors over 8 hours (that is going to cost someone) and I was right, it was tree roots. The cable guys are off the hook. This morning was the another early appointment, this one with the podiatrist at 9:00 . That one was easy and I ran a couple errands on the way home. Now to walk dogs again and then just do odds and ends around the house. Not a very exciting day. Happy anniversary to Pauline and Graham. Best wishes for a good day for everyone. @kazuDid you and the buyers resolve the issues with your moving date? Susan
  10. Good afternoon. I am sorry to hear some many having health issues today. My best wishes to all of you. My morning started with a trip to the dentist for a cleaning. I need to go back the end of December at which time we will decide if I need a deep cleaning. Something to look forward to. I have podiatrist and lab work still on my schedule not to mention car servicing and dog grooming. My wallet is going to be very flat and my credit card rather full. Fortunately I am coming up on a pay day. Still need to get to the grocery store and haul books to either the library or the thrift store. The latter is such a mess right now that I hesitate to take things out there. Has slowed me down quite a bit. Off to find some lunch and get to work ... oh yes, and dogs need a walk. Susan
  11. Good morning.... sunny and dry again. I will need to turn the sprinklers back on if no rain in the next day or two. High today will be in the mid to upper 80's. It was 55 when dogs and I walked at 7 this morning. It needs to cool off. I think that mosquitoes celebrate me. I seem to be a magnet for them. I was at Dunedin on the GANZ this year. Lovely area. Not long enough to see all I wanted but don't think I will get back. Drat!!! I need to get cracking this morning .... the frig needs a good clean out (read scrubbing) since it is pretty empty and then a trip to the store to restock. And the people are coming to talk to my neighbors about the sewer line. I have been asked to stand by as it might (I hope NOT!!!) involve our driveway and lawn. I still think tree roots. Susan
  12. Good morning - somewhat late. I was up early but had an appointment with my primary care doc at 7:45. Before that of course dogs had to be walked and fed. All went well with him and now I have to schedule my lab tests. He likes to talk with you and get info before scheduling the labs. His nurse wanted to try to draw the blood, but I am hard to get blood from so I said i would wait on the lab. Fortunately both he and the lab are close to me. So at 7:15 on September 3 it is back to clinic. No news here really. The building behind me has a sewer backup which they think is due to a broken line which, according to them, was done when the guys putting down broadband worked on the building. I tend to suspect tree roots. To repair the sewer line someone is going to have to dig up another buildings driveway. That will not go down well. I intend to watch from the sidelines. Off to walk the dogs again and try to finish up clearing out the small closet in back bedroom which is stuffed with boxes. My interest in the project is waning. Susan
  13. Good morning a bit late for no reason except that I am running a bit late. Sunny here with a possible rain shower this afternoon (but I doubt it). The nights are wonderfully cool and when the dogs and I walk early in the morning there is a definite hint of Fall in the area. I notice the number of tourists in town is down.... there are actual parking spots available. We will get the town back until skiers arrive. Another sort of blah day here... and nothing special on the agenda. @kazuIvan looks relaxed, even with all the traffic in "his" house. Sorry the move date is up in the air. I am one who likes to have things planned out .... and then of course the plans usually go by the wayside anyway. Best wishes to all. Susan
  14. Good morning. Today will be dry and sunny and pretty warm. It was 50F when the dogs and I walked this morning. There was a pretty stiff breeze and I found a light jacket was needed. Will have to search out Monty's little jackets and sweaters ... he shivered the whole walk. It will get up into the mid-80's later this afternoon. Yesterday mid-day I felt like I was coming down with something. Runny nose, eyes watering, headache and my arms were aching for some reason. In the evening I took a Covid test.... negative. This morning I am fine. Wonder what that was all about. Anyway, I am going to do some light work at home today. I have pulled out two boxes of unknown contents from storage to go through and I need to label some pictures I found in another box a few days ago. Those pictures will then go back in storage. At least people will know who is who. One is a favorite of mine.... my Grandmother (Dad's Mother) with her first two girls (twins) along with her Mother and Grandmother. Probably taken around 1893 looking at the age of the twins. One of the twins passed away at age 17, but the other was a very important person in my life when I was growing up. So ... off to have a semi-productive day I hope. Take care all and remember to use the bubble wrap. I really need to do something about my own balance issues. Will talk to Doctor next Monday when I see him. Am going to have to make a list of what I want to cover. Susan
  15. I was glad to hear from you, but not with this news. Very best wishes and continuing prayers... and keep us updated as you can and feel like. You have so much on your plate right now .... take care of yourself along with DH. We will be thinking of you. Susan
  16. Good morning. It was wonderfully cool when the dogs and I walked earlier .... 50F. High today will be about 80. We had rain again last night but now we go into a dry spell which is supposed to last for only a few days. I hope I can leave the sprinklers off - it really saves on our water bill. Did all the cruise adjusting yesterday .... am booked on the 28 day Alaska in June next year and am hoping we can adjust the cabin situation. I cancelled the Med cruise for October, 2025 as too long and too strenuous. I will just have to go with my memories of most of those ports in the past.... waaaaayyyy past when they were not crowded, no tickets and lines, and I was a lot faster on my feet. No real agenda for today.... will just do a bit of this and that ... and maybe read for awhile. @kazuHope the showings get a real bidding war going and I am glad Ivan is enjoying the pats and praise. I know he will enjoy his new home with you since it is with you. And I am sure he will become a celebrity very quickly. Take care all.... use the bubble wrap!!!! Susan
  17. Good morning. Sunny and dry right now although there may be thunderstorms in the pm. Current temperature is 60F (it is 8:45) and the high today will be in the high 70's. OK... sounds good. I notice the sun is slower to rise in the morning .... and so are my dogs. I had to haul them out of bed this morning. Jacqui... try to take it easy. I am sure your house looks good. I hope you can get it sold quickly. I am sorry to hear about the dizziness. Hopefully it can be dealt with by reducing meds.... and getting rid of some of your stress which will come. Let Ivan keep you calm. Little here. I worked with my TA on my cruise schedule. I am now on the Alaska 28 day June of next year although I am not completely happy with my cabin. He will try to adjust. It is my own fault... I was late booking. I don't have to make a decision before February. And I think I am going to cancel the Mediterranean round trip from New York in October 2025.. Just too long and probably too strenuous. Decisions, decisions. i have been to many of the ports.... but it was 40 plus years ago!!!! Where is that crystal ball when you need it! Take it easy everyone. Remember to use the bubble wrap. I have a doctor's appointment coming up in another week and I am going to talk to him about some PT for balance. Susan
  18. I remember that... and I also remember when the milk started to freeze if we were not fast enough getting it in ..... the cream rose and pushed the cardboard cap off. Susan
  19. Good morning from sunny and cool Durango. Current temp is 58F with a predicted high today of 81. We had a rain again early this morning accompanied by thunder and lightning. Little Monty dog was burrowed under the covers and shaking. Oddly enough, the thunder only seems to bother him when he is inside. Outside when it rumbles, he just ignores it. Storms are possible again tonight. Happy Birthday @richwmn. The scampi looks good but tonight will be a slice of ham and a salad. Clearing out the fridge again. Today is going to be taken up with lots of odds and ends of errands - some in person and some by phone. I have a little list. Best wishes for a good day to all. Susan
  20. Just checking in. Good morning on a lovely cool (67F) and rainy morning. We had a couple of thunderstorms last night and the rain has continued into today. According to forecast it will move out in an hour or so, but return again this evening. I'll take it. Just have to time my doggie outings as Monty thinks he will melt. Today will be a very low key day.... actually, that has been the case for the last week. While I am not getting much done on the downsizing each day.... I do get somethings taken care of, but I have many boxes to sort and several closets yet to go and those are packed with boxes full of who knows what. And of course, lots of books to read .... I still am trying to get some of my many scottie/westie "collectibles" up to scottie rescue in Denver, but having no luck. Too expensive to ship.... and, I cannot drive up over the mountain passes or into Denver traffic. Well, I probably could if I had to... but I don't want to. Too far and I have gotten used to the lack of traffic here. Sending best wishes to everyone. Susan
  21. I have let HAL obtain visas for the ports where that service is offered. No standing in line and in most cases they already have your passport (depends on location). I would rather pay extra and not have to worry about filling out forms. Susan
  22. The dogs here do not think they are spoiled since I made them go out into the rain this morning when we got up. It was a a quick trip, and now that the sun is out I will take them out again for a longer and more sedate (and maybe more productive) walk. We may get rain again this afternoon..... it is so appreciated right now. High today will be in the high 70's which is also welcomed. I would love a Pisco Sour. Off to pick up salad makings at the Farmers Market.
  23. Cloudy and cool today and last night we finally had a good rain. Hope for more today. High today is forecast at 72. Quite a change from the last few weeks. If it rains more today I can shut off the sprinklers for awhile. Will gladly accept the Sangria. Feel so badly about Sam. I know all too well how hard it is to make that decision and to say that last goodbye. He has had a good life with you. Off to start laundry and maybe give the dogs another quick "out" as the skies are getting darker. Susan
  24. Good morning. A little cooler this morning with possible light showers this afternoon. We actually had a light rain yesterday, so there is hope. I was up early to go to the store to pick up milk and a couple other items. I have paperwork and bill paying to complete today.... and tossing more stuff. Yesterday I started out with good intentions, found a book I had not read and sat down with it. So much for that afternoon. Oh well, the book is now ready to head out to the library donation bin. Little else. @StLouisCruisersI love the all season tree. Clever idea. @kazuSorry you are not feeling well. It very well may be stress. I know I could not keep up your pace in getting the house ready and things disposed of. I need to get a lot more ruthless. (eek!!! blue bubble is disappearing). My best wishes to all others dealing with weather or illness. Better sign off while I am ahead. I think my old computer is thinking of giving up the ghost. Susan
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